Brotherhood of Thorgrimm

Leader : Thorgrimm
Gang Type : Squats
Rules References : House Rules, read them here

This band of degenerates has managed to build up quite a reputation in the Underhive. So far these Squats have managed to go undefeated in the underhive. They have been noticed lurking away at the side of fights waiting to pick off the survivors and laying ambushes for rival gangs. The gang is slow but deadly in hand to hand combat, they also have a few good shots amoungst them. I believe these degenerates to be involved in illegal activities (they have already been outlawed once but managed to pay off thier price with thier illgotten gains) and recommend that we keep a close eye on them. The Brotherhood do however seem to have done us one favour, they eliminated the revolutionary 'Karl', the original leader of the Red Army Faction. I would put this down to pure chance rather than any desire to stop the revolutionaries, indeed the Brotherhood seek revolution themselves demanding equal rights for Ab-Humans. Do these mutants not see their obvious inferiority? They should be glad we tolerate them at all.

Update 12/10/40099

These degenerates luck seems to have finally run out as they have now suffered defeat in a large gang-fight in which old enemies The Red Army Faction, came out on top.

Update 8/6/40100

Since the last entry the Brotherhood have started to rely more and more on hand to hand combat, this relience combined with thier stunted form has made the gang weak. Unable to close quickly with the enemy and lacking the fire-power of many other gangs makes the squats vulnerable to shooting. They should not, however be dismissed as a non-threat, they manage to maintain a good reputation in the hive through thier shear determination in battle.

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