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This is similar to the first importantandsecret presentation that I made. However this is a quiz. You will need to keep score for this so I recommend that you get out a sheet of paper and a writing utensil. (Put that fork away…I said WRITING utensil, you moron.) Please follow my instructions explicitly and you may be (un)pleasantly surprised at the end.

Did you know that Hillary Banks puts her address on her keys, so if she loses them, someone will know where to return it?

When you see these things, do you see hardware or implements of torture?

Eavesdropping is bad.

Are you the Pawn of Prophecy?

If I were to run for Emperor of the World, would you vote for me?

How are your juggling skills? Rank on a 1 to 10 scale…1 being the best and 10 being the worst.

Don’t you think that George and Simon are awesome?!!

This is a three part question. a) Are you vain? b) Do you own a full length mirror? c) Where for art thou, Romeo?

Did you know that a stop sign is an example of an octagon?

Are you wearing too many hats and an ugly purple sweater that doesn’t coordinate with your red tie?

Do you aspire to become a tightrope walker when you grow up (or down)?

La La La La Connect the Dots.

Do you lack motivation but enjoy an occasional carrot?

Is your computer plugged in and do you have a mouse pad from Walden Software?

Do you dream of being rich and then buying a chocolate factory with your money?


Do you like beans?

Which gorgeous doctor and interesting engineer enjoy darts?

Do you like interrogations?

Estas debil o fuerte?

Can you make stacks of paper as high as the ones on this cool guy’s desk and not have them fall?

Add up your score. Multiply that number by 0 to get your final score. See next page for the interpretation of your score.

If your score was 0 you are among the majority of people that are NOT Too Cool for Stairs. If for some strange reason you got a number higher than 0 you are most definitely too cool for stairs. Power to the Math Deficient!!


Email: duneedon@juno.com

Home Page: www.geocities.com/Area51/Shuttle/5247

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Microsoft Internet Explorer
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