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You A Girl Jitters Man In The End Golden Gates Inter-self Magic Tornado Songs Rainbow's End Fire & Smoke Traveling Confusion Mental Cruelty Your Flame My Poems Big Old Pond Send Me Down War Circles Things My Valentine My Love Bottom of Page

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.....My name is Steven Elliott, and this is the Poetry Corner. I have been writing poems and songs for as long as I can remember, but the level at which I wrote elevated after I met my wife. My life experiences and my wife are my inspiration behind my Songs & Poems.

Come take a free peek. All I ask is that you don't use them in any kind of written works, unless you have my written permission. Enjoy!

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I want you for your body
I want you for your soul
I want you for so many things
That you will never know

Your eyes are full of wonder
Your steps are full of grace
I'll never forget the beauty
Of a smile on you're face

A life is full of maybes
A life is full of doubts
A heart is full of love and hope
To help us win the bouts

If my life is long
If my life is full
My life will always be happy
If I'm here with you


A Girl

Married a girl so sweet and nice
Must have added sugar twice
She's the reason songs are sung
She's the reason bells are rung
I will serve and grant her wishes
Be her slave and do her dishes
She's the reason that birds fly
She's the reason bees buzz by
Sweeter than the sweetest flower
I want to share her every hour
She's the reason life goes on
She's the reason I write songs
The only thing I know for sure
I couldn't love her any more

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When the big day finally comes
I'll be nervous and all numb
Dressed all up in fine clothes
Repeating those words every knows
Giving a ring and getting a wife
Signing away the rest of my life
No more going out with the guys
Or sneaking around and telling lies
But when life isn't going just right
I know I won't be alone at night
By my side will be my wife
The one I vowed to share my life



No man is above reproach
From the president
to the pope
Judge not the man of the past
Just the man standing
here at last

In the End

Over the earth a dark soul loomed
Knowing they were all horribly doomed
Revelations time had finally come
And they would know when it was done

Up from the ashes a figure arose
With no one fear or oppose
Out of the thick smoke it came
An evil soul in a mans frame

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He granted them wishes at every whim
Them not knowing it was him
Followers gathered throughout the land
Coming to him with an open hand

On his face was a ghoulish grin
As they the sheep all came to him
He posed like a savior to them then
But they would know him in the end

He rose to power over them all
To lead them to their final fall
He came to them as a friend
No one could foresee the end

He caused wars at every hand
Totally desecrating all the land
Bringing countries under his power
He stood like a grim iron tower

As the days went rushing by
A few began to wonder why
So in time they had their doubts
But not the strength to win the bout

Tried to gather the few they had
So the good could defeat the bad
But by then it was way too late
The masses had already sealed their fait

Now they saw him for what he is
But they were already too much his
He let out a strange evil laugh
As survivors crawled in the after math

All the living screamed and cried
Finally knowing he had lied
Laughing and boasting he bled the land
Wringing out it's blood with his evil hand

Bringing a death of a horrible kind
Without a whimper or even a whine
Then he raised up his hand
Squeezing the last blood from the land
He was the devil in human form

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Golden Gate

When the final day does come
And give an end to life and fun
I'll go up to the golden gate
And right there I will wait
Until the time when I will see
You are there beside me


Looked into the mirror one night
Received a terrible fright
Instead of a reflection to see
I saw a figure talk back to me
It was my inter-self
The one put up on a shelf
Confused at how this could be
Somehow it had gotten free
Stood and talked for a while
It in an unorthodox style
Reminded me of things back then
Reminded me of way back when
Trying to help with all it can
Trying to lend a helping hand
When I needed someone the most
There he was, my own ghost
He helped to understand myself
Before returning to the shelf
Tried to take my life back then
Now I'm glad it didn't end



She's the love of my life
My sweet and loving wife
We have something rare
Few people ever share
This love we know so well
Is like a magic spell
It's pure and true love
Like a blessing from above
We are a lucky pair
To have a love
Like this to share


As the tornado passed over head
I laid and huddled under my bed
As the shingles blew off the house
I laid as quiet as a mouse
Praying my life would be spared
I laid wide-eyed, frightened and scared

When the tornado had passed by
I went out, looked at the sky
How could this, possibly be
Rubble as far as the eye can see
Yet, in the middle, there it stood
My frail structure, made of wood



Songs are being sung everywhere
Songs that people love to hear
While they hold their loved one close
The person that they love the most
With their arms around each other
Knowing they'll always be together

Songs tell us of sweet stories
They take away all the worries
Showing us the right way
Help us through another day
Showing us how to deal
Helping show us how to feel

Songs are written every day
They are written in every way
But the songs I think of
Are the songs of true love
The songs that are held so dear
Are the songs I love to hear

Sitting by myself alone
I write songs of my own
Songs about loves of past
Songs about loves that last
Knowing there will be a time
I'll write of a love of mine

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Rainbow's End

Look at the colors of the sunset skies
Look at the wonder in the children's eyes
Although these are beauties I cannot describe
I can tell of a place where they reside
Beyond the rainbow's end

This may be foolish fantasy
And have no connection with reality
But of all the places you could be
Wouldn't it be nice to be with me
Beyond the rainbow's end


Fire and Smoke

Up from the fire and out of the smoke
A dark figure came, in an evil frame
Horns on it's head and eyes bright red
Rapped in black skin, all full of sin

Not saying a word, that could be heard
He pointed an hand erupting the land
Everyone screamed as his dark grin gleamed
For more than miles the death toll piled

Then yelling out, while glancing about
From hell I have came, to stake my claim
All that you see, is but a wink from me
You will all be mine, until the end of time

I'll corrupt you all and to your knees you'll fall
No one can save you, before I'm am through
So bend down, worship me, for your gods to see
(Full of fear, down they bent, giving their self-relent)


Traveling down life's lonely road
Hitching rides to places unknown
Never pausing to remember or meet
Just long enough to rest my feet
Never following any maps or lines
Never taking time to read the signs
Just traveling down the road
Final destination, place unknown



When the ticking of the clock goes by
I sit and listen, wondering why
I am here in this strange place
Not a member of a different race

How did I choose this body of mine
This one place in space and time
What kind of force can there be
To create what I call me

Was it just the man my father
Making love to the women my mother
Or is this some great plot
Of a being, I know not

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Mental Cruelty

Here I am with my old coon dog
Beat up guitar and my Harley hog
She got the jewelry and diamond rings
The car, the house, the expensive things
I believe if god is just and wise
He must be a woman in disguise

Once had a marriage full of bliss
Now it's all come down to this
She ran off and left me
Called our marriage mental cruelty
I got the bills and the collecting hoods
She got the money and material goods

They say a fool is born everyday
It's hard to laugh, signing over your pay
Every morning I'd head to work once more
Jody was sneaking in my back door
I'd be at work, pulling and lugging
She'd be at home, kissing and hugging

I'll never trust a woman again
Marriage is mental cruelty, in the end
So I'll stay with my old coon dog
Playing my guitar, sitting on my hog
Believing if god is just and wise
He must be a woman in disguise


Your Flame

When I came home for lunch
You gave me a small hunch
You gave me a big kiss
Made me overflow with bliss
Being with you felt so great
Forgot about work or being late
That afternoon, you made me remember
I'm your flame, not an ember

My Poems

My poems are meant for you
No one else would ever do
For you're the breath that fills my lungs

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You're the reason why songs are sung
You're the twinkle of my eye
You're the reason why birds fly
You're the keeper of my heart
To keep it safe while we're apart


Big Old Pond

I've found a woman smart and nice
Not just looking to entice
Every person has that perfect mate
Whether called destiny or called fate

There's redheads, brunnettes, and blondes
Lots of fish in this big old pond
Men like them tall, big, short, or small
Whether round or thin, the demands are in

If they all were built the same
This big old world would be pretty lame
I finally found the one for me
That perfect fish in this big old sea

So break the bread, pure the wine
Today I'll make that woman mine
Not my girl, but now my wife
My mate I vowed to share my life

Send Me Down

Working at the coal mine, digging up coal
Earn a little money so I can sell my soul
Digging up coal at the mine all day
Then going to the bar, so I can play
Working the day away, till night does come
So I can go out and have my fun
Getting into fights, trouble of every kind
Finding a pretty girl to share my time
When the final time comes to pay
I'll be broke on that day
Down to hell they'll send me
To dig for all eternity



War is a terrible thing
Hurt and death, yet one sings
Out of wars comes great songs
Not of death or great wrongs
But of life and the glories
Not the dead or territories

Maybe, we'll realize someday
It's a terrible price to pay
Can't we all just live together
Without killing off each other
For peace we pay the ultimate fear
The taking of life we hold so dear

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Life always flows in circles
Bringing us from once we came
Just to swirl us around again
Things always seem the same
Never taking us to the end
Just replaying life's little miracles



Things that make everything right
Like long freeways, beaches and sunlight
Dancing to a real slow song
Or a pretty woman that comes along
Nice moonlit walks at night
Sweet smelling flowers budding with life
Or materialistic and expensive things
Like big cars and diamond rings
It doesn't matter what you like
As long as it makes you feel right

My Valentine

There comes a day but once a year
Every man says what a woman wants to hear

Sings her praises and all her glories
He tells romantic tales and loving stories

What I say, I say all year round
I sing your praises throughout the town

When I found love, I found it true
I found my perfect match, and it was you

When struck with the arrow from cupid's bow
I fell in love with you heart and soul

I placed you on a pedestal so mighty and high
Your sweet fingers will touch the blue sky

That entertaining day you put on my ring
I heard the heavens open and the angels sing

When those magical dice rolled across life's table
I must have been wearing a Prince's label

Why you chose me, I can't clearly see
I prefer just to thank those powers that be


My Love

You're my true love
The only woman I dream of
My wonderful and loving wife
The woman I want to share my life
The woman I'll always need
To help me and take the lead
My wonderful and loving wife
The woman to whom I vowed my life

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.....If you liked my Poems and would like to see more of my work, just click
on the link below. You can read one of my longer works of literature.


"Blind Faith or Wishful Thinking?"

My Home Page!

Last Updated - 6 June 1999

Visitors Since - 16 May 1999

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