Beedo in RotJ

“Beedo, a relative of Greedo, sits with a Jawa on the stairs in Jabba the Hutt’s Palace.”

Slipping out of character for a moment, I want to point out that this is the collector card that started this whole thing, back in 1983, thanks to the Topps Company. When I got my Return of the Jedi card/sticker album back then (I was eight, and have since lost it), this was the first card I got. My first-ever action figure was Greedo, who was a pretty cool-looking alien, and so I became enamoured with Rodians. When this card popped up, I instantly loved it.

Special thanks go to Carl Stitz, who has found me copies of the cards with Beedo on them, and they have been posted here. Thanks again to the fine folks at The Greedo Page for letting me use their JPEG in the interim. You’re a swell bunch.

I’m sure there are some copyrights attached to these images, but until I get pissy e-mails from the appropriate lawyers, I won’t know exactly who to credit. For the sake of argument, let’s say Lucasfilm, Ltd. and the Topps Company.

ANYWAY, slipping back into character . . . .

I’m at the comm-panel on the wall to the right of Jabba as R2-D2 is beeping in a frightened manner, just before Bib says, “Kava no teis, mai lorda.”

I turn away from the comm-panel to look at Luke’s Hologram.

I’m to the left of Luke’s hologram, shifting from foot to foot.

As Luke says, “As a token of my goodwill...” I turn back to the comm-panel, then back to his hologram.

The Rodian just behind Bib as EV-9D9’s torture chamber fades into the big musical number isn’t me. It’s another Rodian. I think his name’s Kulu. I never asked; I don’t trust strange Rodians.

I’m in an alcove behind Oola, dancing beside a Jawa (Hnunga Kkak) as the first set closes.

I’m still dancing in the alcove (screen left) beside Hnunga as that scene-stealer, Fett, walks off-screen behind Jabba.

I’m still dancing as Oola begins struggling with Jabba. Okay, so it’s the same dance move. Whaddaya expect? I’m a Rodian computer geek, not John Travolta!

I appear briefly to the left of a Gamorrean just before the cut-away to Oola in the Rancor pit. A pity about that. Good-looking green babes are hard to come by on Tatooine.

I turn at the sound of a blaster-shot from the stairwell.

I watch a slime-coated C-3PO emerge from behind the daïs after being knocked off by Jabba.

I move next to Ree-Yees (left background) as Chewbacca is dragged off by two Gamorreans.

As Luke is confronting Jabba, I can be seen in the next few scenes in the background, between Luke and Tessek.

(Card courtesy of Decipher Card Games.)

During the chaos in the rancor pit, I can be seen between the Gamorreans Rogua and Captain Ortugg. You want to know why my hands are held in front of my face? You’d do that too, if you were standing behind two, unwashed, sweaty Gamorreans. Bleah!

I’m shoved aside as that Lando guy barges through to get Luke from the dungeons.

The Rodian spotted behind Lando as Han blurts out, “Where’s Leia?” isn’t me. It’s that other guy I mentioned earlier.

The last time you see me, I can be located behind a Gamorrean and beside Saelt-Marae the Yak-Face during the sentencing of the Rebels to the Great Pit of Carkoon. Why didn’t I go on the sail barge? Simple. Xena was on, and I never miss it.

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