
Breed: Lupus Nature: Caregiver
Auspice: Theurge Dameaner: Explorer
Tribe: Uktena Rank:   Claith ( 1 )
Lupus Appearance Homid Appearance

   Is a full grown black wolf. Has a hair-less scar over his left eye.  He has a small gold band around his right-front leg, just above the paw, set in the band is a small blue gemstone.

Note: appearance is -1 in lupus and hispo because of the hair-less scar

   Is a young man that appears to be 16 years of age.  Has a scar over his left eye.  Has long black hair, and dark brown eyes. Wears old, ragged clothing (dedicated serves as an armor of 2).  And wares a small gold ring on his right hand, which has a blue gemstone set in it.

If shirts removed, has scars of the uktena symbol and the thruge symbol carved in sholders, also has a small scar across sholder.

The following is all OOC info (exsept the pics)..... and can not be used IC.

Here are some Lupus pics:

(both pre-scar)

Brief history

  Robert was born into a pack of Uktena and Uktena wolf kin, raised among the "great wolfs" he is some what acostome to there culcher, in fact it came little surprise to him that his father was one of them, thought the fact that he was born human came as a pit of a shock.  He learned all this some time in late October, after his first change.  He also found he the spirit have been teaching him much in his dreams, and the fist change brought many of these forgotten lessons to the surface.  How ever something didn't go right derring his tutoring after the first change...    The pack was attacked by a band of BSDs, they killed off must of his pack, witch as caught of gard, he was suvearly wounded, and the last he saw of his pack was when he saw his father fight the leader of the attacking party as he was tossed into a moonbrige and to safety, landing outside the tavern of a friendly kin.

  Skylar (the kin) helped him, and brought him to Maggie at Dreng Skapr, and he's been there ever since.


Physical Social Mental
Strength  ________OO Charisma ________OOO Perception  __(attentive)___OOOO
Dexterity ________OOO Manipulation  ______O Intelligence __(knowlable)___OOOO
Stamina _________OOO Appearance _______OO Wits  ________________OO


Talents Abilities knowledge
Alertness__________OOO Animal Ken_________OO Computer_______
Athletics __________OO Drive______________ Enigmas ________OO
Brawl ____________OO Etiquette ___________ Investigation _____O
Doge_____________OO Firearms ___________ Law ___________
Empathy __________O Leadership _________O Linguistics_______OO
Expression________ Melee _____________O Medicine________OOO
Intimidation ________ Performance ________ Occult__________OOO
Primal-Urge________OOO Repair _____________ Politics _________
Streetwise _________ Stealth_____________OO Rituals __(mystic)___OOOO
Subterfuge _________O Survival____________O Science_________

Backgrounds Gifts Gifts
----------Rites----------- Sence Magic Mother's Touch
Past Life_____OOOO Heightened Senses                 Spirit Speech                       
Sence Wyrm

Rage Gnosis Willpower
OOO                       OOOOO               OOOO                 

Glory Honor Wisdom
OOOO                    OOOO                  OOOO                 

Merits Flaws
Charmed Exsistance Forced Transformation:   to Crinos when under influence of alcohol
Metamorph Forced Transformation:   to Hispo when in the Umbra
Ancestor Ally (father) Forsed Transformation:   to Hispo when in frenzy

Rite of Talisman Dedication Rite of Summoning Rite of the Fetish
Prayer for the Pray Hunting Prayer Right of Cleansing

Name Level Gnosis Power
Gnosis Ring



Holds 3 points of Gnosis.  Must be attuned before Gnosis can be added or removed.
Dragon Klave



Like a standerd clave, but it's hadle shaped into the head of a dragon, it has the power to produse a raged attack doing a base damage of 5 fire damage dice by breathing flames from the mouth of the dragon carved int othe handle. This cost one of it's gnosis, witch is reacharged by placing it in clear water, under moon light for 2 weeks. When attunted it will burst into flams alowing it to do agg damge, or the handle will come to life and do the fire-breathing attack. (named-soulreaver)

Maneuver/Weapon Roll Difficulty Damage Range Rate Clip
Lock Jaw Dex+Brawl






Fur Gnarl Dex+Brawl






Dragon Klave Dex+Melee




