Where mystical creatures and magical beings dwell and spin their web of enchantment...

Greetings, I am Celestial Storm, and welcome to my Realm. Here, you will find the secrets, joys, and interesting aspects of the mystical ones that live here (mainly me). I suppose you met Lilith, the guardian of the door to this world. I am glad that you found the golden key, for there are many things to see here, and t'would be a shame for these things never to be revealed.

Wow, I haven't updated in forever! I do admit, I've been working on two completely different pages. I have a new Sailor Moon site called Celes' Sailor Moon Shrine of Love and Beauty, and I'm also starting an awesome site with my best friend called Fate's Workings. (On that page, I'm referred to as "Morgain Fate.") The new Sailor Moon site is going pretty well, and Fate's Workings has some hilarious stuff, although we haven't posted the sections on the main page yet. Thanks so much for visiting this site! If you're come here religiously (and you all know who you are)I love you all! To any newcomers, please enjoy my page, and don't hold back on the psychotic threats!

Click here for months of procrastinating that paid off:

Presenting... Something special that each and every one of you should see! (Come on, if ya really love me, you'll click here.

**Updated!!!! Ever wonder what that web I spoke of (see above) really is? Click on the period on the end of this sentence . <----- (let's work on our mouse skills, people!)

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Please mail me with suggestions, comments, and psychotic threats to my life. (Um...'Twas a joke, friend.)

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