02/13/00 15:31:55
Name: Angeline | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What is your favorite Movie?: Anything sci-fi/fantasy | Who are you favorite Actor/Actress?: Kyle MacLachlan and Gates McFadden | What is your favorite Book And Author?: A Spell for Chameleon by Piers Anthony |
Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: Brunnettes | What do you think of Star Trek?: It takes the human soul to a new depth | If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: I wish I could use 100% of my brain |
I love this page! The backgrounds and music are wonderful. The poems and drawings are very well done. You're a natural...keep up the good work!
02/12/00 21:24:30
Name: Kristie | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What is your favorite Movie?: Under Seige | Who are you favorite Actor/Actress?: Steven Seagal | What is your favorite Book And Author?: 1984 George Orwell |
Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: Brunettes | What do you think of Star Trek?: LOVE IT!! | If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: A Trip to Jamaica |
I just stopped by to welcome you to the site fights and say I
look forward to voting for you ...*S* I am leaving this littl Angel here to look after you and
your guests and the spirit wand to remind you to KEEP THE SPIRIT HIGH...*S*
02/12/00 21:16:05
Name: Judy | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What is your favorite Movie?: Wizard Of Oz |
What do you think of Star Trek?: Love it | If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: World Peace |
Wishing you good luck in the site fights-brought you a balloon to keep your spirits up
Also wanted to bring you a Happy New Year Banner to celebrate and a little cheer
We are soaring on wings to reach the sky
We are the DAngelwings, we soar and fly
We cheer the loudest, we cheer the best
We cheer for each other and for the rest
We'll shout it loud and shout it strong
So watch us while we sing our song
We'll clap,dance,cheer,laugh and sing
So watch us while we soar on golden wing
So let's get out there on shouting day
Let no one stop you or get in your way
A sprinkle of fairy dust to let you know your one of the best.
02/12/00 21:08:29
Name: Emily | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What is your favorite Movie?: Sleepless in Seatle |
Who are you favorite Actor/Actress?: Julia Roberts | What is your favorite Book And Author?: Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling |
I found your site on the Site Fights VE board. You have a great site! Would you be interested in a VE? Visit my site and let me know! Good luck in the Fights!
02/12/00 18:52:13
Name: Creem | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What is your favorite Book And Author?: Tolkien/LoTR |
Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: brunettes |
Cats and Creem was here,
to spread some Site Fights cheer!
So don't fret and don't worry,
just follow the trail that is furry!
We're headed for a land of Bunnies,
and a site called Cats and Creem!
Lucky Sunday brought you a Spirit Stick
may it bring you spirit and joy!
Creem and the Zoo!
02/12/00 01:14:17
Name: Prism Elf | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What is your favorite Book And Author?: Danielle Steel |
Greetings from Seryn Isle at The Site Fights! My name is Prism Elf, and I am visiting to invite you to drop by my home at Seryn Isle. Seryn Isle is a satellite team for Th
Site Fights - the top website competition on the Net! We would love to have you visit us and consider joining The Seryn Isle
Elves! Thank you for your time. See you at Seryn!
02/11/00 17:37:18
My URL: Visit Me |
02/11/00 13:38:42
Name: Septerra Scythe | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What is your favorite Movie?: Interview With The Vampire | Who are you favorite Actor/Actress?: Antonio Banderas | What is your favorite Book And Author?: The Vampire Armand |
Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: Black | If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: Mortality |
Tis a dark and twisted path into the arms of darkness.......Come with me my sweet, and feast with the angels of the night.......
02/10/00 21:35:46
Name: Hope | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What is your favorite Movie?: Mulan and Titanic | Who are you favorite Actor/Actress?: Kate Winslet | What is your favorite Book And Author?: don't have one |
Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: Brunnettes | What do you think of Star Trek?: It's okay | If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: Good friends for life |
This web site is awesome! :)
02/10/00 00:58:50
Name: justin | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What is your favorite Movie?: the wall |
Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: all woman | What do you think of Star Trek?: its groovy baby |
yeah baby yeah!!!!!!!!!!
02/09/00 23:08:50
Name: Michael Kingsley | My Email: Email Me | What is your favorite Movie?: Repo Man |
Who are you favorite Actor/Actress?: Dean Stockwell | What is your favorite Book And Author?: SNOW CRASH by Neal Stephenson | Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: Brunettes, unless the hair is covering the top of a real harpy |
What do you think of Star Trek?: Kind of got tired of the techno-babble in later episodes; haven't watched it in quite a while | If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: To hop forward about 100 years and peek about |
Nicely done website. I stumbled across it while checking out the (alleged) website for our local SF club, MSFA (Memphis Science Fiction Association). I gave the guy who put it up some HTML corrections to put on the site, and it's still not working right
It looks like he tried updating it somewhat, but it's embarassing to have a website for a SF club (i.e. a bunch of geeks who should know something about HTML and other geekmania) where the links don't work right. Oh well...
02/08/00 23:53:22
Name: Zac W | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What is your favorite Movie?: Matrix/ All others | Who are you favorite Actor/Actress?: Sean Connery | What is your favorite Book And Author?: Too Many (Fantasy) |
Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: Either or! | What do you think of Star Trek?: Love it, I'm a Trekkie! | If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: A sweet kiss |
This has to be one of the best pages I've seen in a long time the music and picture cordination, the background, wonderful. If anybody knows any other good pictures sites e-mail me the url and maybe I can help you with something else. I'm currently workin
on pictures for a few friends. So I need help thx!
02/05/00 20:35:54
Name: sgufly | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What is your favorite Movie?: Bridge on river Qui | What is your favorite Book And Author?: Bible | Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: Bru. my wife |
What do you think of Star Trek?: I like | If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: Peace in the world |
02/04/00 12:46:31
Name: Barry Blair | My URL: Visit Me | What is your favorite Movie?: The Wind and the Lion |
Who are you favorite Actor/Actress?: Huphrey Bogart, Bruce Lee and Jet Li | What is your favorite Book And Author?: The Anubis Gate by Tim Powers | Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: Brunnettes |
What do you think of Star Trek?: I wish they could have done what Gene Rodenberry orriginally wanted. | If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: 9 more wishes |
Great site! Your backgrounds, tags, layout, etc. are very professional. And the Windblade picture is great. It brings back some nice old memories. Thanks, Penny, for the page.
02/02/00 20:44:43
Name: R.Toonen | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What is your favorite Movie?: starwars |
Who are you favorite Actor/Actress?: h.ford/m.pfeifer | Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: reds |
nice homepage ,
finally a starwars page without 2000 links
01/22/00 04:23:59
Name: JLT | My URL: Visit Me | What is your favorite Movie?: Titanic and Independence Day |
Who are you favorite Actor/Actress?: Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor and Liberace | What is your favorite Book And Author?: I have several favorites | Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: Don't matter |
What do you think of Star Trek?: I loved it. | If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: A good life. |
01/18/00 05:40:49
Name: vigor | My URL: Visit Me | What is your favorite Movie?: excallibur |
Who are you favorite Actor/Actress?: john cleese | What is your favorite Book And Author?: black wolf by phillip caveny | Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: thats a tough one |
What do you think of Star Trek?: its ok | If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: to be able to comunicate with ghosts |
nice page but it needs more wolves
01/18/00 05:35:45
Name: vigor |
My URL: Visit Me |
01/18/00 03:42:04
Name: Mike | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What is your favorite Movie?: House on Haunted Hill | Who are you favorite Actor/Actress?: Will Smith | What is your favorite Book And Author?: Tommyknockers Steven King |
Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: Blondes | What do you think of Star Trek?: One hell of movies | If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: To become a good vampire |
You Have A Good Web Site
01/16/00 15:12:43
Name: ELFBOB | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What is your favorite Movie?: Conan the Barbarian | Who are you favorite Actor/Actress?: Can't decied just one actr | What is your favorite Book And Author?: Myths and Legends |
Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: Both I must say... | What do you think of Star Trek?: Very interesting... | If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: Pegasus... |
This site would be my favorite choice of all the others I have visited. Volcana has a magnetism that is very powerful, as there is a force that draws me back to her. My eyes have found beauty in her and her work, I shall return again. Fare ye well, ELFBOB
.. p.s. Zena and you are similar!
01/16/00 07:44:39
Name: Lee Schmidt | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What is your favorite Movie?: Armageddon | Who are you favorite Actor/Actress?: Sabrina Lloyd | What is your favorite Book And Author?: Elfstones Of Shannara, Terry Brooks |
Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: Personally, red heads | What do you think of Star Trek?: It's alright | If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: Ashgar Connemara Stud |
Unicorns are sooooo gorgeouse... This site is beatiful...
01/14/00 23:36:31
Name: Dave Boyd Jardine | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What is your favorite Movie?: disney's robinhood | Who are you favorite Actor/Actress?: Bogart | What is your favorite Book And Author?: Mcgee sleuths-John D MacDonald |
Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: bruns | What do you think of Star Trek?: AOK | If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: --------- |
I dina wana leave.
01/14/00 22:51:14
Name: Vantressa | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What is your favorite Movie?: Legend | Who are you favorite Actor/Actress?: Brad Pitt | What is your favorite Book And Author?: Interview with the Vampire-Anne Rice |
Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: uumm..neither | What do you think of Star Trek?: Exhuasted | If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: To Fly-to have wings |
Awsome Pics
01/10/00 20:17:05
Name: Viktoria Ekman | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What is your favorite Movie?: All Starwars-movies | Who are you favorite Actor/Actress?: Guess? | Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: That depends on!! |
What do you think of Star Trek?: You can´t compare Startrak with Starwars | If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: peace on earth |
01/02/00 00:58:03
My URL: Visit Me |
12/30/99 00:29:48
Name: thevampire | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What is your favorite Movie?: lost boys | Who are you favorite Actor/Actress?: Kefier Sutherland | What is your favorite Book And Author?: Anne Rice |
Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: Blondes | What do you think of Star Trek?: blows | If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: infanent wishes |
You have excellent pics, and a well put-together site. Good job.
12/29/99 01:10:44
Name: Fleshybod (Jim) | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What is your favorite Book And Author?: Pet Semetary/ Stephen King |
Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: There's a difference? *S* | If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: Sorry, That's personal! hehe |
Very nice page!! *S*
12/27/99 10:44:19
Name: mandy schram |
My URL: Visit Me |
12/23/99 05:40:57
Name: Michael O'Brien | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What is your favorite Movie?: Quiet Man | Who are you favorite Actor/Actress?: Denzel Washington/Thyme Daily | What is your favorite Book And Author?: Whitch World by Andre Norton |
Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: brunnettes | What do you think of Star Trek?: I've seen every episode of Trek, Next Generation, Voyager and Deep Space 9 | If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: Happiness |
So far I love your page.
12/22/99 17:46:39
Name: THE GREAT ONe | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What is your favorite Movie?: First Blood | Who are you favorite Actor/Actress?: Sylvester Stallone/Sandra Bullock oh hell yeah is she hot or what? | What is your favorite Book And Author?: author: V. C. Andrews. Books: hard to pick one |
Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: BLONDES BABY BLONDES | What do you think of Star Trek?: its ok but not for me | If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: grant me the wishes worth the hair on the back of a goat |
Nice page i like it. keep up the good work and chekc out my page at www.geocities.com/pythonpower_2000/ and dont forget to sign the g-book
12/19/99 23:31:55
Name: CoFfEeMaN | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What is your favorite Movie?: Fght Club | Who are you favorite Actor/Actress?: John Travolta/ Claire Danes | What is your favorite Book And Author?: I don't have a favorite book, but I love Robert Heinlein |
Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: Brunettes all the way!!! | What do you think of Star Trek?: I outgrew it, but I still love it. | If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: Whirled Peas |
Great site, good music ('specially the never ending story) and an excellent choice of questions on the guestbook!!!
12/16/99 05:19:00
Name: Jennifer | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What is your favorite Movie?: Escaflowne | What is your favorite Book And Author?: the Mummy by Ann Rice | Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: Brunnettes |
What do you think of Star Trek?: It's ok | If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: to end world violence |
I really like your webpage. the mermaids are great.
12/09/99 03:45:19
Name: Holly | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What is your favorite Movie?: .... | Who are you favorite Actor/Actress?: ... | What is your favorite Book And Author?: ... |
Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: Blondes & brunnets | What do you think of Star Trek?: nothing | If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: ... |
No comment's
12/02/99 23:10:51
Name: Jack | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What is your favorite Movie?: The last unicorn, Les aventuriers du bout du monde, | Who are you favorite Actor/Actress?: Christopher Walken | What is your favorite Book And Author?: love story |
Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: Color of the heart | What do you think of Star Trek?: yeah ! | If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: true romance |
11/30/99 09:50:57
Name: A_Messenger_For_God ;=) |
My URL: Visit Me |
If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: its a wish I can't tell! lol shhh'S |
Hey volcan ! I like your peb page alot Its pretty cool i wish i had one like this.lol But I don't know how.;=)
11/25/99 21:13:20
Name: Phreakazoid | My URL: Visit Me |
Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: dosen´t matter | What do you think of Star Trek?: cool |
If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: money |
cool site like the ghost pics
but your tune are playing to tune att the same time !! trash one tune
11/23/99 13:50:10
Name: Nemssis |
My URL: Visit Me |
Vilken loosig jävla Johan sida
11/19/99 17:13:23
Name: Lee Christensen | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What is your favorite Movie?: somewhere in time | What is your favorite Book And Author?: phantoms:Dean Koonz | What do you think of Star Trek?: like it |
If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: to be 40lbs lighter |
thanks for the banishing spell...i hope that it works on bad spirits as well as negative people/emotions.
11/17/99 19:35:25
Name: RENATA | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What is your favorite Movie?: MY GIRL | Who are you favorite Actor/Actress?: JULIA ROBERTS | What is your favorite Book And Author?: ?????? |
Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: BRUNNETTES | What do you think of Star Trek?: NOT MUCH | If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: WILL IF YOUR IN HERE YOU KNOW I HAVE THE HOTS FOR YOU DANCE WITH ME!!!!!!!! LOVE YA!!!!! |
11/16/99 02:20:54
Name: sensara | My URL: Visit Me | What is your favorite Movie?: Gone with the wind-Scarlet |
Who are you favorite Actor/Actress?: Shawn Conorie-Uma Therman | What is your favorite Book And Author?: A man of his word-by dave duncun | Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: brunnettes |
What do you think of Star Trek?: i like TNG but not the rest | If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: for evry one to have plenty of cash |
I really injoyed your site there isn't many i like but your's was put together really cool and i love the music..
11/16/99 01:42:21
Name: classy1 | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What is your favorite Movie?: Gone With The Wind | Who are you favorite Actor/Actress?: Actor: Sean Connery, Actress: Julia Roberts | What is your favorite Book And Author?: I have many |
Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: For a man, I think Brunnettes | What do you think of Star Trek?: I LOVE it!! | If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: To be Happy! |
Pen, I love your Page, and once you finish showing me how to use this Computer, I will try and make my own!! See you soon Cheryl..
11/10/99 22:51:06
Name: BB | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What is your favorite Movie?: H20 | Who are you favorite Actor/Actress?: RYAN PHILLINES | What is your favorite Book And Author?: DON'T LIKE BOOKS |
Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: BLONDES ,I'M ONE! | What do you think of Star Trek?: SO,SO | If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: MY X-BOYFRIEND BACK |
11/09/99 16:17:06
Name: robert | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What is your favorite Movie?: ghost busters | Who are you favorite Actor/Actress?: bill mury | What is your favorite Book And Author?: steaven king christien |
Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: both | What do you think of Star Trek?: ok | If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: to die |
ummmmmmmmmm hello ah huh hu huh
11/09/99 12:27:49
Name: SanDy | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What is your favorite Movie?: -- | Who are you favorite Actor/Actress?: -- | Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: YOU |
What do you think of Star Trek?: zzzz | If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: A double adaptor |
Hi Your site is Cute,
Any way....... you waNna Fuck me some time??
call me (07)3485-4583
yeh baby i mean you
11/08/99 19:35:05
Name: RENATA | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What is your favorite Movie?: MY GIRL | Who are you favorite Actor/Actress?: JULIA ROBERTS | What is your favorite Book And Author?: ILL GET BACK2 U ON THAT?????????? |
Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: BRUNNETTS | What do you think of Star Trek?: NOT MUCH | If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: PEOPLE TO NOT JUDGE |
11/08/99 19:35:04
Name: RENATA | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What is your favorite Movie?: MY GIRL | Who are you favorite Actor/Actress?: JULIA ROBERTS | What is your favorite Book And Author?: ILL GET BACK2 U ON THAT?????????? |
Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: BRUNNETTS | What do you think of Star Trek?: NOT MUCH | If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: PEOPLE TO NOT JUDGE |
11/08/99 19:29:28
Name: Renata | My URL: Visit Me | What is your favorite Movie?: My Girl |
Who are you favorite Actor/Actress?: julia roberts | What is your favorite Book And Author?: ?????????????? | Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: Brunnettes |
What do you think of Star Trek?: not much | If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: people not to jugde |
i am intersted in whitches and many of my friends call me strang but are they to talk if they can not see where i am coming from.i would like to get into your web when i get myself a computer thanx 4 making this i know now i am not alone!
10/29/99 06:34:28
Name: Vampire | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What is your favorite Movie?: vampire love it | Who are you favorite Actor/Actress?: vampire | What is your favorite Book And Author?: vampire |
Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: vampire | What do you think of Star Trek?: shit | If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: vampire |
Shit cunt
10/29/99 03:22:58
Name: pao | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What is your favorite Movie?: i know what you did last summer | Who are you favorite Actor/Actress?: jet lei | What is your favorite Book And Author?: linda ford |
Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: blondes | What do you think of Star Trek?: ok | If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: i wish to be smart |
10/20/99 02:27:15
Name: STEPHY | My URL: Visit Me | What is your favorite Movie?: STR TREK : INSURECT.. |
Who are you favorite Actor/Actress?: PATRICK STWART BRENT SPINER,JONATHAN FRAKES ETC...... | What is your favorite Book And Author?: STAR TREK BOOKS PARANORMAL PHENOMENA, NO SPECIFIC AUTHOR | Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: EITHER ONE |
What do you think of Star Trek?: THE BEST SALUT CORRECTE | If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: I'M NOT SURE |
10/19/99 18:30:39
Name: jorge motas | My URL: Visit Me | What is your favorite Movie?: i like many, fith element, braveheart, interview with the vampire, etc.. |
Who are you favorite Actor/Actress?: mel gibson, bruce willis, will smith, brandon lee, neve campbel, geena davis,etc.. | What is your favorite Book And Author?: Robert heinlein - A stranger in a strange land, Anne Rice - The queen of the damned | Which do you like best, Blondes or Brunnettes?: both, maybe brunnettes. |
What do you think of Star Trek?: It´so so. | If you had one wish, what would you wish for?: The capability to FLY |
10/19/99 18:27:34
Name: jorge motas | My URL: Visit Me |
What is your favorite Movie?: i like many, fith element, braveheart, interview with the vampire, etc.. | Who are you favorite Actor/Actress?: mel gibson, bruce willis, will smith, brandon lee, neve campbel, geena davis,etc.. |