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 Hey! And Welcome to my Page of Wonders!!
If you're looking for the 7 Wonders of the World?
You will not find them here! Sorry. :-(
This page is about the wonders of the Paranormal
Myths & Legends!
OH! & of course The Wonders of the Universe!



 This is a Memorial for my dog Merlin.
He's gone but not Fogotten!! Click on his pic to see more.


 A birthday card page from my Mom, thanks mom. Take a peek it's so cool!! ^_^



 O.K. So let's get started shall we??
In my Paranormal page, you will encounter strange things such as:
Ghosts, Witches, E.S.P., And a "Have you ever Wondered Page"!!

In my Myths & Legends page, you will encounter things such as:
Greek Gods, Animal & Monster Myth, And all sorts of other Myths!!

In my Wonders of the Universe page, you will encounter things such as:
What else but things to do with the Universe, and Star Trek, Star Wars
And others!!

Please sit back and enjoy all that I have for you!!









 Hehehe as you can see, even my Mother thinks I look like
Xena too!! Thank you for this wonderful fairy Mom!!


 If you would like to see my Mother's
Page, then please click on my Xena pic.

 Whoo-Hoo!! I Won the Fantasy Site of the month Award For Feb.!!
Thank you House Of Andromeda.. If you would like to see this site, click on the award! ^_^


 Here Are Some of My Favorate Links!

  Dream Mistress Books Web Page..

  Dream Mistress Graphics Web Page..

  My Daughter's Web Page.. Isn't up yet

  Kikian's Web page..



 An Awesome Site For Charmed Book Of Shadow Replica Pages.
Check it out, you won't be Disapointed, A must have for all you Charmed Fans!
Don't Forget to Spead the Word About this Wonderful site!


 Please Go Here To Grab a Banner to this wonderful Site, It's a must have for all Charmed Fans!!.
Charmed Replica Pages, How can you go Wrong?
Blessed Be



 Would you like to take a look at all who signed
My old Guestbook? Please Go To "Old Guestbook"



  You are visiter # CounterSince Oct.1998





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