A D I T Y A ! Welcome to A D I T Y A !

Aditya's Web Page

See my pic, with my sisters and me!

Here are some photos of my class:
Class Photo 1 Class Photo 2 Class Photo 3 Class Photo 4


>> One more photo of me added

>> HSC exams are FINALLY OVER!

Updated: 13/03/00

Website Of The Week!

12-19 March, 2000.


'IMDB' stands for 'International Movie Data Base' and has arguably the LARGEST collection of movie info anywhere on the world wide web. And true to their name, they really are international. Even Hindi movies are featured. Don't be surprised if you come across a photo of Aamir or Madhuri!

>> Read the true story of 'The English Teacher and the Parachute'

>> The Aircraft photos are up!

>>One Liners! Includes (in)famous statemenrs by (in)famous people

>> Jokes!

>> The Guestbook, sign it / view old Guestbook.

/ View New Guestbook

>> Links to other sites on the web

It's Really Good To See You!!!

Welcome to my all-new page! Take a look around tell me what you think of this place, and what kind of a job I've done. Over the next few days, I'm going to do a lot of restructuring on these pages, but don't worry, there will still be a lot of stuff till then......

Things to wait for?

  • An expanded humour section, will try to get at least a hundred+ jokes and all.

  • More Aircraft pictures, including the MiG-29, the F-16 and the F/A-18.

  • A massive Links page, with different categories for different types of links, so that you won't have to go through a godforsaken amount of unneccessary stuff to get what you want.

  • A New Family & Friends page, with details and if possible, photos of my Family and friends.

  • If possible, a message board for posting your messages for me to read and reply, so that we don't have to depend on email for such stuff.

  • A reviews page, where I will review movies (English and Hindi), actors, singers, sportspersons and yes, even politicians! (Should I include Al 'I invented the internet' Gore and Laloo 'Jab tak rahega Samose Me' Prasad? :P )

  • Lyrics! George Michael, Mariah Carey, Sting, Cliff Richards, Shania Twain, Michael Jackson, Billy Joel, Def Leppard, Queen.....

  • I'm also thinking of putting up articles I plan to write, along with articles that appear on other sites. If you have any you want to give publicity, give 'em to me, I'll put them up for $50 each.... nah, just kidding, for free :-)

  • And maybe, just maybe, a BRAND NEW Aircraft website, dedicated to the Combat aircraft of yesterday, today, tomorrow, and day after!

So I guess, you have PLENTY of reasons to keep dropping by this page..... (it also looks good on the hits counter :-) )

What's already there?

The Pictures page {consisting of Aircraft and probably later missile photos} has been loaded, so go and see that one!!!

If you want to see something really crazy, read the story of 'The English Teacher and The Parachute.' This one tale that actually happenned and is too hilarious to believe.

Anyone intrested in how I got the animations can download 'Animagic' from Download.com Its very small, but effective. Though the images are my own, the animations were created using Animagic.

Tell me what you want to see here, and i'll try to put it up.

If you have any questions, suggestions or comments regarding these pages, please email me.

Here is a look at where I live. Cat1 radar Kihim 2004Papa. Resume

Email: aditya.m@mailcity.com

Image Map

� 2000, A D I T Y A !

If you had multimedia support, you would've heard some cool music!