A dwarf or a gnome - this is probably the closest description one can have of the Filipino mythological creature, "duwende." They are said to be tiny creatures dwelling under the earth, in what humans see as ant or termite hills. Like humans, they are thought to be either good or bad-natured, called "duwendeng puti" and "duwendeng itim" respectively. Old folks caution people to be careful around their dwellings, for being unseen, the "duwende" might get hurt, thus get mad. Punishment includes a swollen body part of the person, twisted mouth, and a long list of ailments they can magically inflict on the human being who ruined their habitat, or worse, killed a "duwende," whether intentionally or not. This is precisely why "tabi-tabi po" should be said aloud when passing through supposed "duwende" territories, according to oldies, in order to warn these supernatural creatures to give way to humans who do not see them.