
Last updated on 10 January 1999

Check back regularly, as this should be updated often.

Well, Frank is finally here. (Has been for about a month and a half.) I know, we should have updated this a lot sooner, but truth be told, we didn't think about it. We've been busy getting used to each other, living together, and being married. Plus, there are the stresses of the new job to deal with, for both of us. I have been given a promotion, of sorts. I'm now a day worker for the Typhoon Warning side, and I'm in charge of 6 people. We have a nice three bedroom, two bath house, with a yard for the dogs. That's right, we got another one! He's part pitbull part Dalmation, and Frank named him Melvin. And he looks like a Melvin! As soon as I get the pictures developed, we'll put them on here, along with some of the kittens, although they aren't really kittens anymore, but they are to me. So, we're approaching our first year anniversary and we haven't even had a honeymoon yet. Oh well. At least we're together. FINALLY!

Well, for all those interested, Frank is here, and I'm about to go no leave so that we can find a new place to live. This means that our address, mailing one, will change in the near future. Mocha also came out, and is doing well. He's currently in quaratine, so that the great state of Hawaii can suck as much money out of us as they can, but will be out in about 30 days. We visit almost everyday, so he gets to see us. It will be very interesting to see how he and he kittens get along. Hope they don't scare him! And that's about it, for now. Should anything of real interest happen, we'll let you know. Take care, and come back soon.

Frank is getting out! YIPPEE! His paperwork is set to start around the 1st of February, so we're looking at him being out here permanently by the end of February, begining of March. He's planning on coming out here in January for a visit, to bring the dog, and to help me find a new place to live, then move in. He's planning on driving down to Portland, and then Medford after he's out to visit all of you before he comes out here, so expect to hear from him soon. And, he wants to get some skiing in. He seems to think that you can't ski in Hawaii, even though on the big island there's a ski resort on the mountain there. Sure, it might not be as high as some of the ones he's used to, but beggers can't be choosers, can they? Oh, well. I'm just really excited about seeing him again, and then him comeing out here to live. We'll finally be able to live as a normal husband and wife. Wonder what that will be like?

For all those interested, the paperwork to cancel Frank's orders out here was started yesterday. This is in direct result of his not making the Navy standards of body fat. Oh, well. Now we don't know when he'll be here, and this is the only time that we've been apart when we didn't know for certain when we'd be seeing each other again. And now, he's dealing with it better than me. Way to go, Frank! We'll keep you as up to date as we can...

Well, I had my short hop to Seattle for the Buffett concert. It was great! Both of us had a blast! Frank looked like a kid in a candy store, with his childhood hero giving him the receipt. He had a lot of fun. And being able to see each other for a little while was wonderful. Both of us needed it. Unfortunately we don't know when we'll see each other again. We don't have any plans for any trips, so we'll have to see. Hopefully, it won't be too long..

Frank's orders for Hawaii came in today. He won't be coming out here, according to the Navy, until the begining of April. We'll discuss that at a later date.

Well, I'm now back in Hawaii. BUMMER! The trip was wonderful! We stayed in Seattle the first night, since I didn't get in until 9ish. Then on the 4th we drove out to George, WA, and set up camp at the Gorge campground. I never knew that one state could have such different landscapes! Eastern WA looks exactly like New Mexico, and Arizona. And it's hotter! The H.O.R.D.E. festival started around 4, and it was great! Obviously the highlight was Blues Traveler, but we were both very impressed with Barenaked Ladies, and Alanna Davis. Fastball, and the other guy didn't do much for either of us, so we just kind of sat and listened. The amphitheater there is great, and it looks out right onto the Columbia. We had a blast! We drove home the next day, and got the pooch out of the kennel. Boy, was he glad to see Frank! Mocha adores Frank! He loves people, but Frank is the end all be all for him. The rest of the time we just hung out. We went and saw Blade, which was excellent, and had a picnic, with our picnic basket, on Mt. Erie, and I spent the day with him at work on Labor Day. He tried to teach me cribbage, but I really suck at it. Then we played some rummy, but couldn't agree on how the points were tallied up, so quit that too. He cooked me salmon, and it was pretty tasty. (I'd never had it before.) And that was about it. I can't say how great it was to actually be with Frank. Neither of us can wait until he's here, and we're together. Now, we have the Buffett concert to look forward to, then who knows. So we'll keep you posted. Caio!

Just to let everyone know, I'm flying to Washington today, so I doubt there will be much work done on the page in the next week. I just wanted everyone to know that. Wish me well, as I hate flying. It makes me very nervous. You'd have thought that I'd be used to it by now, but I'm not. Have a good week. I know I will!;-)

Well, we found out last night that my leave to go to Washington for the Jimmy Buffett concert was approved, so I'll be headed that way on the 29th of Sept. We both really excited. Neither of us has seen Jimmy in concert, and have wanted to for a long time, and now we're getting to. So I'll be there both at the beginning of the month for my birthday, when we will be taking in a Blues Traveler concert at the Gorge, camping out there, and then the end of the month. We splurged a little 'cause a chance like this only comes around once. (Plus, that will probably be the last time we get to see each other until he's actually out here.)

Frank came out to Hawaii at the end of July. It was great! Now we've been together almost two weeks since getting married. Isn't that just wonderful? We did have fun, though. We drove around the island, climbed Diamond Head, took in a couple of flicks, and basically enjoyed being together. He also got to meet some of my friends, and I got to met a buddy of his that he was on the Indy with. He liked my friends, and I liked his.

Well, here's the current status of our situation, for all those interested. We found out that his household goods can be shipped out here to Hawaii on my orders, so that's a bonus. Now all we really need to be concerned with is getting Mocha out here. He'll have to be in quarantine for a month when he gets here, and that will be a little spendy. But not bringing him is out of the question. he's coming out here with us, and we know he'll just love it here. He's a very outdoorsy dog, and the weather here is great for that.


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