This pic must have been taken in 1983, as only the first wave of Return of the Jedi figures are displayed.
The fearsome John Dale, a member of the E.L.I.D.E.S. and armed to the teeth with nunchakus, a bow, knife, lasergun and snake! Pictured here with my first dog Vickie.
Me and some friends putting on a lip-synching KISS show with cardboard instruments. That pic was taken at Patrick Beaudoin's house, who is probably the one playing the aluminum foil drums. He went on to become a real drummer for the heavy metal band Warning Sign (good luck finding any reference to them on the internet).
Some pic me and my best friend Christian took for some kind of school assignment, back in grade 4 or 5. That's real snow!
Out of focus and almost out of frame!
Hard to believe I went on to become photographer for the college newspaper La Grenouille.
My custom-made droid shop playset. Here a Jawa is selling a FX-7 to a Rodian.
All my Star Wars figures in alpabetical order, with empty spots reserved for the ones I was missing. Notice the cool toys at the bottom right. Good thing we don't see the framed painting at the top left, cause that thing freaked me out, man!
Those were not mine but belonged to my friends. I never really got into Transformers the only ones I got later on were Soundwave (with most of the first cassettes), Cliffjumper, Cosmos, Warpath, Slag and Ransack. I also had one of the Constructicons (I believe it was Scavenger) and my friends had all the other ones and we managed to make the big robot Devastator.
My first G.I. Joe figures. I don't have Snake-Eyes and Snow Serpent anymore, but I bought a lot more Cobra figures after that pic was taken in 1985 (I guess that date because I remember the Crimson Guard had just come out).
Back in the early 80's, there was a very cool line of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons toys like this hook horror and dragonne. Sadly, I don't have those two anymore but I still have my Strongheart, Warduke and Grimsword figures. That was even before I started playing the damn tabletoop RPG!
Of course, how can I forget my very best friend and blood brother Christian with whom I shared all these childhood years.