Based on CL#15 and Module P6
Additions by me added in RED

Y1         First contact between Humans and neighboring races.
Y4         Federation formed.
Y24       Gorns and Paravians meet.
Y25       Gorn-Paravian conflict begins.
Y36       First Gorn-Romulan War begins.
Y38       First Lyran-Klingon War begins.
Y39       Gorns lose First Gorn-Romulan war at Gorn-Shima.
Y40       First Federation-Romulan War begins.
             Lyrans attack what they believe is a Klingon mining colony.  The outpost is, instead, from the Hydrans,
                     a race not previously known, starting the First Lyran-Hydran War.
Y42       Lyran-Klingon War ends when several Lyran counties abandon the war to protect their homes from the
                    Hydrans.  Lyrans forced to accept an unfavorable settlement.
Y43       Lyrans defeat Hydran invasion, but reach negotiated settlement rather than continue the war.  First
                    Lyran-Hydran War ends.
Y46       First Federation-Romulan War ends with ceasefire
Y48       First Lyran-Kzinti War begins.
Y50       First Klingo-Kzinti War begins.
Y56       First Lyran-Kzinti War ends.
Y62       First warp-powered cruiser is launched by the Federation.  Other races develop warp power over the next
                     several years.
             Second Gorn-Romulan War begins.
             Beginning of FIRST WARP period as Minimum shields and Phaser-3's are developed by most races.
Y66      Gorns develop warp power.  Gorns could use this advantage to destroy the Romulans, but instead choose
                    to fight defensively.
             Incidents along Hydran-Klingon border.  Klingons want settlement rights on oxy-nitrogen planets in Hydran
                    territory; Hydrans want same rights on Klingon methane worlds.
Y67       Gorn Vanguard teams conduct lightning raids on numerous vital Romulan research facilities.  Romulan phaser
                    research destroyed.  Romulan research into harnessing plasma energy for warp movement damaged.  Gorns
                    steal some of the research, leading to the development of the Plasma Torpedo at the same time the Romulans
                    develop theirs with the remnants of their research.  These losses force Romulans to focus on a secondary
                    stealth EW project, which leads to the invention of the cloaking device.
Y68       Gorns win the Second Gorn-Romulan War.
              Second Lyran-Hydran War begins.
Y71       Federation forms the United Star Fleet.  Member planets begin disbanding their "national" fleets.
              Second Lyran-Hydran War ends when improved Hydran weapon (the Nova Cannon) gives them a decisive
                    advantage over the Lyrans.
Y72       Klingon-Hydran "incident" (brief border war).
Y73       Hydrans attack Klingons.  They do not have a formal alliance with the Kzintis (who are still at war with the
                    Klingons), but are considered as co-belligerents.  Klingons are hard-pressed to fight a war on two fronts.
                    The Nova Cannon gives the Klingons much concern.
Y75       Badley outnumbered Klingon fleet defending the Hydran Frontier is decisively defeated by the Hydrans.
                    Klingons agree to a peace settlement granting the Hydrans trade concessions and allowing them to colonize
                    several methane atmosphere planets within Klingon Empire.  Kzintis howl with rage because the Hydrans
                    will not continue the war.  Klingons purchase tons of war materials (at ridiculously inflatted prices) from the
                    Hydrans and launch an attack on the Kzintis.
            Beginning of MID-WARP period.  Phaser-2's and Heavy Weapons developed.
            Gorns succeed in blockading the Paravian homeworld.
Y79      Tholians arive in our galaxy, settling in the tip of the same spiral arm that includes the Klingons.
Y80      Romulans invent the Masking Device.
Y82      First Klingo-Kzinti War ends.  Klingons capture three key planets.
Y83      Tholians first encountered by the Klingons.  First of several vicious border wars last two years.  The Klingons had
                    long claimed this territory and had some minor colonies in it, but are unable to eject the Tholians.
            The Long Lance (III) drone enters service.
Y84      Klingons, havind defeated the Kzintis, attack the Hydrans.  This is known as the "Second Klingo-Hydran War"
                    to Federation historians, as the "War of Retribution" to the Klingons, and as the "War of Infamy" to the
                    Hydrans.  Lyrans attack collapsing Hydran border (Third Lyran-Hydran War) and capture several planets,
                    but are not formal Klingon allies.
Y87      Klingons smash Hydran fleet and destroy Hydran colonies.  Many attrocities are committed by the Klingons.  All
                    Hydran ships larger than police frigates are destroyed, and the Hydran Kingdom is reduced to a Klingon
                    client.  Klingons establish governors for Hydran planets.  Due to the difference in atmospheres, however,
                    these governors are never really able to control the populace and rule from orbiting satellites.  These
                    satellites have powerful weapons aimed at the planet below, but are poorly defended against attack from
            A Sun Snake dives into the Paravian sun causing it to go nova.
Y88      First Federation-Kzinti War as Kzintis attack.
            Second Lyran-Klingon War begins in arguments over division of the Hydran Empire.  In the confusion, the Hydran
                    colonies of Altroth, Minixitith, and Krooth have not been found or occupied by the Klingons.  These colonies
                    were established by the Hydran merchant guilds, and the later power of the Guilds stems from this period.
                    The Guilds maintain the monarchy through Prince S'Lenthna, the last heir of Hydraxan IX.  The Prince is a
                    virtual puppet (the Guilds hold the real power), but his presence is important in rallying the Hydrans.
Y89     Kzintis make gains on the Federation, capturing several planets.
            Romulans attack Tholians (by mistake?), but abandon the "First Romulan-Tholian War" in less than a year.
Y90     Third Gorn-Romulan War begins with Romulan attack.
            Civil wars in the Hydran "lost colonies" as Prince S'Lenthna tries to break the power of the Guild.
            Beginning of EARLY YEARS period.  Better shielding and warp drives developed.  Improvement to most ship
Y91     Klingons and Lyrans settle their differences by negotiation.  The Klingons are anxious to do so because they plan
                    to attack the Tholians and rid the galaxy of the "Tholian Menace."
            Federation begins counter-offensive to regain territory occupied by the Kzintis, making steady progress.
Y92     The Great Klingo-Tholian War begins.
            First Federaton-Kzinti War ends, with border re-established in the original location.
Y93     Extended-range drones enter service.
Y96     Third Gorn-Romulan War ends.
Y98     Klingons attack Tholian homeworld.  While causing much damage, they cannot destoy it and withdraw.
Y101   Hydran civil wars intensify.  Much of Minixitith rendered uninhabitable.
Y102   Klingons abandon war against the Tholians.
Y103   Second Klingo-Kzinti War begins.
Y106   Kzintis win second Klingo-Kzinti War and regain planets.
Y109   Second Lyran-Kzinti War begins when a Kzinti CS destroys a Lyran exploration ship.  The Lyrans claim a moral
                    outrage over the attack, but ignor the fact that their "exploration ship" was exploring Kzinti territory for new
                    colony sites.
Y110   First Federation-Klingon War begins with a Klingon attack.
           Tholians capture disruptor technology from Klingons in a daring raid.  The Klingons are furious but unable to react.
Y111   First Federation-Klingon War ends inconclusively.
Y113   Federation completes the disbanding of the "national" fleets as the Federation Star Fleet is completed.  Sixteen
                    Orion ships and 9,000 skilled crewmen mutiny and disapear.
Y114   Second Lyran-Kzinti War ends.
            Klingon-Tholian "Incident" emphasizes border problems.
Y116   Kzinti Civil War.  The Usurper attempts to overthrow the Patriarch and fails.  Usurper flees to WYN Cluster.
Y117   Orion Pirates are observed to be in widespread operation.
Y120   Fourth Gorn-Romulan War begins.
           End of the EARLY YEARS period.  All "normal game" systems exist and function normally.
