Ranger's StarSpace Rangers Headquarters
Erom Campaign
Erom: Age of Chaos
GURPS Space Rangers
GURPS Downloads
Roleplaying Games
Railroad Stories


It has been over a year since I updated any of this site. The list of things I want to do is tremendously long... but my leisure time is quite short. You know, it would be a great help if there were a standard HTML tag that would automatically insert an apologize for not having updated one's webpages. Wouldn't that save time for millions of us?

Nevertheless, I will be adding things--I have about 6 years of Amtrak stories to tell. I also plan to cut out my Links page (because it's just so tired) and streamline some stuff. However, I have a railroad job and an energetic 3-year-old kid, so it will be a gradual process.

I especially like playing and game-mastering role-playing games, especially GURPS. Check out my Erom and Erom: Age of Chaos Campaigns and my Space Rangers Campaign. I may add stuff on fantasy, science fiction, magic realism, and general weirdness.

Check out these links:

E-mail me at spaceranger@mindspring.com.

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Paul C. Pinkosh

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Revised--January 19, 2004.
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