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Did I bother to mention that I really like to talk? I guess if ever there was a phrase to define me, then the above would definitely be it. As a small child, my mother used to call me the mouth of the south. Little wonder given my extensive Celtic heritage (proof is in the red hair & flaming temper).

My writing career began while I was very young (second grade to be precise). What can I say? It was the only way I could daydream in class and not get caught--my teacher thought I was being studious because I was always taking notes!

In terms of a professional career, I started out writing science fiction under the pseudonyms Kyle Hunter and Alyx Woodward, and fantasy as Anne Dragonswan. It wasn't until the early nineties that I turned to writing romance, which to this day is still one of my greatest loves (along with two adorable boys, an Australian Shepherd, a Himilayan cat,  my hubby, friends, computers and teaching.).

My interest in history began in infancy practically. I think it had something to do with the huge suit of armor my mother had in our den. Something about all that metal and the swords on the wall--dunno. I was very fortunate to become involved with the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) sixteen years ago and I have basked in their warmth and companionship ever since. I suppose it might all have something to do with the fact that I have an ancestor mentioned by name in the Bayeaux Tapestry,

I love being helpful and I live to answer questions--any student I have ever taught will gladly verify this! For those who are curious, my great historical love is the Middle Ages, or to be more precise, it's England 1000-1250. I also love dead languages, especially Old and Middle English. And oddly enough, I adore modern technology. In my private life, I am a web designer with almost ten years experience. I was actually on the internet before there was a WWW (yep, you got it--I cruised gopherspace).

May the road always rise up to meet you and the wind stay at your back with only the brightest of sunshine to light your way! And should ever our paths cross, then I promise to split even my last bite of bread and give you good company for as long as fate and God allows.

