Meet Nahele, my adopted Faerie!

Some Faerie Links

The Celtic Goddess Collection
Fantasy Realm
Faeries (And other Winged Wonders)
Enter My Realm of the Faerie
Denizens of Faerie
Faerie Lore and Literature
The Faerie Encyclopedia
Tir Nan Og
The Faery Glade
The Faery Garden
Faeries, Elves and Whatnot
Valinde's Otherkin Page
Dreamwood Forest
The Land of Faery

If you know of a link that you think should be here, Email me and let me know!

Where the bluebells and the wind are,
Fairies in a ring I spied,
And I heard a little linnet
Singing near beside.

Where the primrose and the dew are,
Soon were sped the fairies all:
Only now the green turf freshens,
And the linnets call.
Poem by Walter de la Mare

I heard along the early hills,
Ere yet the lark was risen up,
Ere yet the dawn with firelight fills
The night-dew of the bramble-cup,--
I heard the fairies in a ring
Sing as they tripped a lilting round
Soft as the moon on wavering wing.
The startlight shook as if with sound,
As if with echoing, and the stars
Pranked their bright eyes with trembling gleams;
While red with war the gusty Mars
Rained upon earth his ruddy beams.
He shone alone, low down the West,
While I, behind a hawthorn-bush,
Watched on the fairies flaxen-tressed
The fires of the morning flush.
Till, as a mist, their beauty died,
Their singing shrill and fainter grew;
And daylight tremulous and wide
Flooded the moorland through and through;
Till Urdon's copper weathercock
Was reared in golden flame afar,
And dim from moonlit dreams awoke
The towers and groves or Arroar.

"Come faeries, take me out of this dull world, for I would ride with you upon the wind and dance upon the mountains like a flame."

W.B. Yeats

Some Other Names for Faeries

Fairy, Fay, Fae, Sprite, Elf, Brownie, Pixie, Pixy, Hobgoblin, and Nymph are a few!

The dictionary defines Faeries as
imaginary beings of folklore and romance
usually having diminutive human form
and magic powers.

But Faeries do Exist!

They are Not imaginary beings!
A long time ago, when humans still believed in magic,
and faeries, they could be found everywhere!
But humans today have lost the faerie in themselves,
and if you can't find the faerie in yourself,
how are you going to find the faerie
anywhere else?

How to Find the Faerie In Yourself

  1. Go outside-someplace quiet, where you can be alone with nature.
  2. Relax-You'll never find the faerie in yourself if you are stressed out. The faerie side of you is the playful side, your childlike side. Take some deep breaths, and just forget all your problems.
  3. Do Something Creative-Write a poem, draw a picture, compose some music, whatever. Just be creative. Do you remember when you were a kid and your parents always told you to to keep your feet on the ground, and your head out of the clouds? Well Forget It! Fly up to those clouds! Use your imagination!

The Faerie Queen Written by John C. Cyr
Midnight glance is silence glazed
Misty shroud the leaves entwine
Long the fruit on bough has blossomed
Laden heavy hangs the vines
Silence still the west wind carries
The tangy taste of the distant sea
Dark and deep the nightshade berries
Twist about the burdened lea

The jingling bells are hardly noticed
First, so heavy is the night
Creeping slowly ever nearer
Bridled mare of deathly white
Now children in their beds of feather
Moan and dream the passing sound
An owl takes flight, a sprig of heather
Spills its burden to the ground

Fairy Queen that rides the darkness with
Softly jingling bridle bells
Shadow of the ancient Mother
That on the wind of autumn dwells
Fairy Queen that claims the harvest
Yours the red fruit of the vine
Mab the song is unforgotten
The misty air the leaves entwine.

Special thanks to The Enchantress for the use of her Fantasyland Graphics!!

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Graphics by Fairy Friends.
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