Now "New & Improved" with HEPATITIS C!

ERROR 404.3 This IS the file you were searching for but, really, it's not too late to turn around. Your choice.

"A shallow genius is better than a deep fool"

No animals were harmed in the creation of this webpage. But that was only by pure luck. Hey, they can test on animals any time they want if the only OTHER alternative is testing on ME.

HEY! Wait a sec. What happened to all the weird stuff?

Fear not. If you want to see the original opening page with pics and bio, click


You really do have too much time on your hands, don't you?

So, welcome to the new, streamlined opening page. Aside from loading faster, use of this page will increase your intelligence, raise your GPA, make your garden more bountiful, cause cellulite to vanish, increase the shelf life of your yogurt, cut hours off your daily commute, allow your daughter to realize what a loser her current boyfriend really is, improve your chances of winning a $30 million Powerball Lotto, shed those unwanted pounds, clear up your complexion, receive illegal pay per view channels, stop your hairline from receding, keep your lettuce crisp and make you the envy of all your neighbors.

Trust me.

Other than that, I haven't changed at all. Yes, my inner child still needs to be slapped upside de haid in order for me to become a useful member of society. Of course I'm a little suspicious of any society that would want to have me as a member.

If your mem'ry serves you well,

We were goin' to meet again and wait,

So I'm goin' to unpack all my things

And sit before it gets too late.

No man alive will come to you

With another tale to tell,

But you know that we shall meet again

If your mem'ry serves you well.

This wheel's on fire,

Rolling down the road,

Best notify my next of kin,

This wheel shall explode.

If your mem'ry serves you well,

I was goin' to confiscate your lace,

And wrap it up in a sailor's knot

And hide it in your case.

If I knew for sure that it was yours . . .

But it was oh so hard to tell.

But you knew that we would meet again,

If your mem'ry serves you well.

This wheel's on fire,

Rolling down the road,

Best notify my next of kin,

This wheel shall explode.

If your mem'ry serves you well,

You'll remember you're the one

That called on me to call on them

To get you your favors done.

And after ev'ry plan had failed

And there was nothing more to tell,

You knew that we would meet again,

If your mem'ry served you well.

This wheel's on fire,

Rolling down the road,

Best notify my next of kin,

This wheel shall explode.


I honor my personality flaws, for without them I would have no personality at all.

The Original Opening Page

None of the benefits claimed for the "new" page but it calls into question our national policy of early release of from our mental health institutions.

Turkey Liberation Front

Lysergically Altered Turkeys For Christ Why ask why?

Hepatitis C

Are we having fun yet?

Circuit City

Not exactly a corporate view.

Bozo at The Bon

Why did I leave the Circus?


Specializing in the offbeat. Really offbeat


You know, bright colored things.


Surprise, halfway serious. Who'da thunk it?

Baker HS

Gittin' edumacated in the deep south.

Stuttgart AHS

I did so graduate. I believe in miracles.

Schiller College

I suspect my admission was due to a serious cash flow problem at Schiller.


Yes, the entire country is on the next page.


What do you mean you've never heard of Sister Ray?

My Angel/Unicorn/MIA Page

Sure it is.

Life Steps

Lessons learned along the way.

Advice From Uncle Al

Really that desperate?


A Victimless Disease? I think not.

Autumn Wood

A touch of the Southwest.


Surprise again, I have some.

Strange Destinations

Feelin' froggy? Then, by all means, JUMP.


Worthwhile, they're not mine.

Educational Research

Eclectic links and such.

Schiller Pics


Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach him to use the Net and he won't bother you for weeks.

By the way, the real purpose of this page is the hope that alumni of SAHS, Baker HS & Schiller College will do keyword searches and be magically transported here. Remember Sister Ray? Do you remember the 60's? As George Carlin says, "If you remember the 60's, you weren't there...."

I don't suffer from insanity, I revel in it.

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