Baker High School

Columbus / Ft. Benning

I started my freshman year of high school in Laguna Beach, CA. I was perfectly content to do all the CA high school things...skateboarding, surfing, football & tennis. Oh yeah...and classes...I know they were in there, somewhere, too. But Dad came back from Nam and we were off to another location.

We arrived in Coulmbus / Ft. Benning in December '65 and, before the California scent was even off my clothes, I'd become a Baker Lion.

Baker was a great school. Being the closest high school to Benning, it had a lot of "brat" students so there was a lot of intermingling in school activities going on. You'd pretty much see the same faces at the dances at Benning's teen club, "brat barracks," as you saw at the Baker "sock hops."

Those were the days of madras shirts.. penny loafers...crusing Victory & humid summer nights...scent of Georgia pines in the air....playing pool & ping pong at the teen club...hanging out at Officer's Club pool....playing cards at the snack bar....

I know there should be some classroom memories in here..hmmm...I do remember getting sent from a class to have a visit with Strealdorf or Boyle....I'm getting this psychic impression of a paddlelike object....

Skipping class to head down to Herb's Pawn Shop and play guitar...forgoing the delicacies of the cafeteria to eat burgers at McDonald' the days when each McDonalds had their "own" secret sauce...cruisin' over to Columbus High in CJ's 289 Mustang and doing rude things in their parking lot...the first day Ronnie Brown pulled into the parking lot with his 427 Vette.

Musician buds like Buck Dixon, Mike McNally & Mike the great philosopher Yogi Berra said "You can observe a lot just by watching.".... Bill Roberts & Mike Baxley (who was such a bud that he followed me to Stuttgart in '68).

Gigs at the Checkmate Club with the Penny Saints....Battle of the Bands at the Municipal Auditorium....also the shows there...Beach Boys..Dave Clark Five...James Brown...

And, of course, Vicki Nikas & Linda always save the best for last, right?? Back in the days of those simple, passionate high school loves...ahhh!

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