Sprawl Sites

Tournament judges may select a particular "Sprawl" or city for their games to take place in. This doesn't have to be the actual city that the tournament is in, of course -- these optional rules can serve to balance out particular deck types that are too common, or simply add an interesting twist to gameplay. Players are encouraged to mail me with additional ideas for their own area.

Boston: Home of the new Eastern Seaboard Stock Exchange (ESSEX), Boston is the high-finance capital of the Awakened World. Players here gain 6¥ during their Payday phase (instead of 4¥), or may fill their hands with up to nine cards, rather than seven. Livin' high has got its price, though -- all Upkeep costs in Boston are doubled.

CalFree: Land of shifting desert sand and illusionary magic, a player in the California Free State may choose up to ten cards to set aside at the beginning of the tournament. Between rounds, he or she may shuffle these cards back into the regular deck and randomly select ten others to be removed. (Because it begins as one larger-than-normal deck, the player must still abide by all normal deck construction rules.)

Chicago: What would you expect except Big Fraggin' Bugs?! Roll D6 whenever any Challenge on any Objective is revealed. On a 4+, treat that Challenge as an 8/8 Roach Spirit (Awakened Challenge). Roach spirits may be sleazed if the sleaze requirements of the original Challenge are met. Note that the D6 roll is made each time the Challenge is revealed -- sometimes a Maglocks is just a Maglocks.

Denver Data Haven: Denver is the information nexus of the Western World, and host site of the infamous Shadowland data-node. If you want the latest scoop on anyone -- from Aztech's chief research scientists to the Senator of Seattle to your next door neighbor's poodle -- you can find it in Denver. Before the game begins, each player may inspect his or her opponents' Objective piles. If the tournament allows sideboards, players may swap cards to or from the sideboard after looking at the Objectives, but before the game begins.

Mojave Desert: A wasteland incapable of suporting life, the Mojave Desert remains one of the most difficult spot for smugglers and cyber-pirates to smuggle through. Any cards that are fragged in the course of the game are instead removed from the tournament. If a player's deck is reduced below the minimum requirement (typically sixty cards and six Objectives), that player is removed from the tournament.

Quebec: Isolationist and segmentarian, the Quebecois have naturally outlawed foreign-language cards from play. At the beginning of each round of the tournament, randomly select a different expansion set to be banned. For the first round of the tournament, Underworld cards may be banned; for the second round, Corp War cards would be banned, and Underworld cards could be used again, and so on.

Tenochtitlan: The capitol of the Aztlan nation revels in the use of Blood Magic. When a Runner is wounded on a shadowrun, the shadowrunning player may trash that Runner to gain Reputation equal to the amount of damage just taken. Note that the Runner must survive the damage.

Example: Jack Skater (a 4/6 Runner) is dogging it alone. He runs into a pack of Feeding Ghouls (5/8). Jack takes 5 damage, and his owner promptly trashes him for 5 Reputation. If Jack had walked blindly into an Ambush (a 6/6 Challenge), Jack would be dead, and his owner would be out of luck.

Example: Grandfather Bones is a 5/6 Runner. Earlier in the round, there are Riots, and he takes 2 damage. During a shadowrun, he is assigned three additional points of damage. If his owner trashes Grampa, he only gains three Reputation, not five.

The Lawyer Chant:

Shadowrun is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original Shadowrun material © 1994 by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used with tacit permission. Any use of FASA Corporation's copyrighted material or trademarks in this file should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks.

This page was last updated in the 20thcentury.

All opinions expressed herein are my mom's.