Deck of the Week Columns

In-depth look at a particular card or deck style. Posted weekly on the SRCARD mailing list and Usenet forum. All rare cards are posted in red. I generally try and offer at least a little advice in replacing these with uncommons and commons.

Deck of the Week (1): The Magicals
Distributed at Gencon, this was one of two decks designed to show off the game to new players.

Deck of the Week (2): The Mundanes
The second of the two Gencon decks, relying on brute strength and pure killing power!

Deck of the Week (3): The "Anti-Everything" Deck
Can you really pull off an anti-Mage, anti-Decker, anti-Big Tough Guy deck? Learn how!

Deck of the Week (4): The "Skinhead Detectives" Deck
Wherein we take the worst of the Prime Runners, Dirk Montgomery, and try to build a deck around him.

The Lawyer Chant:

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This page was last updated in the 20thcentury.

All opinions expressed herein are my mom's.