Arolsen September 1998

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is not yet up!

Not all of the participating Crusaders

Gregor - Claudia - Maarten - Björn - Robin - Susi - Andrea - Kate - Kes

Try scrolling over the following pics - btw they're links to bigger ones.
A strange visitor... ...and another one. Help - they're taking over!
Looking quite alive... ...but not for very much longer... ...or so it seems
Is there already someone on his way to help us out? Testing a new weapon? This is a proven Chig repellent, but does it work against Trekker's as well?
Hm, maybe we should employ a Sili-Cat? Gregor - Maarten - Björn discussing the situation at the *war table*... ...while Robin and Una are preparing for the knive-fight...
...and others get the ammunition Andrea seeks information via uplink... ...and Markus and Andrew are looking for hints in the press.
Briefing of the troups: Maarten - Robbel - Claudia Going over the details: ? - Claudia Benedikt - Marcus (Bad Karma) can't wait for the battle
Getting ready Finally we're on our way to get them... ...or are they getting us?
Hoo-Yah!! Though they seem a bit undecided what to do with it Looks like it found someone to look after it
Relaxation after the battle: Gregor Robbel Una
Claudia Kate Though there are still some things to do: writing the report...
...or preparing the food for cooking... ...or cooking... ...or doing the dishes
So that we can have a little chat with Commodore Ross aka Tucker Smallwood after dinner Or have our Pancake-Celebration: In honour of absent friends...
...we let a pancake fly... ...before we take leave again of each other till next time...