Space: Above and Beyond

has a great following. We fans are watching the 23 eps again and again, discussing every aspect of them on various mailing lists, in private circles, even over the phone. Besides the vast amounts of letters to several tv-stations and production companies to bring the show back and the posts to said mailing lists, the avid fan writes fan-fiction.
From the constant occupation with this our beloved subject, there spring various forms of signs of addiction. One being, that a SAABer sees always and everywhere allusions to his/her favorite show.

There once was a page up, where you could find them in a concise form, but alas it is gone now. So this is my attempt to revive that well loved feature.

You are very welcome to contribute your thoughts and ideas to
Note: Please put an 'YKYBWTMS:AABW...' tag (or something like it) in your post to make it easier for me.
Note #2: Where there is no name mentioned, I don't have any information on it. When possible I always name the author.

Here you can access the aformentioned page, which was created by Christine M. Chase. Thanks for leting me use it Christine :) Note: Clicking this link will open a new browser window!


243. ...-ever you're jogging, with each step you take, you chant: 1-2-3-4 I love the Marine Corp and Semper Fi, Semper Fi, Marine's way is do or die, twice each line.

244.'re typing a paper for school and you realize while proofreading that you have capitalized the word ‘space’ in several places unconsciously.

245.'re in the car with your mother who has taken a wrong turn and you automatically know that she has gone in the wrong direction because you see a big menacing building up ahead with the word AEROTEK on it.

246. by the new Radiohead single and you notice a track called Pearly and think "Cool...a SAAB reference!"

247. I work for an ISP, and I was installing the FrontPage Server extentions for out server, and I was reading the installation instructions and it talks about a program it will be installing. . . the WildCard Script Alias. And I was like ‘hoorah’...of course I got a funny look from my boss but ah well....
(Eric Sipple)

248.'re eating some cold cereal at 5:30am and think ‘hmmm, this is pretty good stuff’. You look down into the bowl to see exactly *what* you're eating and, as your eyes strain to focus, you realize the cereal is shaped like little hammerheads and the marshmellos look like stars and planets. PS-the cereal is Malt-o-meals Marshmallow Mateys

249. YKWYBRTMSPACE-LW: After hiring the video of the pilot of S:AAB this patient suffered an uncontrollable urge for Oreos and was forced to buy TWO packets to eat while finally watching this missed episode.

250. ...while sitting on a crowded train one day reading the .NET book ‘Create great Web pages’ the patient spotted the following text in the section about Yahoo ‘If you want to find out about a TV program like Space above and Beyond,.....’ the Patient felt forced to let out the cry ‘HOO RAH’ and was left looking very stupid...

251. ...after Watching the above mentioned video, the patient got in a taxi to a friends house and while on the way the dispatched came across the radio calling for car Five Eight, the Patient gave out another cry of ‘HOO RAH’ and again looked very stupid.

252. jump up and down in a German lesson going ‘Miss, miss, is it Space:Above and Beyond miss? because you saw the name McQueen in a section of German. Ooops *grin*
(Daniel Ratcliffe)

253. the middle of a thunderstorm, and I mean the _middle_, you start reciting dead marines names, screaming hooo-yaaaah, and shoot off into the distance on your bike *grin*. It was wet out there! :(
(Daniel Ratcliffe: I've just done my paper round, in case you were wondering)

254. I was cookin some soup in a pan on my gas stove and looked at the little blue flames they seem to look like mini rockets from a space ship. No, no, no mustn't lose it, must keep it together.

255. Was flipping through my local alternative fish wrap and saw an ad for the return of the almighty Hamerheads and then farther down the page Coming soon The Hammerheads (ep Release). Had to stop and clear my head and remember that I was looking at the band listings.

256. listen to Radio 1 advertising ‘the net’ (showbiz news) and they say ...order in the Oreos... rather than go out.

255.'re watching Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (or reading the box) and it mentions the book ‘57 great things to do in zero gravity’ and Winslow comes to mind.

256. know what the acronym is by glanceing it.

257. ..suddenly you find you know a chunk of the Iliad off by heart, namely: 'Looking darkly upon Hector,swift-footed Achilles answered...'.

258. ...while dubbing The Pretender for your friend two scenes make you misty:
1. When the main character ‘discovers’ SPAM
2. When this exchange takes place:
Man 1: He's not playing with a full deck?
Man 2 : A deck and a half. And they're all WILDCARDS.

259.'re having Country Fries and ketchup for lunch, and the first thing that strikes your mind, while you're pouring the Heinz ketchup onto your plate is the big *57* engraved in the bottle and you can only think: 57th Squadron Crusaders - RAINING FIRE!!!! HOOOOOOOYAAAAAH!

260. hear the lottery's 11 million and you think 'Five new episodes of SAAB!'.

261. ...playing Mechwarrior 2 you destroy your own airbase because the place is owned by Aerotech.

262. read in The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy: ''A Saab drew to a halt beside him. Its window wound down and a friendly voice said, 'Have you come far?' '' Yeah, all the way to Anvil, where we got lost. :-(
(Herwig 'Dusty' Verschueren)

263. nearly cause a car crash by stopping to look at a SAAB

264. jump out of your seat in the cinema with joy to see an ‘Aerotech’ van destroyed.

265. wonder what use a Commadore would be in ER.
(Daniel Ratcliffe)

266. are playing cards, and somebody says, ''shuffle the wildcards'' and you blurt out to your embarrassment ''AND DEAL 'EM'' then to further more redden your face, you win a small win, and yell ''Hoo-rah''. What a nightmare.

267. ...your ears perk up when you hear Timothy Hutton say the following in the middle of the movie 'Taps': ''I don't want to hear another bad thing about West. '' And you think about the DOTKOH.

268. ...every time you see a saab you yell hoo raah, even after 13 days on the road and lots of strange looks from family members.

269. ...after watching the new got milk commercial with oreo you wonder if any saabers from the list were involved.

270. walk in to the newsagent and see the headline „Tank is ready for war" and you expect to see a picture of Hawks underneath.

271. turn on the evening news and almost spew your coffee when the opening story (complete with headline in background) is „In Vitro Alert".

272.'re sitting in a fast food restaurant eating a hamburger and you see a van with the license plate that reads BUTZ and you suddenly want pancakes.

273.'re driving down the interstate and you see a billboard that says „Coopers Sporting Goods" and you want to stop in and see what kind of surfboards he has (in Minnesota!).

274. go to get new tyres for the car, see a sign saying „Semperit" and think: „Hey, that's wrong".
275.'re looking through CDs and you do a double take when you see a track called „Anvil Overture".
(Jenny Hartley)

(The above are taken from my time on SPACE-L)

And here are new one's:
(source as indicated)

276. ...everytime you eat lime jelly (jello) you think you are eating chig spooge.
277. want to add a : to a SAAB.
278. miss S:AAB everytime your computer at university loads its 58 files.
279. think your dad is a tank when you see a scar at the appropriate spot on the back of his neck (actually a skin cancer that was removed).
(Kate King/57th-l/10 Nov 1997)

280. I used to have lots of these. (...)My favorite however remains yelling "Incoming!" every time a car or similar gets too much near your group of bikes. Same applies when a teacher comes too close to your particular group of students who aren't working :).
(Guy Sie/57th-l/10 Nov 1997)

281. ...your parents sigh every time you pass a SAAB cos they know _exactly_ what you're going to say.
282. know what the square root of 3364 is.
(Daniel Ratcliffe - MrMorpork/57th-l/10 Nov 1997)

283. read this:'re stuck in an Intro-level database class as're stuck in an InVitro-level database class
(Jean Wren/space-l/14 Nov 1997)

284.'re innocently browsing through the Feminist Science Fiction page bibliographies and happen to spot a short story listing titled "Sex and/or Mr. Morrison" by Carol Emshwiller, and your eyeballs immediately start bugging out as you scream internally, "'And/Or'??? You've GOT to be kidding!!!!"
(Janeen Hafer/space-l/1 Dec 1997 )

285.'re watching last week's edition of B5 (in Britain), Between the Light and the Darkness, and when Sheridan is being rescued from the prison you shout HOOYAH!!! in the middle of a room full of people because you see 58 stencilled on the wall behind the doctor!! And everyone turns to stare at you/doesn't talk to you for the next week!
(Rupert Connell/space-l/1 Dec 1997)

286. hear Will Smith's new single and you're pretty darned sure that the title is "Gettin' Chiggy Wit It." [No, seriously, I think that's it. Has anybody bought the album (Huh, *album*, how quaint.) so we can verify the spelling?]
(Chad Carlock/space-l/2 Dec 1997)

287. And the Spice Girls New single. Shake it to the left, jump to the right (or something) CHIGGIES TO THE FRONT.
(Christine Forrester/space-l/3 Dec 1997)

288.'re friend comes up to you to say everytime she see's that guy she feels she had to chat with him. She further says it's an Irish thing. At this point you form a picture on your mind with the 58's faces, except Hawkes, stuffed on a pillow due to Hawkes' flatulence and Hawkes saying it's an in-vitro thing.
(Kigh/space-l/3 Dec 1997)

289. ...your intray reads 2065 messages and you wonder if they found Wang, Vansen and Phousse yet and How the war is going
(Christine Forrester/space-l/10 Dec 1997)

290. go out and by a SAAB car
("The Gardners"/space-l/10 Dec 1997)

291. ... you watch ST: First Contact and one of the actors say: In 2063 the first warp flight took place and you shout: "Hey, you liar that'S when the Cards fought against the Chigs, you little Chig-turd" and you get funny looks from your fellow watchers threaten to gag you.
292. ... you say: "I'd rather hang dead over a fence with a Chig than watching SPACE 1999"
293. ... you get all teary eyed when you happen to come across a German cop in new riot gear and he wears Hi-Tec boots.
294. ... you cause a minor riot when you come into a convention full of Trekkers and you shout Hoo-Rah after having discovered a small by-line about Lanei Chapman in ST:TNG in one of the reference books.
295. ... you curse everytime you see the 20th Century Fox sign on TV or at the cinema and grumble: "Those idiots axed SAAB!"
(DrkNite/Nox//14 Dec 1997)

296.'re looking for a parking space at the mall, and you choose one because it's next to a SAAB.
(Kate Duncan/space-l/14 Dec 1997)

297.'re on driving your family to Las Vegas and pass highway 58 (bakersfield?) and yell "hooyah!" in the car. Your family stares at you, and you promise not to do it again. Then, the next highway we pass is the 127 (Death Valley?) and do it again. My sister drove on the way back.
298. ...when you are looking for the administration building at your school and find out that the address is 5800, and the graduation office that I was going to was 127.
(Tony Soottinanchai/space-l/15 Dec 1997)

299. drive past AI Barbers and you have a sudden urge to blow them out of space (well, strip mall. Same thing :)
(Mandy/rrdg-l/19 Dec 1997)

300. I picked up a folder, looking for a query. First item I look at - customer name is James Morrison... (It's the Man! It can't be - what's he doing in Prestwick, Scotland? Naahhhh... Get back to work, girl!) Second item - order from an optician in Northern Ireland called McQueen.
me - ROTLF trying to imagine McQueen as an optician solemnly informing his patients that it's alright to be myopic.. (Sorry - BAADDD sense of humour)...
Funny thing is, it took me a full five minutes to decide that of just three sheets of paper, none of them were the one I wanted. Can't imagine why... And for the rest of the afternoon I had NO hope of staying in 'work mode' - my concentration seemed to have been completely shot to pieces. Am I the only one this sort of thing has ever happened to? And what are the odds of 2 out of just 3 orders having THOSE names...
(Kezia/jmdg-l/27 Jun 1998)

301. I was going through the Levenger's web site (they are a very nice fountain pen and other fancy reading stuff catalog company) and suddenly there it was... the initials JPM monogrammed on a canvas bag. Did he order it??? Naa, but still, it does give one pause.
(Rachel/jmdg-l/28 Jun 1998)
[Note: For those who don't know, *our* James Morrison's middle name is -Paige-]

302. You know your bored when you start looking for people in a phone book. There are 5 James Morrison in this city. Mcqueens but none are a .T. or Ty.
(Karen/jmdg-l/7 Jul 1998)

303. say," All I need to live is the TV, the VCR, and all of my S:AAB tapes."
304.'re playing Bridge you go through your cards, and you see the Queen of Diamonds, you yell ' HOO RAH'. Then everyone stares at you.
305. I went on vacation to Emerald Isle, and there was a Marine Corp base nearby. So my parents took me there, and I kept on looking for the 58th.
306. ...all of a sudden the same words seem to come into your head, "and when I shall die, take him and cut him into little stars, and he will make the face of heaven so fine, that all the world will be in love with night, and pay no worship to the garnish sun."
307. is suddenly incredibly easy to recite phrases from S:AAB.
308. hate using shampoo because it is pronounced kind of like Chaput.
309. can answer all the questions about SAAB that your mom can think of.
(Chip Jean/16 Jul 1998)

310. I got this message today from my internet server. But I didn't know that until I opened the mail:

J McQueen wrote:
Dear Modem User,
But the name of the sender has sent my heart fluttering.
As I read the message, all I could think of was whether he's anything like the Col. Whether he's name was James. Then it dawned on me that the Col.'s name was Tyrus Cassius and my bubble burst.
I think this is a sign that I need more SAAB.
(Kigh/space-l/05 Aug 1998)

311. ...even your flatmate sees and hears allusions to S:AaB any- and everywhere.
(Andrew/11 Aug 1998)

312. nearly run off the road when you see the manufacturer of the shuttle buses in your area are made by AEROTECH?
313. feel a sense of loss as you eat at the campus cafeteria because it is run by Chartwell!
(spacefan/space-l/14 Aug 1998)

314. ...ever you hear a female voice on the TV, or IN A movie without seeing the face you think it is
A) Phousse
B) Vansen
(PraetorOX/space-l/14 Aug 1998)

315. ...its Winslow
(William Pora/ Aug 1998)

316. UK SAABers back me up here but "Vesta" happens to be the name for a range of packets of dried meals (curries, paella, etc) over here and so I always find myself giggling inanely about the name. (But then I always *did* have a very surreal sense of humour!) Oh well.... :)
(Murray Lynes/space-l/27 Aug 1998)

317. And there's a Canadian bottled spring water called Naya. I keep wanting to rename it Naye'i (from Stardust").
(Kate Duncan/space-l/27 Aug 1998)

318. Tellus is the name of the Alberta telephone provider. I think of Aerotech every month when my bill comes.
(Lisa/space-l/27 Aug 1998)

319. have to log into a different account for computing science, and the machine is called hawk. But you keep typing hawks.
(Kate K./20 Oct 1998)

320. spot in the toilets at University: "58 days to Christmas", and your sister tells you that you should have written *Hooyah* underneath it. (Hmm, watch the toilets in the central ref, Lucy, in particular the middle one :) )
321. spent about 5 minutes just sitting there looking at an invoice you sent in for work because it was invoice number 58.
322. YKYB a member of the *57th Crusaders* for too long when you go to work and start laughing when you realise that the house number is 57.
323. and your sister are busy putting up the hem on a pair of trousers, and she asks you how far you were, to which you answer 5/8ths :)
(Kate K./2 Nov 1998)

Isn't really that funny in English, but in German :) :
324. read 'Schießen Sie Ihren Wang ab (Shoot Your Wang)!' instead of 'Schließen Sie Ihren Wagen ab (Lock Your Car)!' on a parking garage sign.
(Andrew Winters/?? ?? 1999/personal conversation)

325. ... you are surfing the radiostations and the net for the Patsy Cline song "Never No More".
(genius/11 Feb 2000)

326. YKWYBWT57thTLW or "You Know When You've Been With The 57th Too Long When"'re writing a fanfic and you almost type in "the other Crusaders" instead of "the other Wildcards".
(Aisha "Zephie" Sie/14 Jan 1999)

327. YKWYBWT57thTLW're writing a "proffesional" script and you just can't bring yourself to destroy the "Magellan" or to kill any members of 57th in the process.
(Jolanta "Skrzat" K./14 Jan 1999)

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Okay, so I'm nosy, but wouldn't *you* like to know as well ;)

