Star Wars & Young Jedi

Customizable Card Game
Trading Lists

Looking mainly hoping to complete Star Wars Theed Palace & Coruscant. Also have some minor interest in Young Jedi cards listed.

Also check on my needs from Star Trek, Babylon 5, and other CCGs. I am very wiling to trade SW cards for them, or vice-versa; much Star Trek available. E-mail me at '' with any offers.

Please note that all my have cards are mint/near mint and/or unplayed unless otherwise stated and I only want cards of the same condition. I do not buy so no need to send offers. Thanks.


Theed Palace LS:
Bravo 1

Coruscant LS:
Master Qui Gon

Coruscant DS:
Imperial Artillery

Young Jedi – Enhanced Menace of Darth Maul:
Mace Windu, Jedi Warrior
Queen Amidala, Cunning Warrior
Darth Maul, Sith Assassin
Sebulba, Champion Podracer Pilot

Young Jedi – Enhanced Battle of Naboo:
Anakin Skywalker, Tested by the Jedi Council
R2-D2, Starship Maintenance Droid
Yoda, Wise Jedi

Young Jedi – Duel of Fates:
Qui-Gonn Jinn, Jedi Mentor
Darth Maul, Student of the Dark Side
Tey How, Neimoidian Command Officer


Theed Palace DS:
After Her!
The Deflector Shield Is Too Strong

Reflections 3 LS Premiums:
Sio Bibble
Reflections 3 DS Premiums:
A Useless Gesture

Coruscant DS:
Aks Moe
Imperial Arrest Order & Secret Plans
Short Range Fighters & Watch Your Back

Tatooine LS:
I Did It!
Shmi Skywalker
The Shield is Down

Tatooine DS:
I’m Sorry

Premiere Black-Border LS:
Biggs Darklighter
Gold 1
Leesub Sirin
Rebel Planners
Red 3
Thank the Maker

Premiere Black-Border DS:
Juri Juice
WED15-1662 'Treadwell' Droid

Premiere White Border LS:
Dice Ibegan
Full Throttle
Gold 1
Leesub Sirin
Sealed / Unopened Premiere WB Packs (preferably for physical trades only)

Premiere White Border DS:
Admiral Motti
Fear Will Keep Them In Line
Juri Juice
Lateral Damage
Lone Warrior
Turbolaser Battery
Sealed / Unopened Premiere WB Packs (preferably for physical trades only)

A New Hope LS:
Clak'Dor VII
Commence Recharging
Death Star: Trench
Magnetic Suction Tube
SW-4 Ion Cannon

A New Hope DS:
Magnetic Suction Tube

Hoth LS:
Dack Ralter

Hoth DS:
Debris Zone
Furry Fury

Dagobah LS:
Order to Engage

Cloud City LS:
Cloud City: Dining Room
Rendezvous Point on Tatooine

Cloud City DS:

Jabba's Palace DS:
Pote Snitkin
Sealed / Unopened Premiere WB Packs (preferably for physical trades only)

Jabba's Palace LS:
Leslomy Tacema
Sealed / Unopened Premiere WB Packs (preferably for physical trades only)

Special Edition LS:
Lando's Blaster Rifle
Leia's Blaster Rifle
Old Times
Rendezvous Point

Special Edition DS:

Endor LS:
Endor: Ewok Village

Endor DS:
Well-Earned Command
Biker Scout Trooper
Hot Pursuit
Speeder Bike

Death Star II LS:
Tala 1

Reflections Foils:

Reflections 2 Combo Cards:
Nar Shaddaa Wind Chimes & Out of Somewhere

Reflections 2 Foils:
Executor: Holotheatre

Gold Leader in Gold 1
Jedi Pack

Young Jedi - Menace of Darth Maul:
6 Captain Panaka, Protector of the Queen
34 Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Lightsaber
36 Anakin Skywalker's Podracer
64 Yousa Buys Bombad!
76 Jabba, Vile Crime Lord
121 At Last We Will Have Revenge
F16 Gasgano's Podracer

Young Jedi - Jedi Council:
9 Queen Amidala, Voice of Her People
10 Yoda, Jedi Council Member
64 Wisdom of The Council
72 Darth Sidious, Lord of the Sith
75 Jabba the Hutt, Gangster
77 Rune Haako, Neimodian Advisor
82 Fode and Beed, Podracer Announcer
122 Let Them Make the First Move

Jedi Knights:
32 Good Shooting, Wedge
89 Destroy Them Ship to Ship

Trades with Star Trek CCG are possible.
Click here to go to my Star Trek CCG trade lists

Last updated: 9 March 2002

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