Happy Winter

Online sense June 21, 1999

Konnichia and hello everyone! I am Dan-yell (also referred as The Euphmegami, Yelly, or Dani), your hostess throughout this page. If you’ve never visited here before then I’ll fill you in; it’s a band nerd’s paradise! Well, sort of. All I really have are tons of band jokes. But that alone should keep any band nerd satisfied for a few hours.

Dan-yellAs for updating; it may be a really slow. I've lost interest, really. Not of band (it'll always be the love of my life), I just have little reason to update. I'm no longer in high school where the students often viewed my page for a laugh, although I meet the occational band nerd that can appreaciate the humor. But now I'm growing up where life is the biggest laugh of all.

I'm not sure where the apprenticeship with the band instrument repair thing is going. It might not go after all. My trip to Europe might still be on! Right now my money is tight with my new car (Sunshine), I moved out recently, my sister's wedding is in April, and I'm trying to save up for a silver, four-valved, Yamaha euphonium. But I have high hopes of exploring Europe within a year or two.

Thanks for waiting- love from The Euphmegami

Give me a shout!
Final Fantasy XI: Donella, Euphina, or Silentblood; Leviathan Server

05-20-2006:New gallery.
01-28-2006: I don't know why I did it considering how freakishly busy it has been today at work but I sort of organized the FFXI Gallery Page. And I didn't realize how many screenshots I've got! It's totally hurting my loading but oh well, this website is old but still has some spirit left in it! Yeah, some of those screenshots need to go... because I've got new ones to add! *grins*
01-27-2006: I'm boooooored. Check this out! I'm going to the FFXI Fan Festival with Jacob! Whoo! I'm such a nerd. :p Godess my website sucks.

Here are the active pages:

The Freshman's Guide to Surviving Marching Band
Advice Column 2000-'01
Advice Column 2001-'02
You're a Band Nerd When...
Quotes Resurrected
FFXI Gallery
Band Jokes
Woodwind : Brass : Percussion : String : Choir : Other : Music
Faerie's Aire and Death Waltz
(pop up screen)

Free Link. Save to your own computer.

euphmegami's (Dan-yell) logo. It's mine! ALL MINE! MWA HA HA HA HA!All graphics are copywrite (c) to The Euphmegami (Dan-yell).
Do not take without permission.