The Borg are the Federation's most feared enemy. A combination or organic and technology, the Borg are a truly fearsome foe. The Borg all think as one, because they are all joined in the massive Borg collective. The Borg do not destroy species, they assimilate them. They make them Borg. They..."bring them closer to perfection." Because of this assimilation, the Borg do not reproduce.

The Borg do not fly small starships. Instead, they fly humongous borg cubes, controlled by the entire collective. One borg cube may hold millions of Borg inside of it. Borg cubes regenerate themselves, so are almost impossible to kill. The combination of the Borg's awesome strength and fearsome technology make them the Federation's worst nightmare.

The Cardassians

The Cardassians are another of the Federation's enemies. Not extremely strong in their brute strength, nor strong in their ships, the Cardassians rely on their numbers and their allies to make them a major power in the Alpha Quadrant. Once led by Gal Dukat, but now led by Gal Dammar, the Cardassians have allied themselves with the Federation's enemy, the Dominion. With this alliance, the Cardassians stand to be on the side controlling the Alpha Quadrant, or the side fleeing it. Which one it will be remains to be seen.

Not much is known about the Cardassian warship, exept for that it is very large, and very cumbersome. However, it is also very powerful when it hits.

The Romulans

The Romulans have become a fairly nuetral and much less powerful force in the Alpha Quadrant recently. Their large presence and power was due greatly to their cloaking device, which allowed thier ships to go undetected into enemy territory. The Romulans now have a peace treaty with the Federation, and have just recently joined the war against the Dominion on the Federation's side. The Romulans, related to the Vulcans, are fairly powerful on their ships, and still have the advantage of the phase cloak, an advanced cloaking device. Their advanced disrupters make them much more powerful as well. The Romulans may still emerge a major power in the Alpha Quadrant.

The Romulan Warbird is powerful and manuverable. It is equipped with disprupter cannons, and the extremely powerful plasma cannon. The Warbird is also equipped with a cloaking device. The Warbird is double-hulled.

The Klingons

The Klingons are a warlike, tough, and extremely honorable species. The Klingons are currently allied with the Federation. The Klingon's entire society is based on honor, and they will fight to the death for it. The Klingons use a hand weapon called the bat'leth instead of a phaser in battle. The Klingons are extremely strong, and their ships are small, manueverable, and fairly strong. The Klingon government is currently run by Chancellor Gowron.

The Klingon D-7A is a sleek, manueverable ship, equipped with a cloaking device and twin disrupter cannons. Most of the technology on the D-7A was either traded for or stolen from the Romulans.

The Ferrengi

The Ferrengi are mostly a race of traders, though their warriors are strong, due to their phaser whips. Most Ferrengi, however, are merchants, buying and selling random items.

Not much is known about the Ferrengi Maurader, other than that it is a fairly fast, fairly manueverable, fairly strong ship.