Personnel Records for:

Name: Cam Knauf
Name Pronunciation: kuh-NOUF
Rank: Ensign
Posting: 2nd Relief Helm / Navigation Officer
Race: Human
Age / Gender: 38 (128) / Male
Home Planet: Tyco City, Moon
Hair Color: Black - Peppered w/Gray Eye Color: Dark and Beady
Height: 5' 8" Weight: 190 lbs.
Marital Status: Widowed
Education: Standard Starfleet Academy (circa 2268).
Enterprise Crew Orientation class (in 2268).
Starfleet Reorientation Program (to 2369 standards).
Federation Temporal Investigations Training.
Tango Fleet Training
Career History: Knauf graduated Starfleet Academy in 2268. His initial assignment was the USS Enterprise, where he remained until the conclusion of Captain Kirk's first five-year mission. He then transferred to the USS Bozeman where he rose to the rank of Full Lieutenant and the position of Chief Helm Officer. Five years later, Lt. Knauf was on the USS Bozeman when it was stuck in a recursive temporal causality loop in which they repeated the same few days over and over again for 90 years. Because he was not stationed at the Helm during this time, Knauf has always felt responsible for this accident.
Once they were rescued by the Enterprise-D, Captain Bateson and his crew were re-educated and, if they desired it, returned to active duty. Knauf first took time to introduce himself to his family. He then joined the Federation Department of Temporal Investigations. He worked with them for five years, serving on several missions into the past to correct events that had gone awry. On one trip through time, Knauf became the driver of the truck that ran down Edith Keeler.
Soon after this mission, he returned to Starfleet, claiming that piloting was his "true calling". Initially, Knauf took a grade reduction from Lieutenant to Ensign seeking to prove himself in this time period. He did just that and was returned to his prior rank. But this did not last long....
When the Casey had seemingly defeated a "Doomsday Machine"-like device, they received orders to turn the machine over to Starfleet Intelligence. The crew refused (notably XO Stolly, CSO Devries, Transport Oficer Willow and, of course, Knauf). When charges were about to be filed, Knauf took sole responsibility for their actions in an effort to protect his friends. As a result, Knauf was demoted to Lieutenant (junior-grade).
On a subsequent mission as part of a Tango Fleet Task Force, Knauf conducted a dangerous helm maneuver (designed to "teach the Hyperion-C a lesson"). His friend and crewmate, William Devries, was seriously injured. This event (along with his guilt over both the Bozeman and his family) drove Knauf to the brink of suicide. With the help of his friends (Rebekah Manes, Brrramm and Devries himself), Knauf realized this was not the proper course of action. While Starfleet is unaware of his mental condition, they did take action against Knauf for the maneuver. He was demoted to Ensign and stripped of his Chief Helm Officer duties. He has remained on board the Casey at the 2nd Relief Helm posting.
Family Background: Knauf married the one-true love-of-his-life, Samantha Livengood, in 2275. Three years later, when Sam was carrying the couple's first child, they decided they wanted the baby to come to term on Earth. So when the Bozeman fell into the Causality Loop, Knauf's wife was not on board.
Samantha Knauf passed away in 2347 (at the age of 99) of natural causes - more than 20 years before Knauf and crew would escape the Causality Loop. The fact that he was absent for most of his wife's life -- and that she won't be present for the remainder of his -- causes him a lot of pain and is responsible for a good deal of his seclusion from both his existing family...and the crew, which he considers his extended family.
His son, Cam Jr., is now 97 years old. This family lineage means Knauf is the grandfather of three, great-grandfather of four, great-great-grandfather of seven and great-great-great-grandfather of the newly arrived Cam Knauf, the sixth.
Knauf struggles to be close to this family he never knew, but the fact that he is younger then some of his great-grandchildren has complicated the matter.
Awards & Honors: Starfleet Academy Three-Dimensional Chess Champion (2265, 2266 and 2268);
Five separate POTM Commendations for exemplary service to the USS Casey
Tango Fleet Citation of Valor (awarded twice)
Tango Fleet Captain's Star Award (First Level)
Ambitions: To return to his own time without the possibility of temporal disruption.
Likes: His work.
Beer and moonshine whiskey.
"Bridge Banter".
Dislikes: Being reminded of time he's lost.
The Hyperion-C.
Pavel Chekov.
Strengths / Special Abilities: He is very sensitive to Time Displacements and Anomalies. Whether this is due to his temporal experience, his training or a natural ability is unknown . . . at this "time".
Cam also has extremely high observational skills.
Talents: Piloting (almost anything), Time Travel/Time Alteration Theory, Location Sense, Computer Skills.
Traditions: Runs long Holo-simulations of his life if he hadn't become displaced in time.
Keeps in contact with Captain Bateson and the rest of the Bozeman Crew.
Hobbies & Interests: History, Board Games (although he refuses to play three-dimensional chess).

HEAR Knauf attempt to communicate with Talarian prisoners

HEAR the inadequate musical stylings of Cam Knauf

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