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Khan Jal of Borg
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I've been making these pages since November 16, 1996. (And loving every minute of it)

Khan Jal (kän jal) n. 1. A person of great honor and respect for others. 2. A good player at games, especially Strategy and 3D games. 3. A person with lots of dedication to his web page.

Quick Links this Index page.
http://justin.isfun.netTo this Index page.
http://justin.isawesome.netTo this Index page. To the Humans Are Stupid site.

Index - You're looking at it. Just click on the button that says Index and you'll return here.

About Me - Go here to find out about the wonderful person who makes these pages.

Awards - The awards I have gotten for these pages are here.

Dogz II - Virtual petz software that I made a page about.

Dogz 3 - This is the next line of Virtual petz. You can do a lot more with this than with Dogz II.

Laser Tag - You can look at the latest Laser Tag "Home" gear like Laser Challenge, Lazer Tag, and Laser Command. There is no arena gear on this page yet.

WebCam - My WebCam page. Now with three cams.

Webrings - All of the webrings I've joined that are on my main page.

E-Mail - You can E-Mail me questions, comments, or suggestions by clicking on the button or on the link.

Form - Fill out my form and leave me comments, suggestions, and questions.

Sign Guestbook - Let me know you've visited my page by signing my guestbook.

View Guestbook - See the people who've signed my guestbook.

Any link with an image like this beside it -Credit Button- is a site I give credit to for either helping me, letting me "borrow" some images, or informing me on some information.

Any link with an image like this beside it -New Button- is a new page I just created.

Any link with an image like this beside it -Updated Button- is a page already made but has been updated.

All pages are © 1996 - 2001 by Justin Harding . All text and images on this page or any subpage are property of Justin unless otherwise specified. Anyone may use any text or image created by me but must be credited toward me or not claimed as your own.

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