Terms used in any language can be misleading and sometimes confusing for a layman-as myself. I do hope this list will provide some relief as to the nature of Wiccan. I have tried to include words that I frequently found myself running to the text books to research. Is it possible? Mr. Webster did not know the terminology used to describe Wiccan?
altar: a place set aside for magickal work
>amulet: An object of protection like a stone or charm
ankh: A hieroglyphic (Egypt) a symbol of life, love, and reincarnation. A cross with a looped top
arcana: two halves of a Tarot deck. Major 22 cards depict our lives minor arcana shows what will happen in our lives
athame a knife never used for cutting used in ritual work to cleanse and concentrate
bane bad, evil,
banish to rid the presence of, magickally get rid of something unwanted
bind to restrain something or someone magickally
blood moon a menstrual cycle for women, when occuring in the full moon it is the most powerful
book of shadows grimoire/ a spellbook, a working journal of a witches skills, spells, and notes
bolline this is the knife used for cutting. to inscribe candles, cut things as herbs, cords, etc.
Burning Times A time when estimated over 9 million were tortured or burned for being supposedly witches. It was a between 1000CE through the 17th century. It is thought that most of these were women and children. land was taken and given to the accuser and the church.
Cabala see Kabbala, Kabbalah, or Qabala. Hebrew
chakras seven major parts of the human body. forehead (white) 3rd eye,throat (purple)-chest (blue)-navel (pink or green) navel(yellow) abdomen (orange) groin (red) smaller ones are in the hands and feet
channeling you allow your body to be used to speak to others, used by a medium.
cone of power The phychic charge built up by a coven visualized as the shape of a cone, the witches being the base.
Coven A group of witches meeting on a regular basis for work
Craft The given name for the religion and practice of witchcraft
Cup/Chalice element tool, representing water
deosil in a clockwise or sunwise direction
divination phychic information obtained by scrying. tarot cards, crystal ball, or the cauldron full of water
drawing down the moon invocation of the Goddess aspect by the High Priest
drawing down the sun Invocation of the God aspect by the High Priestess
Elders 2nd and 3rd degree members of a coven
Elements The basic modes of existence and action. Earth, Fire,Air and Water
Esbat A coven meeting of a lesser importance than the 8 high sabbats
Evocation A calling of an entity of a lower order of being than oneself
Exorcism The expulsion of a person or place which it is influecing, by a psysic means.
familiar An animal usually a pet of a witches that reacts to negative influences. Said that if the animal leaves the circle the spell is no good Stop as evil may lurk
five fold kiss The witches ritual salue. Only used within the circle. 1. on each foot 2. on each knee 3. on the lower belly 4. on each breast 5. on the lips
Garderians witches initiated by G. Garderner (High Priestess)
Gnome spirit of the nature of the earth element
Golden Dawn Cabalist teachings
Great Rite the male-female major ritual. intercourse. between husband and wife or lovers. The Great Rite is done in private.
Grimoire A book of magick.
Halloween Samhain
Handfasting Wiccan wedding ritual
Hexagram A six pointed star
High Priest The male leader of a coven
High Priestess The female leader of a coven
Hiving off when two members go off to start their own coven
Imbolg Feb.2nd. The early spring great sabbat.
incarnation a living entity being transformed into an actual being
Invocation summoning a non material entity of a higher order of being than oneself
Karma The spiritual balance
Left handed path usually means the practice of black magic
Lughnassadh The celtic God of light. Celebrated around the 31st of July. One of the Great Sabbats
Magic(k) science and art of causing a change to. The k is added to distinguish against magic as Houdine knew it. Thus, magick.
Magus In wicca a 2nd or 3rd degree male witch
Manifestation the ghost or entity already in existence on another level
Neophyte a newbie to a coven
Pentacle the center piece of one's altar. An engraved disc representing the earth's elements.
Pentagram five pointed star
Persona self image that the self builds up
Planes The many places on being. Spiritual, mental, astral, etheric and physical
Priest, Priestess Every initiated witch
Psyche The non physical make-up of a human being
Reincarnation a person is reborn. life after life until the Karma is fulfilled
Right handed Path a white magic witchcraft
Rune A character or letter tradionally regarded as magical.
Sabbats Eight seasonal festivals. Imbolg, Spring Equinox, Bealtaine, midsummer solstice, Lughnasadh, Autumn equinox, Samhain, and winter solstice.
Salamander Traditional name of an element. Element of fire.
Salt Used as a purifying symbol in wiccan
Samhain Tradional Halloween it is the New Year for witches. p> Scrying Any form of divination which involves gazing into something. crystal ball, bowl, or mirror or even a puddle
Shaman One who communicates with the inner planes by self-induced trance
Sigil An occult seal or sign
Skyclad Ritual nakedness
Soul-mates Individuals who are continually involved wth each other in sucessive incarnations
Summerlands A spiritualist word for teh Heaven which soulds enter after death.
Sword represents one of the elements fire sometimes air also
Sylph The traditional name for an element
Talisman An object like an amulet. not as protective or as strong.
Tarot A deck of 78 cards used to represent meditation and divination
Tree of Life Quabala central diagram.
Undine traditional name for an element spirit of the nature of the water element
Vampirism The draining of psychic energy from one by another
Wand Traditional representation of one of the elements fire or Air.
Watchtowers The four cardinal points that are the keeper of the circle
Wicca witches name for the craft
Widdershins In an anti-clockwise direction. against the sun.
Witches Rune Chant followed by a ring dance
Yule Dec. 22nd. Winter Solstice