Sitting is the easiest form of meditation. Just in cast you
fall asleep, said with a smile. A straight back chair is ideal
for this. Keep your back straight and close your eyes. The
palms are up as your hands rest on your knees. Breathe deeply
in for the count of four and out for the count of four. Do this
breathing exercise atleast ten times. Feeling yourself relax
and it is said--exhale frustration and inhale peace.
Music of a soft and soothing nature can be played at this
time. There are many good ones on the market. The room you
choose should be quiet. Meditation should be started at the
same time of the day each day. As you progress, you will learn
to be able to meditate anywhere and at anytime. For the time
being, start off at say ten minutes dailey and increase as time
goes on. You will feel and know what is right for you. I am
putting a notation here that is good for all but suits me
the most. I have custody of five children and the phone is
a very constant presence to us all. Find the quiet room,
the quiet time of day and TURN OFF THE RINGER. !!!! Candles may
be used usually a white or blue one. Incense may be used also
but do not let the smoke cloud the visions.
Visualization is in us all but needs to be drawn out as
anything else and practiced regularly. This is a very important
step to the beginning of successful scrying (reading) of a
crystal ball or other modes of scrying. Visualization? Picture
in your mind a person, a friend or lover. Mentally make note
of each detail about that person. The more in depth each time.
The colors they have in there hair and eyes, the distinct traits
of that person. Do this for about a week. Now, you are ready to
clear your mind totally. Empty all thoughts and just picture,
visualize, a white light surrounding you. Visualization is the
act of seeing with the mind. Magical visulization is the
act of seeing what is at present non existence.
Click on the crystal ball