Yes -- you read it correctly. We are giving our readers the opportunity to assist us with conducting an interview with the wonderful and wacky creative forces behind the Marvel Knights line (Daredevil, Black Panther, Black Widow, Inhumans, Punisher, etc.).
You are probably thinking - "So how exactly is this going to work?". Well, we have the answer for you right here as follows:
1. To participate you must e-mail us your questions (sooner the better). 2. We will post them on this page for everyone to see 3. At the end of the month, Jimmy and Joe will answer your questions and we will post the entire interview (conducted by you our readers) right here.
This is a great opportunity for you to get involved in the creative process . Jimmy and Joe will be answering all questions -- so get busy and come up with some tuff ones. Please submit your questions as soon as you can -- the reason for this is we are not going to allow repetitious questions.
(below are the responses we've received )