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Member ACLIO - Help stop Chain Letters on ICQ!

Click here to go to my Awards Page. Hopefully, the collection will grow.

If you wanna link to this page, please email me and I'll tell you how.

For those of you who know me from mIRC, hi!!! For those of you who know me In Real Life... hi too. For those of you who don't know me, My name is Ana Marylee Benitez. I'm a college sophmore at the UPR (That's in Puerto Rico By the way). I'm majoring in Biology, and hopefully that'll lead me to a career in medicine.

I am an avid Star Trek fan. I participated in the January 29 chat in the Star Trek Continuum with Ira Behr, executive producer of Star Trek: Deep Space 9. Click on his image bellow to see the transcript of the chat in the Star Trek oficial site. I've also participated in a chat with Nicolle deBoer. Look for my questions under "Ana Benitez" or "anamarylee"

As a show of my true trekker spirit, I formed a mailing list called trekbooks. You can suscribe and view the digests by clicking on the corresponding graphics bellow.

I've changed the Midi's on this page. Click bellow one the music symbol, that will take you to a page full of my favorite midis.

Pet Section


The WB11 has a Dawson's Creek Site! Enjoy it.

Dawson's Creek

Click here to listen and read the lyrics to the Dawson's Creek theme, sung by Paula Cole.

I don't want to wait

Like I said, I'm a college student. In the following link you will find the most embarassing, and sometimes enlightening experiences of my life on campus. Click on Homer, any Homer, to connect to that page.

Click me, click me!Click me too!Click me, not them!

I have one cat named Spot (after Commander Data's Cat) and my brother's cat named Vivi (named after his friend). Click on the cat bellow to read a little bit about them.

Feel free to drop me a line. I check my e-mail daily, so I will recieve the mesage.

E-mail me!

The Following is a link to my character profile, from the AFP, a Star Trek Sim group. It is almost finished.

This is a link to a Patrick Stewart video, aka Captain Jean Luc Picard, in Saturday Night Live.

What a hunk!

You will need Winzip or another decompressing tool to open it. Below is a link to Win Zip.

WinZip Now

Proud member of The Great Link

This are links to Star Trek Pages.

Star Trek Links

PeRsOnAl HoMePaGeS.

Personal Homapeges

HeLp PaGe

Got milk?

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Updated on October 17, 2002 @ 15:55 EDT

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