Tina's Guestbook -- Tina's Gästebuch
I'm glad you are taking a look at what people have written to me.
Why not sign my guestbook yourself, right now? I'll be happy to read your comments. |
Ich freue mich, daß Ihr Euch anseht, was andere Leute mir geschrieben haben.
Warum tragt Ihr Euch nicht auch gleich in mein Gästebuch ein? Ich würde gerne Eure Kommentare lesen. |
Sheba - 12/01/00 14:18:47
My URL:http://battlestar.galactica.fanspace.com
My Email:Lt.Sheba
How did you find me?: SFDT-online.de
Schöne Page. Endlich habe ich mal Zeit gefunden sie mir anzuschauen.
Gruß Sheba
Ernie - 11/21/00 10:06:35
My Email:ernieo3@hotmail,com
How did you find me?: LONAS web site
Nice site . un able to download entry to mailing listbut that life. May the Great Bird of the Galaxy smile on you. Bye
Kevin Hughes - 10/14/00 19:12:29
My Email:judithbliss@libertysurf.com
How did you find me?: just browsing
hi tina. just wanted to say "live long and prosper"
Erika - 08/30/00 10:00:04
My Email:Ka2000@gmx.net
Hallo Tina
tolle Seite -- hab mir die Fotos natürlich auch angesehen - also nicht nur Eure Maschine..
mein Englisch ist zwar nicht so gut -- haste aber toll beschrieben, so daß auch ich es lesen konnte.. na ja - kann nur sagen "super" gelungen
so - und jetzt gehe ich noch "Star Treck" gucken..
Wally - 08/13/00 11:16:24
My URL:http://members.aol.com/uvok
My Email:ltwallydoorson@aol.com
How did you find me?: War ein Tip bei Aol
eine wircklich intressante HP.
Mal was anderes zu den üblichen Trek Seiten im Net und wircklich klasse gemacht also mach weiter so
s holbrook - 06/15/00 19:18:44
My Email:sholbrook@newsdigital.com
How did you find me?: surfing
I produce live events for http://FOX.com and wanted to give you some inside information...
Beyond Belief host Jonathan Frakes dares you to speak the truth during his online chat! Log on tomorrow, June 16th following the east coast broadcast at 9 PM ET/6 PT and ask Jonathan about Star Trek!
Help me spread the word!
Best regards,
Stephanie Holbrook
Producer, FOX.com
Bettina & Markus - 06/04/00 12:01:03
My Email:101.237281@germanynet.de
How did you find me?: Rate mal!!!!
Hi Tina! Deine Homepage hat uns beiden sehr gut gefallen. Nachdem Du uns Deine Adresse gestern auf dem Dinner gegeben hast, mußten wir sie uns gleich mal ansehen. Echt super!!! Die Hochzeitsfotos haben es uns richtig angetan. Natürlich die mit den Uniform
n!!! Man sieht sich in einem Monat beim Trekdinner!!!!!!!
Michael - 05/31/00 16:43:19
My Email:Styrex_99@yahoo,de
How did you find me?: www.metager.de
Hallo Tina !
Eine wunderbare Seite, auf die ich gestoßen bin, als ich nach Infos über Isaac Asimov suchte.
Nun, ich habe diese jetzt auch gedunden.
Für mich ist er der BESTE Schriftsteller weit und breit. Ich habe einige seiner Bücher gelesen und war immer begeistert. Leider kann ich mich nicht mehr an die Titel bzw. die jeweilige Serie erinnern.
Ich weiß aber noch von den Büchern, in dem Roboter menschlich wurden. Einfach klasse.
Star Trek sehe ich auch gerne, denke, habe alle Folgen gesehen. Wie sieht es eigentlich mit Star Wars aus ?
Naja, das soll es auch schon gewesen sein.
Gefällt mir, dass es die Seite auch in englisch gibt.
Hut ab !!!
Robin Daugherty - 05/30/00 12:23:49
My URL:http:// ??
My Email:donrob@havelock nc.net
How did you find me?: Rick's Play ground
Hi. Tina. I never thought of getting married in a Star Trek Uniform. Very unique. I loved it. I did make my husband wear a uniform. His dress blues. Yes he was a Marine. I wore a dress of course. Well hope to here from you soon.
Paul Slusser - 04/02/00 05:37:21
My URL:/triviatrek/
My Email:fdtfhq@cs.com
How did you find me?: Quantum Continuum Webring
Can you believe I used to speak fluent german and now all you'll get out of me is wie gehts. I enjoyed looking at the wedding pictures. My girlfriend will never go for that. Maybe I could talk her into it but since her parents are paying for it, NO CHANCE
Site is well put together and easy to navigate.
Felix - 03/01/00 21:52:13
My URL:http://www.diskussionsabend.de
My Email:felix@kindermusikwerkstatt.de
How did you find me?: Altavista
Ich brauche dringend eine Kurzgeschichte von Isaac Asimov. Es geht um einen Mann der über einen Computer seinem Freund eine Freundin finden will. Wer die Geschichte kennt soll mich doch bitte so schnell es geht darüber informieren wie sie heißt und in wel
her Sammlung sie enthalten ist.
PS: Die Seite gefällt mir wirklich gut!!!
Johnny - 02/28/00 23:09:51
PowWow: ...
How did you find me?: Starfleet Database
Super Seite, muss ich echt sagen.
Thomas Hendricks - 02/04/00 17:05:51
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/tomhendricks
My Email:thomashendricks@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: Web Search
Congradulations on your marriage, I wish you well. It is a dream for me to be married in uniform on the bridge of the Enterprise. Now with the opening of the Star Trek Experiance, they now offer that, so now all I have to do is convince my girlfriend. Eno
gh about me, again congradulations and I hope you have a wonderful marriage. Live long and prosper.
Melly - 01/16/00 21:15:28
My Email:Melly.Lorenz@gmx.de
How did you find me?: Ich hab' Dich endlich mal gefragt!
Hallöchen! Ich mußte Deine Homepage ja auch endlich mal besuchen! Hab' alles abgegrast - mit großem Vergnügen. Obwohl ich Dich ja seit meinem ersten Atemzug kenne, einige nette neue Erkenntnisse gewonnen. Schön, daß so viele von Deiner Homepage begeistert
sind! (Denen hätte ich auch was anderes erzählt, wenn nicht!!)
Dein Schwesterchen.
Magron_Starr - 10/01/99 14:18:07
My URL:http://www.stringline.com.au/magron_starr
My Email:magron_starr@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: going through old backup files
greetings to you my friend.
it has been a long long time i hope all is well with you i like your page and hope all is well
i dropped in to say hello more than anything else
i regret losing contact with you but it was un aviodable atthe time if you email me i will send you my current icq number and name.
if you do not email me i guess i will regret the loss of a friend. but in any event i hope all is well with you. live long and prosper my friend
Lorraine Reyes - 09/26/99 19:53:08
My Email:latina73611@yahoo.com
How did you find me?: I was looking a friend her name is Tina but she is from Berlin
You have a very nice page,i just find you,because I have a friend in Berlin I was looking if she have a page but I can find it.I hope you understand my english because is not very good I speak spanish.Well if you want a very honest friend here Im .Im 26
years old, Im from Puerto Rico,married 2years in october 25. And 1 beautiful baby boy of 1 year.I love animals and nature. And now Im looking for a new job, I came from Las Vegas,NV 4 month ago,I was living there but now I goin to stay in Puerto Rico.
well I hope you write me, take care.
Lt. Sinaida - 09/20/99 18:02:02
My URL:http://beam.to/star-trek
My Email:sinaida@gmx.de
Hi Tina,
Deine Homepage gefaellt mir immer noch ausgezeichnet.
Schau Dir doch mal unsere neue Homepage an. Ich hoffe, sie gefaellt dir.
Liebe Gruesse aus den unendlichen Weiten des Internets
Lt. Sinaida
USS Lavayette
Lyuben P. - 08/22/99 13:37:36
How did you find me?: by yourT.P. page
I've never considered building my own web page, but yours made me think on it...
Thanks a lot!
Becky Roberts - 07/21/99 15:16:24
My Email:tetonwoman@aol.com
How did you find me?: Sheer good fortune!
Thanks Tina! I'll be back. Enjoy your vacation. Love, Becky
Todd (aka dumb head) - 07/13/99 08:40:08
My Email:tldagadal@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: buddies (think hard)
Thank you for the advice you gave my dw.
Kaiser, Stefan - 07/12/99 01:03:49
My Email:red-duke@cyberdude.com
ICQ: 26732481
PowWow: What's PowWow?
How did you find me?: Isaac Asimov
Ich bin auch eine absolute Asimov-Leseratte.
Und ich bin nicht alleine, ich habe einige Freunde die genau so angefressen sind wie ich.
Übrigens ich bin auch seit 6 Monaten Verlobt, wir werden im Mai 2000 Heiraten, dass hat aber nichts mit der Jahreszahl zu tun.
Baue doch Deien Asimovsite noch etwas aus, schaden kann's nicht.
Deine Seits sind absolut cool, weiter so, und viel Gück in der Beziehung, hoffentlich läufts gut, so ungefähr ein Lebenlang.
Gruss Duke
Eoghan Conway - 07/04/99 21:28:02
My URL:/TimesSquare/Arena/4031/index.html
My Email:econ64@netscape.net
How did you find me?: Chance
I like the page! I found it through Metacrawler while looking for... something... but I'm sure this is better! Grüsse aus irland.
diana - 06/30/99 11:55:18
My Email:diana.dippe@arcormail.de
Hay Tina
Deine Homepage ist mega stark. Mach weiter so. Bis bald sagt Diana
- 06/30/99 11:53:32
Debbie - 06/28/99 13:23:55
My Email:you know it
How did you find me?: you led me here.....
Beautiful pages. You are one in a million.
Tina ist mein beste Freundin.
Millie Voss - 06/21/99 17:58:42
How did you find me?: the Web
I was on the Web looking for Star Fleet Manuvers for my boyfriend and found your site listed. The first thing to cross my mind was: "Another female! She will have what I looking for." and sure enough you did. My boyfriend needed a copy of list of cards to
know just how many more he needs. I'm giving him your Web site too, so that if he wants to he can contact you or have me do it. Thanks a lot and good-by. Millie
Siggi Neuhäuser - 05/20/99 18:24:35
My Email:siegfried.n@t-online.de
Hallo Tina, Hallo Udo! wad ies denn dad?
Warum sieht man Euch denn nicht mehr auf dem
Stammtisch? Ich hoffe es geht Euch gut. Siggi
CathyNC - 03/30/99 19:15:10
My URL:http://www.needlework.com/index.htm
My Email:CathyNC@digimasters.com
How did you find me?: Linked from Xstitchbuddies
Veille Grusse Tina. I loved your page. Your wedding looked absolutely wonderful. Will stop back often.
Jen...from the buddies board - 03/22/99 15:05:17
My URL:http://www.webhart.net/megnicben
My Email:megnicben@webhart.net
ICQ: 30426923
How did you find me?: linked from the BB!
You've done a great job...loved the wedding pictures. Will check back for the pics of the cake!
Dwight Kilpatrick - 03/01/99 16:52:52
My Email:kilpd@sk.sympatico.ca
How did you find me?: Found on SkyBox site
Great idea :-)) Ring Mistress, and yes I'll be checking back through your ring, as soon as I can get my collection sorted??
If you know of any card cataloging program (PC/W95 preferred) that could speed up up my job please let me know??
I've got a ST (Original series) in storage, and just bought the last box of STNG series III, cards from my local Walmart.
Any and all help rendered is muchly appreciated.
WHEN responding PLEASE place WARREN in the subject line, as I'm currently on 5+ mailLists and receive 300+ mails/day. Placing WARREN in the subject line means that I can identify "personal" mail as opposed too general info (most of the groups/lists are ge
ealogy based, so I'm kept quiet busy ;-))
Great site (and yes please lets see the plans for the doll house, my 5 yr old is already for "daddy" to build her one)
Looking forward to hearing from you, and to using your "ring"
Dwight Kilpatrick
North BAttleford, SK, Canada
Subject Line WARREN
Jonathon - 02/05/99 03:39:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Cottage/3837/index.html
My Email:mrjonathon@geocities.com
How did you find me?: You signed my guestbook.
Thanks for stopping by my homepage! And also, thank you for the kind words. You have a good page going! Keep up the good work!!!
Anita - 02/03/99 19:20:08
My Email:dezdem0na@rocketmail.com
How did you find me?: Xstitch buddies BB
Nice website, Tina. I've been thinking about building my own site, but just haven't sat down to do it yet! My sister is a big Star Trek fan and I think she would love to see your wedding photos, so I'll tell her about your site!
Mike Woods - 01/25/99 02:05:22
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca/vistapro
My Email:n/a
ICQ: n/a sorry
How did you find me?: Beamed on in
your site is
keep up the GR8 work! now please sign my guestbook =_)
Beth - 01/21/99 19:04:47
My Email:beth@startrekmail.com
How did you find me?: Buddies BB
I am the Trekker on the Buddies Board. Just saw your post so had to take a look. Verrrrrry interesting. They didn't have Star Trek when I got married 35 years ago so I had to go the traditional way. I'll go check out the rest of the site now.
bugrnsup - 01/20/99 00:56:30
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/BugLife/index.html
My Email:bugrnsup@yahoo.com
How did you find me?: Take a guess?
I like your site very much and found it interesting. The new wallpaper is very pretty but I wish you had saved a little of the old wallpaper as it was very pretty and feminine like you. See ya later, Bug
Lars - 01/19/99 17:49:00
My URL:http://www.gruenewald.de/lars/index.htm
My Email:LStockner@gmx.net
How did you find me?: Zufällig beim surfen
Hallo Tina!
Du hast hier ja eine echt gelungene Seite auf die Beine gestellt :-)) Was mich sofort magisch angezogen hat, war der Name Isaac Asimov, da ich von ihm vor kurzen ein sehr gutes Sachbuch gelesen habe (The Collapsing Universe). Mach weiter so!!!
le Grüße
Debbie - 11/04/98 17:22:17
My Email:bugrnsup@yahoo.com
How did you find me?: You sent me your web address
This is a lovely web site. Loved your wedding pics. I am a Trekkie too. Small world. You are a fun person with a dynamic personality that shows on your page. I am glad to get to know you. See you in the chats.----BUG
Ron - 11/03/98 04:29:18
My Email:larin@televar.com
ICQ: 19624240
How did you find me?: you are my friend! Thats how!
Hi, Tina! I dont know if I had signed before, but I am doing it again, just in case!
See you soon, Cutie Pie
Joe Dawidowicz - 11/01/98 07:02:17
My Email:joe2173@aol.com
How did you find me?: Webcrawler
I hope we can improve both of our card lists..
Sinaida - 10/27/98 18:30:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/nebula/1711
My Email:sinaida@geocities.com
How did you find me?: Du hast mir gesagt, wo ich Dich in den Tiefen des Internets finde...
Hallo TinaTiger,
schöne Homepage. Deine Star Trek-Seiten gefallen mir besonders gut.
Nimmst Du uns in Deinen Star Trek-Webring auf?
Liebe Grüße aus den Tiefen des Internets
Leutnant Sinaida
USS Lavayette
10/16/98 09:10:35
Just surfing and came accross your page Thanks
Christoph - 10/03/98 00:03:58
My URL:http://chberon.home.pages.de
My Email:ch.beron@bluewin.de
How did you find me?: other Guestbook !
Spitzenmäßige Homepage hast du da zusammengestellt, echt super ... Grueße aus Ulm -cu Christoph ...
Alex - 09/30/98 12:10:44
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/de/Alex2000
My Email:Alex24x@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: Wirklich nett!
Also, verglichen zu meiner http ist Deine richtig genial .... bis die Tage
Tigerhengst - 09/28/98 08:53:23
My Email:Tigerhengst@gmx.de
How did you find me?: www.Date.de
alles Gute und Liebe vom Tigerhengst!
Schreib mir doch mal ne Email!
Cee Ya
Frank - 09/26/98 10:56:16
My URL:http://home.t-online.de/home/frankHermesmeier
My Email:acid@germanline.de
How did you find me?: surfing
Hi ,
the background is fantastic. Nize sites...cuFrank
caroline - 09/26/98 06:20:35
My Email:cclark8386@aol.com
ICQ: 8617019
How did you find me?: von ron
congratulations tina and udo...all my best....loved the pics
Kid Trek - 09/19/98 13:34:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Corridor/5973
My Email:kidtrek@tp.net
ICQ: 9049170
How did you find me?: Thru your Star Trek Webring
Nice start to your Star Trek Webpage!!! Drop by mine sometime. See what a year and 1/2 work looks like!!! Stop by and trade anytime.
See Ya
CHRISS - 08/25/98 12:08:17
My URL:http://www.adr.de/CHRISS/
My Email:CHRISS.@gmx.de
How did you find me?: just surfed it on
Hallöchen auch .. Ich freue mich auch über
Besuche .. Tschööö und bis bald
Gaby und Paul - 08/24/98 17:01:27
My URL:http://gaby-paul.freepage.de
My Email:pgweber@bluewin.ch
How did you find me?: Gästebuch surfen
Hi Tina,
wir finden deinen Hintegrund echt super, auch wenn er vielleicht nicht so zu deinen Themen passt. Auf jeden Fall ist er super schön, und deine Themen sind sehr interessant. Gruss von Gaby und Paul
Lu - 08/19/98 19:50:41
My URL:/Heartland/Bluffs/5891/
My Email:goluho@t-online.de
How did you find me?: Gästebuch
Hallo, hier ist die Lu. Deine Homepage gefällt mir gut! Viele Grüße von Lu
Obi - 08/19/98 16:27:42
My URL:http://home.t-online.de/home/MilesOBrien/space.htm
My Email:MilesOBrien@t-online.de
ICQ: 16600670
PowWow: was?
How did you find me?: durch Deine eMail
Coole Seite...bin mal dem webring beigetreten! ;)
loverangel - 07/27/98 17:01:36
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/oasis/malibu/150
My Email:loverangel@fcmail.com
ICQ: 4003356
How did you find me?: You told me!
Hey there Tina! This is really great! You did a w
nderful job, lots of content here... can't wait to see what else you will come up with =) *hugs* Take care!
Magron - 07/07/98 13:28:32
How did you find me?: you sent me
I like the back drops where did you get the themes ?
Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 14:50:20
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
mickey - 07/02/98 08:50:16
My Email:ms_90@hotmail.com
ICQ: 2428958
How did you find me?: you told me silly :)
I enjoyed your page very much....I learned alot about you...we seems to have some common interests...like star trek and cats :) ...look forward to visiting again soon :)
Sabine - 06/21/98 13:48:40
My URL:http://www.nsi.es/personal/zic
PowWow: zic
How did you find me?: Im PowWow über Ralf :)
Romantisch anmutende Seiten, in denen man sich gerne verliert (wie ich zum Beispiel - jetzt stecke ich schon 40 Minuten drin *lol*)!
Kamil - 06/18/98 16:41:48
Ron Larin - 06/18/98 13:36:19
My Email:larin@televar.com
ICQ: 207453
Very cute page, Schatzie! :o)
Tina - 06/10/98 14:37:05
My Email:TinaTiger@geocities.com
ICQ: 11161679
PowWow: Tina
How did you find me?: it's my page
this is just a little test to see what it looks like to have an entry in my guestbook....
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