Wedding Pictures

Finally, some pictures of my wedding on May 15th 1999. Only a little selection, of course, the whole album would be a *little* too much ...
Unfortunately, we haven't received all our pictures yet, when we do, a second page will be added.
The thumbnails are only a little fraction, click on them for the whole picture ...
And you are number to visit me ...
Of course, the pictures of our StarTrek ceremony are still online.

being led to the altar by Daddy handed over to DH (sooo nervous)
pic of altar and priest and us with my daddy and DH's sister, they were the witnesses
exchanging the rings (and it fit perfectly) the happy couple, finally married
outside with the priest (the heart pillow was his gift to us) the decorated car (my parents', my mum made the decs herself)
leaving the church (we had to cut the ribbon for luck) with 2 of my 3 bestest friends and their husbands (number 3 couldn't make it)
all of the guests together (a few had already left, though)
Last Update: June 24th 1999 by Tina Back to my homepage