This is a rare, farely unheard of race of bird evolved bipeds. They look mostly humaniod in appearance. This race has no hair, the male gender have short thick feathers covering thier scalps and none elsewhere. The female have long thin feathers covering thier scalp and are also "bald" the rest over. the species has hollow bones that are mostly like stiff cartiladge, their muscle are very dense and their tendons are tight "spun". The combination of these attributes make the species tough,strong, and fast, yet light weight. Their eyes contain a pupil and iris, are one solid color, usuallt metallic gold, silver, marble like and they have skin ranging from green, red, blue, and teal. Avilors are usually very tall, almost always over 7ft for female and 8ft with males. Their aging process is very rapid yet they can live almost as long as humans. The aging process decreases in speed the as time passes, usually the first year it will age to the equal about 12 and then it slows to about 6 the next year then 3 the third year, then 1 1/2 the fourth year and finalizes on the fifth year and goes to a normal aging rate. Avilor have what genetics call cellular encoded knowledge, that they pass on talents and information like instincts they call it Arcane Instinct. Where a new born deer knows how to walk almost at birth, avilor begin to display their parents talents without ever being taught. They are not sure where they are originally from, they are nomads using their Arcane Instinct to find home, beliveing that one day it will lead them home.
+1 Dex, -1 Int : Avilors are light (20% lighter than humans) and quick due to thier hollow bones, but they tend to rely on their Arcane Instinct so their learning ability is somewhat slower than most humanoids.
Avilors base speed is 10
+2 species bonus on Fortitude due to their dense muscle
Once per game session, Avilor can use their Arcane Instinct which gives them a 1D8 bonus towards any Intelligence based skill, even skills not known
Language: Avilorian
The Half-Avilors are half human and half avilor, and are much like both there parents. They take on the human hair, but usually have very little body hair. There skin and eyes are of the Avilor parent. With the hybrids, the aging process decreases in speed the as time passes, usually the first year it will age to the equal about 8 and then it slows to about 4 the next year then 2 the third year and finalizes on the forth year and goes to a normal aging rate. Most are about 6-7ft or more tall, depending on gender. Half-Avilors bone is a mix of both parents and have no Srtength penalty. And they do not rely on their Arcane Instinct as much as the Avilor because it is considerably weaker so the inccur no Intelligence penalty.
Half-Avilors base speed is 10
+2 species bonus on Fortitude due to their dense muscle
Once per game session, Avilor can use their Arcane Instinct which gives them a 1D4 bonus towards any Intelligence based skill, even skills not known
Bonus Feat
Lanuage: Avilorian and Basic
From the jungle world of Kathgar, the Kathgarians are an ancient species with a warlike tradition. Kathgarians are very agile and graceful, and they believe in honor threw combat. Kathgarians live in prides wear one male is a alpha, and there entire species has what is called a Alpha-prime this is the ruler of all Kathgar. There are Kathgarian cites on the ground and in the trees. There is one palace on Kathgar wear the Alpha-prime lives and rules from. Kathgarians are fierce warriors and will fight to the death if they need to no matter why.
Personality: short-tempered, brave, honorable, and inquisitive. Kathgarians are very war orientated believing that honor must be earned in combat on a small or grand scale. Kathgarians are not violent or sadistic in war but very honorable.
Physical Description: medium sized humanoids covered in short thin fur.
They also have small flat noises, slightly protruding jaws with one inch long k-9 teeth on the top and bottom of there mouths, they also have pointy ears to hear better, and there eyes are silted to help them see at night, they also have tails that average about two and half to three feet long growing out there tail bones, last but not least they have one inch long retractable claws on there feet and hands. There height is in-between 1.5 to 2.0 meters tall.
Home World: Kathgarians come from a partly ocean covered jungle world called Kathgar.
Language: Kathgarian speak Kath, and a form of basic mixed with grows.
Example Names: Kill-gar, Karana, Lioniox, and Kill-tara.
Adventurers: Kathgarian adventurers usually start out as scouts searching the galaxy for other species and worlds to challenge to prove their honor and win the respect of the Kathgarian race. There are also Force adepts called Battle cats that search space to prove their honor to there alpha-prime. Kathgarians are not widely known of by any other species in the inner rim, outer rim, or core systems; their home world is out of known space. The republic dose not even knows of their existence.
Kathgarian Species Traits
* +3 to Dexterity, -1 from Strength, -2 from wisdom, -1 charisma.
Kathgarians are very agile but lack diplomacy sometimes.
*Kathgarians base speed is 10 meters
*+ 1 species bonus to climb checks. Kathgarians have claws that will help them climb.
*+ 2 species bonus to jump and tumble checks due to there agility.
*+ 2 species bonus to reflex saving throws.
*- 5 to all swim checks. Kathgarians have a fear of large bodies of water that are deeper then their waist height.
*Automatic Languages: Kath and basic.
*Kathgarians have night vision
Kathgarians are to Copyrighted David Stout. 04/09/01.