Peachie-chan's Other Pages

As you guys may know, I have other aliases...Mink or Minx.  I also have two other Web pages that I'd love for you guys to visit and maybe even sign my guestbook... Here are the two links and a description of what you can find in them...

Mink's VA Page - Well, here's where you can find some links to my voice files and some fandubs and audio plays I've been in...including some FY ones.  I've very much interested in Voice Acting and am pretty good at it too (not to brag or anything).  I hope you'll visit it and see some other things I like to do.

Shallow End of the Jacuzzi - This is still unnder HEAVY construction, but most of my side (Minx) id finished.  Here you could find some personal information about me...even baby pictures..hehe  This is a link to a page mostly about me, myself and I...adn the other half is my best friend's... so, please come by sometime...

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