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 February 19th, 2006


ORCCON 2006*

 Prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places, along with best sportsmanship, will be awarded to competitors with paid convention badges (full or one day).

  2200 point Armies, 25mm Scale, Three 2.5-hour Rounds

To pre-register for the tournament, or for additional information, please contact Alex Webster at Webster Enterprises (see below)** with your details & the army you will be using.  There will be a limit of 12 players. However, we will make every effort to include all who wish to play, with priority given to paid convention participants. You can find more information about the Tournament at http://www.geocities.com/webenterprises.geo/WHAB.html. This site is up and running.


·You will need a 2200 point army (all figures must be at least primed and based), 25mm scale, selected from either the rulebook, the Armies of Antiquity, or any of the currently published supplements. Note that the army lists found in the supplements supersede the lists found in Armies of Antiquity so if you plan on using these armies, make sure you are using the correct lists. Barbarian players can only use one of the lists (rulebook or Fall of the West) and must indicate which they are using on their army list. You cannot mix and match. The same applies if you are taking barbarians as allies. Note that Barbarian tribe options from Armies of Antiquity may only be applied to the Barbarian list in the rulebook. Barbarian armies from the rule book may use the throwing spear option in Fall of the West as indicated. SPECIAL EXCEPTION: Select Italian Wars Renaissance Army Lists will be posted so WHFB players with Empire Armies can convert them for use in Warhammer Ancient Battles. (See website listed above.)

· Base size - as per the rulebook suggestions on page 9. However for formed infantry 20mm is more acceptable than 15mm and therefore players should produce movement trays representing the required frontage, if their units are on 15mm bases. It is straightforward to calculate numbers of models in combat. Elephants and chariots should be based on 50-60mm frontages, or larger if required, due to model size.

· All armies must include a General (the 0-1 type) and where available, an army standard bearer.

· Allies are permitted from within the army lists, so long as they are historically accurate and suitable (see army composition.)

· Remember to bring your army, rulebooks, 2 pieces of terrain, measuring tape, dice and any other materials you may need. The tournament will be played using the relevant current official rules and supplements unless noted in specific event rules. Rules errata can be found at this tournament's web-site. (However, all you really need is the basic rulebook, the Armies of Antiquity, and the errata. Unless you will be using an army from one of the other books.)

· All games will last either seven turns or two and half hours unless stated other wise. Note this time includes deployment.

· Victory points are won as per page 85 of the rulebook. (We assume most players are already familiar with this system. Any specific questions please ask on that day). At the end of each game, players will determine the number of victory points scored. This will then be converted to Tournament Points as follows.

Type of Victory

VP Difference

Tournament Pts

Total Victory


Winner 20 TP. Loser 5 TP.

Decisive Victory

700-999 VPs

Winner 18 TP Loser 6TP

Major Victory

500-699 VPs

Winner 16 TP. Loser 7 TP.

Minor Victory

300-499 VPs

Winner 14 TP. Loser 8 TP.

Small Victory

100-299 VPs

Winner 12 TP. Loser 10 TP.


Less than 100 VPs

Winner 12 TP. Loser 12 TP.

Where BOTH players fail to score more than 600 VP's then the tournament points for both players shall be halved. This is meant to encourage players to get into the thick of battle.

* ORCCON 2006, February 17th to 20th, 2006 at the Los Angeles Airport Westin Hotel. For information on the convention, contact Strategicon, 122 S. San Fernando Blvd., Burbank, CA 91502, or call (818) 848-1748. Emails are strategiconinbox@aol.com and ravengeist@aol.com. http://www.strategicon.net/

** Alex Webster, WEBSTER ENTERPRISES, PO Box 4171, Lancaster, CA 93539-4171, or call (661) 949-0397. Email is webent@aol.com, and http://www.geocities.com/webenterprises.geo/


1. Each player rolls a D6 and the highest goes first.

2. The first player places one piece of terrain anywhere on the board, or elects to place no terrain. However, NO terrain may be placed in the 12" x 12" area of the center of the table (this is true for steps 3, 4, and 5 as well).

3. The second player then either places a piece of terrain, moves or removes the piece just placed by his opponent, or elects to place no terrain.

4. The first player now either places a piece of terrain, moves or removes the piece just placed by his opponent, or elects to place no terrain. NO piece of terrain may be moved more than once.

5. Finally second player either places a piece of terrain, moves or removes the piece just placed by his opponent, or elects to place no terrain. NO piece of terrain may be moved more than once.

6. The players then roll a D6 and high score picks which side he/she attacks from. The loser then places his first unit and the two players alternate placing units until all units are placed. (Note: All battles are considered mutual engagements.)

This procedure will generate a battlefield with from zero (0) to four (4) terrain features. Terrain pieces should be reasonable in size and shape, especially for terrain type. (ie. no triangularly based buildings and no 6' x 2" wooded areas.)

To save time, once the battlefields have been established for the first round, they will remain as is for the remaining rounds. Battlefields will be randomly determined for the remaining rounds when match-ups are made. Players will still need to due step 6 though, before starting their battles.



  • Re-rolls: A number of rules allow a unit to reroll a dice roll. Unless stated otherwise a reroll may be used every time the dice roll is failed, rather than once per battle. However, a single dice roll may not be re-rolled more than once, and the result of the second roll must be accepted.
  • P8, Characteristics: No characteristic can be higher than 10. If modifiers would increase a characteristic to over 10 it counts as 10 instead.
  • P18, Charges: Charging units should be moved one at a time. If one unit's move blocks another unit from making a charge, then that other unit counts as having made a failed charge. Note that a unit whose charge is blocked may not redirect their charge against another unit, or 'swing round' to hit the flank or rear of the unit it was going to charge.
  • P20, Marching: The only manoeuvre a marching unit can carry out is a wheel. It may not change formation, turn or reform.
  • P26, Light Armour Save: Light armour provides a 6+ infantry save and a 5+ cavalry save, not 5+ and 4+ saves respectively as shown on the chart.
  • P29, Which Models May Fight: Models may fight an opponent if they are touching diagonally (i.e. models can fight if the corners of their bases are in contact).
  • P41. Characters With Units: If a character joins a unit that is already in combat then the character may only fight if he was in a position to declare a charge at the beginning of the turn as per the standard rules. If a character was not in a position to charge the enemy unit, then he may still join the friendly unit but he may not fight. Simply place the character into the first rank he contacts. The character may then be moved into a position where he can fight in his next movement phase. Simply swap the character for an ordinary trooper that is already fighting.
  • P48, Javelins & Darts: Javelin and darts have a strength of 3, not 'as thrower'.
  • P55, Shooting Through Skirmishers: Note that the 'gaps' between models that are in skirmish formation don't block the line of sight of an enemy unit. If you want to block fire from enemy units then you need to form your skirmishers into a 'cloud' several lines deep, so that models in the rear rows block the gaps in the front rows.
  • P55, Skirmishers in Hand To Hand Combat: All the models from a charging unit that is in skirmish formation must contact the facing that a 'formed' unit would contact. Place any skirmishers that are left over behind the ones in the front rank.
  • P57, Chariots: Unless a rule states otherwise then chariots are affected by psychology in the same way as cavalry. For example, if an enemy unit causes fear in cavalry then it causes fear in chariots as well. Leaders, standard bearers and musicians replace crew models, and thus you can possibly have several in a single chariot if desired.
  • P58, Chariot Squadrons: Unengaged chariot models move into an ongoing combat in the same manner as skirmishers. Also note that excess wounds caused on engaged chariots 'carry on' to other chariots in the same squadron.
  • P125, Roman Army List: Increase the cost of elephants to 125 points plus 8 per crew.
  • P129, Barbarian Army List: Delete the Warrior On Foot line in the chariot entry. It is not needed and is not used (the warriors attacks are included in the chariot's characteristics).
  • Rampaging Elephants still on the table count as half VP.'s
  • Heavy Chariots are large targets.



  • P1, How To Use The Army Lists: It is possible to take units from other army lists as allies. Units from different lists in the same army may only benefit from the army general or army standard being within 12" if it from their own list. Characters may not join units from a different list unless the army list notes otherwise (e.g. Roman characters may do so).
  • P8, Trojan War: The general and any heroes must ride in chariots, bought at additional cost from the Chariotry section of the list.
  • P13, Achaemenid Persians Spara Bearers: Change the second and forth 'bullets' as follows: A unit that remains stationary in the movement phase may set up a spara barrier. A spara barrier is knocked down if the unit moves or at the end of the first round of combat that it fights (whether it wins or loses). Also, note that a spara barrier counts as an obstacle, so units fighting across them or defending behind them may not use their rank bonus in the first round of combat.
  • P14, Achaemenid Persians Allies: The Persian army may include allied troops from the Ancient Greek army list as part of their Special Troops allocation.
  • P14, Ancient Greek: The army general may be upgraded to a Spartan army general at a cost of +25 pts. Spartan army generals are drilled and stubborn. Elephants, scythed and heavy chariots may charge the front of a phalanx, light chariots may not.
  • P16, Alexander & His Successors: Unengaged models in a wedge may only use their attacks against an enemy unit that was charged by the wedge. Hypaspists may be given light armour at +2 pts per model. Elephants, scythed and heavy chariots may charge the front of a phalanx, light chariots may not. Also, please note that the rules for the Macedonian phalanx are meant to be different to those of the Ancient Greek phalanx. The change represents the professionalism of Macedonian and Successor phalangites compared to the citizen militia that made up a typical Ancient Greek phalanx. Skirmishers armed with staff slings or crossbow go up by +1 pt.
  • P18, Ancient Indian: The Indian Longbow was a long and rather unwieldy weapon. Because of this models armed with longbows do not get to shoot twice if mounted in a chariot or riding an elephant. Indian swordsmen may replace their double-handed swords with throwing spears and javelins at no additional cost. Longbowmen, skirmishers and each crewman with a longbow in a chariot or on an elephant go up by +1 pt.
  • P25, Late Roman: The Comitatense option for Late Roman Heavy cavalry is in fact unlimited and the 0-1 restriction should be ignored. Heavy cavalry may replace their shield for a large shield for +1 point. In addition the Special Rule for Heavy Cavalry should read "Cataphracts use the special rules in the Cataphract army list." rather than the sentence that is actually printed there. Also, please note that if you are using the Craig Davey option then the army may include units of stubborn/drilled Guard or units of Guards using the increased profile, not both. Skirmishers armed with staff slings or crossbow go up by +1 pt.
  • P30, Nomadic Hordes: A unit that uses feigned flight and flees off the table is lost and may not return later in the battle.
  • P34, Saxons: The single unit of Huscarls can have a leader, standard and so on, and these can be allocated out to units of Fryd along with other models. If the Fryd have their own such models, then leaders work normally (+1 attack each if in contact with the enemy), but there is no additional bonus for having multiple standards and musicians.
  • P40, Crusaders: Please note that Knights and Sergeants are mounted on warhorses. See the entries for the army general or army battle standard for the warhorses characteristics. Crossbowmen go up by +1 point.
  • P45, Samurai: Increase the cost of Samurai Cavalry to 35 points and Samurai Infantry to 20 points. Wakato should have a Ld value of 5. Longbow armed Samurai go up by +1 point.
  • P46, Cavalry Counter-Charges: Light chariots may counter-charge, but elephants, heavy chariots and scythed chariots may not.
  • P46, Falling Back In Good Order: In circumstances where a unit would normally break automatically (if beaten in combat by charging Norman Knights for example), then a unit will automatically fall back in good order instead. Units that move off the table while falling back in good order are lost and may not return.
  • P46, Characters in Chariots and on Elephants: A character whose armour save is worse (after modification for shield bearers etc.) than that of his mount may use the mount's saving throw instead. All his other characteristics remain the same, even if lower than those of the mount. Note that the character and his mount fight separately, and that the 'attacks' characteristic of each model is unchanged.
  • P46, Elephant Howdahs: The lists make no mention of which elephants have howdahs. To resolve this, if the Elephant model (as sold) has a howdah treat the model as having one in game terms. If no howdah is on the model it does not gain this bonus. Converted howdahs are fine if you've got some historical basis for giving the elephant a howdah.
  • P47, Ancient Britons: In section 4 replace the third 'bullet point' (the one that starts 'The player controlling...') with the following:
  • To represent the trick of the warriors in the chariot dismounting to fight on foot, the formation counts as having a rank bonus of +1 if there are 8-11 models in the unit, and +2 if there are 12 or more models in the unit.
  • P48, The Germans: Delete special rule 2; it refers to a rule that was dropped from the Warhammer Ancient Battles rulebook.
  • Troops armed with staff slings, longbow or crossbow, go up by +1 pt in the Byzantine, Norman and Ancient Chinese lists.
  • For additional Errata, go the the WHAB website at http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/WABlist/


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