Appearances Can Be Decieving


The fans were going wild, the pyros were going off, and Raw was officially beginning. JR and Jerry Lawler made their little speeches about the continued war between DX and the McMahons. As the opening to "No Chance In Hell" struck, the announcers said it must be Vince coming to discuss DX's most recent attack. The entire arena was in shock as Shane McMahon slowly walked out.

The audience mostly booed because of Shane's assumed alliance with DX, but he didn't seem to care. His look was determined as he stood in the center of the ring with a microphone.

"I've spent a lot of time this past week thinking about what to say to all of you. I didn't really come up with anything good, but I suppose that's alright. Nothing I could tell you would convince you I'm not in league with DX if you really want to believe it. But remember, things are not always as we see them. For instance...well why don't we roll the footage?"

On the Titantron was displayed the footage from a backstage camera. Test had Tori backed into a little hallway and had both hands firmly on her breasts while whispering lewd remarks. When the cameras went back to Shane, he was smiling broadly. "And just think, you all called her a I said, apperances can be decieving. Like the match we're gonna have tonight. It sounds like nothing much, Test and Triple H versus the Acolytes, but believe you me, things are going to get very interesting.

With those words, Shane walked back to his dressing room.

Ten forty-five. Time for the main event. Edge was grinning as he handed Farooq and Bradshaw their six-packs and wished them a night of good drinking. Sean was looking around, trying to judge who would seize the opportunity.

Test and Hunter stood in the ring, waiting for their opponents. Suddenly Shane walked out, smiling. "Remember when I mentioned that bit about things not being as they seem? Here we go- this is a no-DQ, falls-count-anywhere match, and uhm...oh yeah, since the Acolytes are currently unavailable, the match is now Test and Triple H versus, well, anyone with a grudge against them." He walked offstage.

The ring was flooded with wrestlers the second Shane was gone. Edge, Christian, the Hardys, Kurt Angle, X-Pac, people not immediately identifiable, all were there to get their piece of one of the blondes.

Shane sat in the back, in a small room watching the match on TV. Sean had worried about his safety so he had made him promise to stay behind locked doors. He heard a pounding on the door. Looking through a crack, he saw it was the New Age Outlaws. *Even they're not stupid enough to knock before attacking* Shane thought, opening the door. A furious Billy Gunn walked in, half-dragging a sniffling, shaking Road Dogg with him. "You mind if I leave him here while I go kill Hunter?" Gunn asked.

Confused, Shane nodded. He looked down at the floor where Jesse had his face buried in his hands. "Well, I finally told him." he whispered.

"About what Hunter did to you?"

A choked sob was his answer. Shane sat down next to him, gently touching his arm. "C'mon. Let's watch Triple H get his ass demolished."

When the mass attack finally subsided, Test and Hunter were broken and bloody in the middle of the ring. In a pre-recorded video, Shane's face appeared on the Titantron. "Oh, guys, one more thing. Triple H, I see you won the title last week. Congrads. But, you see, I promised Foley a title shot and uhm, I kinda said it wouod be tonight. Sorry."

To his credit, Hunter managed to put up a fight for about three minutes.