Title: Head Over Feet - Dreaming Of You
Disclaimer: We don’t own these fine individuals (who belong to the WWF), the song "Dreaming Of You" (belongs to Selena.)

***Eddie's POV***

Late at night when all the world is sleeping
I stay up and think of you
And I wish on a star that somewhere you are
Thinking of me too

Cause I'm dreaming of you tonight
Till tomorrow I'll be holding you tight
And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be
Than here in my room dreaming about you and me

Wonder if you ever see me
And I wonder if you know I'm there
If you looked in my eyes
Would you see what's inside
Would you even care?

~ Somewhere in a beautiful garden...fill with red roses.....~

"Where am I??" I look around, but find no one.....but then I see someone running towards me. For some reason I can’t distinguish the person.

"Eddie....baby...there you are...I've been looking all over for you..."

WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!?!.....

I just wanna hold you close
But so far all I have a dreams of you
So I wait for the day
And the courage to say how much I love you
Yes I do!

I'll be dreaming of you tonight
Till tomorrow I'll be holding you tight
And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be
Than here in my room dreaming about you and me

I can't stop dreaming of you
No puedo dejar de pensar en ti
I can't stop dreaming
Cómo te necesito
I can't stop dreaming of you
Mi amor, cómo te extraño

And the mysterious stranger, hugs me warmly. "Where have you been, I thought you left me..."

"Left...left you....what??? Where are we...who are you..??" I asked him nervously.

"Oh don't be a fool....you know who I am, and where we are....so stop playing games and kiss me...." And the stranger brings my face down to his lips, and I finally get a glimpse of his face...and it's...it's....


Late at night when all the world is sleeping
I stay up and think of you
And I still can't believe
That you came up to me and said "I love you"
I love you too!

Now I'm dreaming with you tonight
Till tomorrow and for all of my life
And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be
Than here in my room dreaming of you endlessly

Dreaming of you tonight
Till tomorrow I'll be holding you tight
And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be
Than here in my room
I'll be dreaming of you tonight
And I'll be holding you tight
Dreaming...with you...tonight!

I wake up sweating.....What the hell? Matt? Matt and me?? Together???.....Nooo...it can't be.....but what...what's happening to me....and my feelings....toward him.....???? What...

OK....Why...why did I defend him?!?!?!?!?!.......What does it matter to me, if he gets beat up or hurt? It's shouldn't matter.....it shouldn't. But why...why does it…why? Oh god....this is so complicated. Okay...yeah I could understand me stopping Chris, Perry and Dean from hurting Matt, like they did to Jeff. I mean they had no reason to go after him, and no one should just get a beating for no reason. But why....I...


I turn my head a bit to face the phone. I hear it ring...and ring. At first I decide to not pick it up, but the other person on the other line is persistent, that I decided to answer. So I got up from sitting on the edge of the bed, and reach for the phone.

I sigh and answer. "Hello?"

"Yo. Edster. What'cha up to?"

"Ummm....nothing really...."

"Oh come on. You HAVE to be doing something.."

"I said I was doing nothing...."

"What...are you spending time with your sweet lady?"

"Oh for god sake Chris....do you understand english???? You want me to tell you in spanish...okay....No estoy asiendo nada..."

"Whoa...you don't need to start speaking in tongues.....sheesh. Ok, so you're doing nothing. Are you at least having FUN doing nothing?"

I sigh. "Oh yeah…I'm having lots of fun.....I'm so happy...I'm dancing around like a fool....What do you think Jerktina?"

Jericho sounding a teeny bit upset on the other line, "Well....if you're not doing anything...you should come down here to the bar." I swear I hear Jerky whispering something to someone......but I'm not quite sure.

"Oh...oh alright......" I sigh once again. "I have nothing better to do now....." I start to think....'Maybe he and the bar can get my mind off of Matt'....

I can almost hear him smile. "Ok...see you in a few then..."

"OK....adios..." And with that I hang up the phone, and decided to get ready to meet Chris at the bar. So I head to the bathroom.

*20 minutes later*

Okay I'm ready. I got comfy cloths on...my hair's fine....got my keys. Cool I'm all set. I head to the door open it, and was about to head out...until I was face to face with....

"Oh...and where do you think you're going now?" Chris Benoit asked venomously.

Surprised, I notice Perry, and Dean behind him. "What do you want Chris? I don't have much time to sit around and chit-chat. I have company waiting for me somewhere. So if you can just move to the side...I would be on my way...."

But with my luck that didn't happen. "Oh...I'm sorry but that right now...my dear...friend, won't seem to likely happen...." Benoit said in a sick sinister voice.

I stare at them. "What do you mean by that???" I ask, but the next thing I knew I was kicked and dragged back into my room with the door closing behind us.

*A while later*

Oh god….what happened?….I…ah….body….hurt….ah……

Blackness surround my mind.  Slowly closing in on me……

And the last thing I whispered was….
