Title: Under the Milky Way
Rating: R for f/f (gasp!) slash and language

The locker room is full of tired people who want to go home, who just want to get out of here.  Except for one ray of sunshine who is still bouncing, despite the fact that she's already worked two matches tonight.  "Nora, you were great out there!"  I call across the room.

Nora, better known as the ever-cheerful Molly Holly, whirls around and grins at me.  "Thanks Steph!"  She works her way over to stand next to me.  "Aren't you supposed to be doing something with Hunter?"

I shake my head.  "Nope.  He's done with his match and he's heading home with Joanie.  I figured I'd hang out here for awhile."  The truth was that, I was getting a little sick of Hunter.  Much as I loved the big lug, he can wear on a person.  I missed the days before I had to be part of the main event all the time, where I was just "one of the girls" backstage...or as much as a McMahon could be.

Nora grins at me, her blue eyes lighting up.  I have to smile too...it's infectious.  "Well, I hope you have fun...we're really not all that interesting back here."

I glance around, at the women all engaged in conversation with each other.  It used to be a lot louder in here.  Way back when, there were a lot more people hanging out back here...airheaded girls here only to provide T&A who would giggle and make the atmosphere bright.  Now there were just small huddles of serious women, who talked about nutrition and body building and wrestling moves.  It was like hanging out with a bunch of guys.

Except, again, for Nora.  She was still bright and happy, without coming off as a ditz.  And...and what the hell am I saying?  I'm talking like I'm half in love with her, when I know full well that she's straight and I was pretty sure I was too...

"Stephanie?  You ok?"  Nora's voice cuts through my thoughts.  She's got her head tilted, perplexed, and it makes her pigtails stick out at odd angles.  I can’t resist flipping one of them.  She giggles and moves out of my touch.  "Were you studying my hair?"

I smile.  "No, I was just pondering things."

She settles down onto the bench next to me.  "But Steph, wouldn't we look funny without ears?"

It  takes me a moment to get the joke.  "Pinky and the Brain.  Nora, you obviously have too much free time.  Do we need to put you in more matches?"

"Oh Lord no," she says with a smile.  "Believe me, I'm working quite hard enough as it is."  As if on cue, her face scrunches up in pain and she grabs her shoulder.

I immediately place my hand over hers.  "You ok?"

She nods silently.  Through clenched teeth she mutters "Shoulder cramp.  Been going on and off for two weeks now."

Well, I can't just leave her in pain, can I?  I pulled her to her feet and wrapped my arm lightly around her.  "Come on, I know how to help."

We end up in my hotel room, and that's when I realized fully what I had done.  Nora was in my room now.  Ok, now would be a really good time to start thinking about how much I shouldn’t be getting involved with talent...or women for that matter.  Dammit.  Meanwhile, Nora is milling around the room.  "This is really pretty..." she says quietly, still rubbing her shoulder a little.

"Sit down," I tell her.  She perches gingerly on the bed and I sit down behind her.  She shivers at the first brush of my hands against her shoulder, but soon relaxes under my touch.  I can feel the knots in her muscles relaxing under my fingers.  "Does that feel better?'  I ask.

"A lot, thank you."  Nora turns a little to look at me.  "Steph?"

"Uh-huh?"  She has the cutest look on her face, this mischievous grin...ok, I'm getting off-task here again.

She bounces a little.  "When you were little, did you used to jump on your bed?"

I roll my eyes.  "Nope, wasn't allowed to.  I wasn't as much of a spoiled brat as you seem to think."

Nora's grin got wider.  "No, that's what I thought you'd say."  She slips off her shoes and stands up on my bed, her short height easily letting her fit under the ceiling.  "I wasn't either, and when I find a really springy bed now-a-days, I just get the urge to...."

If I'm dreaming this, I don’t wanna wake up.  I pull off my own shoes and stand next to her, bending a little so I don't hit my head.  "I get the same way sometimes."  I start with a small bounce and she matches me.  Soon, we’re going higher and higher, giggling like little kids, until we fall down.

She lands on top of me, sprawled over me.  "Ooops, sorry," she says with a laugh, and she tries to get up, but on instinct my arms have wrapped around her.  To her credit, she doesn't freak, just moved so she's actually sitting on top of me.  "One...two....three...I win!" she shouts, raising her arms in victory.

I laugh.  "Hey, there's no ref!  It's not a real victory!"

She pouts.  "You just can't admit defeat, can you?"

I can't help it.  I reach up and brush my fingers across her face.  "Stop whining.  You beat me, ok?"

She's blushing, and it makes her look more adorable than ever.  "Told you."  But her smile fades quickly.  "Steph?  Can I ask you something?"

I blink at her.  What was going on?  "Sure Nora, any time.  What's wrong?"

She takes a deep breath.  "If you really loved someone, but people would get really mad at you for liking that person, would you go ahead and still love them?"

I feel my head start to spin a little.  "I think so, yeah.  You shouldn't let your people tell you who to love."

She bit her lower lip for a moment, seeming in thought.  "You're right, you know?  You shouldn't have to worry about what other folks think..."  With that, she bends down and kisses me.

I'm too shocked to even try to deepen the kiss, I just let her press her lips to me and then pull away.  When I can speak, I whisper "Nora..."

She flushes a deep red.  "I'm sorry, I shouldn’t have done that..."

I shake my head.  "No, no...I..."  I close my eyes.  "Thank you.  I've wanted to do that to you all night, but I was too scared. Thank you."

When I open my eyes again, her grin is back.  She moves off of me, grabbing my hand and pulling me to my feet.  "You know what I've wanted to do all night?"

I smile back at her.  "No I don't.  What have you wanted to do all night?"

"I want to watch the stars with you."  Well, that was a surprise.  She sees my shock and tugs my hand a little  "Oh come on, it'll be fun.  Romantic."  She wiggles her eyebrows slightly.

"Fine, let's go watch stars."  I let her drag me outside, into the cool night, and we stare at pinpricks of light in the velvet dark.  She ends up leaning against me as we sit on the ground, and I play with her hair, twisting the pigtails and generally amusing myself.  I guess it is kind of fun.  I could get used to her, to her sunshine and spontaneity.

When I decided to hang out backstage earlier, the last thing I was looking for was someone to have a crush on.  When I figured out I was attracted to Molly, the last thing I expected was to end up watching the night sky with her cuddled against me.  The last thing I expected was to be happy tonight.  Good think I expected wrong.

And it's something quite peculiar
Something shimmering and white
Leads you here despite your destination
Under the Milky Way tonight
-"Under The Milky Way", The Church