Real Word- Part Eight

Songs used are "Frozen" by Madonna, "I Want To Be With You" by Mandy Moore, and "The Power of Goodbye" by Madonna

------In the Kitchen-------

Hunter and Mari have now ended up on the kitchen floor, with a lot of batter
missing…and some new stuff added….lets say chocolate syrup……..

------In the Hall-------

She couldn’t believe Chris was kissing her, she really hoped he loved her.
And as she was really getting into the kiss, something in her mind told her
it was wrong, that he was only playing with her, like the many have had in
the past.  And at that instance she broke away from the kiss, to Jericho

You only see what your eyes want to see
How can life be what you want it to be
You're frozen
When your heart's not open

You're so consumed with how much you get
You waste your time with hate and regret
You're broken
When your heart's not open

Mmmmmm, if I could melt your heart
Mmmmmm, we'd never be apart
Mmmmmm, give yourself to me
Mmmmmm, you hold the key

------In the patio-----

"Sure….so you think with all this shit you’re telling me…. I’m gonna
believe you??… How could you.  You told her I was only a friend.  I don’t
mean anything more to you do I.  So fine you don’t mean anything to me

And with that she stormed back in the house, slamming the door behind her
leaving a shocked Adam outside.

Now there's no point in placing the blame
And you should know I suffer the same
If I lose you
My heart will be broken

Love is a bird, she needs to fly
Let all the hurt inside of you die
You're frozen
When your heart's not open

Mmmmmm, if I could melt your heart
Mmmmmm, we'd never be apart
Mmmmmm, give yourself to me
Mmmmmm, you hold the key

------Back in the hall and a few minutes before Kas came in------

"Chrissy…Honey…what’s wrong…why you broke away?"  He asked.

"You *pointing at him straight at the chest* don’t love me.  You’re only
using me, thinking that with a kiss, everything is gonna be all right and
dandy…..oh you got another thing coming…….." she said angrily.

"What??" said a shocked Chris.  "I was and am not using you in anyway…" but
was ignored by Christina who stormed up the stairs to her room, leaving
Jericho alone, but not for a long while….only to see Kasandra storming in.
With Adam right on her tail.

You only see what your eyes want to see
How can life be what you want it to be
You're frozen
When your heart's not open

Mmmmmm, if I could melt your heart
Mmmmmm, we'd never be apart
Mmmmmm, give yourself to me
Mmmmmm, you hold the key

If I could melt your heart

------Back in the kitchen-----

After hearing the all the commotion, Hunter stopped kissing Mari neck.  "What
the hell is going on out there?"

"How am I going to know, I’m right here with you." She replied back.

"What you don’t like being with me?" Hunter asked with a evil grin.

"Oh no….what are you thinking……don’t you dare do anything….Hunter… no…"
but was cut off by Hunter tickling her for awhile but soon stopped by a voice.

"Would you two STOP it….jeez everywhere you look you two are somewhere
mauling each other mouths." Said an angry Chris.

"Yeah….for crying out loud Hunter let the girl breathe…." Said a pissed off

Right now Marilyn and Hunter are now standing.  Hunter is becoming a little
pissed off at the guy’s little remarks.  So before he can say anything, Mari
spoke in before him.

"Where are the girls?" asked a curious Marilyn.

"Oh there upstairs…." Said a angry Chris.  "I just had enough….I tell her I
love her…but she doesn’t understand.  I’m not going to continue begging."

"And Kass won’t believe me, she thinks I don’t love her, but I do.  I told
her everything….but she’s like ‘Yeah right!’….."  Said a sad Adam.

"Aww….guys don’t worry, look, why don’t you guys stay here and let me go and
talk to them." Said Mari.

"You would?" asked both guys.

"Yeah" she said.

"Thanks Marilyn….you’re a sweetheart!" they said to her both giving her a
hug.  But stopped when they saw the look on Hunter’s face.

"Why you want to help Adam…."  Hunter asked looking at Mari.  "It’s his
fault for kissing that bitch." He said angrily.

"Hey!" said a pissed off Adam.

"What you’re gonna punch me?  Try it boy…see how you ain’t.." Hunter said in
a sarcastic voice.

"Well lets see if you’re right gameboy…." And punched Hunter right in the
face. Which made him double over in pain, then Hunter got up and speared Adam
in the kitchen…..Jericho with all the problems he has, didn’t want more, and
tried to interfere, but got hit in the stomach for his actions.  So now all
three man are in the kitchen floor fighting each other.

"Guys…guys…stop…stop it…." Mari screamed at them, she tried pulling Adam
off of Hunter and Hunter off of Chris, but got smacked in the face by Jericho
and hit on her side by Adam and the other side by Hunter in accident, which
sent her to the ground crying in pain.  And after that the boys, realizing
what they have done, and have frozen in place, scared to what they done to
Mari.  All three of them lost it.  Putting all their anger and frustrations
in the fight, not knowing what they were doing.

----Upstairs in Adam/Kasandra’s room----

Kas was crying because of Adam.  She was so pissed at him.  But when she
heard screaming coming from downstairs, she went out of her room.

------In Chris/Christina’s room-------

Christina was also crying thinking how can Chris lie to her like that and use
her like that, but when she also heard the screaming, she went out her room

-----In the hall of upstairs-----

Chrissy ran into Kas.  "Sorry" she said sheepishly.

"It’s OK!" Kas responded.   "Yo you heard the screaming?" she asked.

"You did too?? Christina asked.  Kas nodded.  "Yeah I came out to see what it
was, it sounded like Mari."

"I know….lets check it out…"

"Sure!"  And they both headed downstairs.

-----In the kitchen-----

All three man ran to where Mari was on the floor crying.  "Marilyn are you
OK?"  asked a worried Adam.

"Sweetie….OMG….I’m SO sorry…" said a worried Hunter.

Jericho was just lost for words…..and all three of them lifted Mari up.  At
the same time Kassandra and Christina came down.

"What the hell is happening down…." But stopped when she saw Mari.  "OMG Mari
are you all right???" she asked worriedly as she and Chrissy went to her.

Mari who now finally calm down and stopped crying of pain just said, "Yeah
I’m fine…just a little accident."

"An accident??" said a sarcastic Chrissy.  "We heard you scream!….Why were
you screaming…?? "

"Oh nothing…" Mari rebutted.

"Nothing…yeah right." Looking at the boys who were all nervous and who also
had some bruises on their faces, something came to her mind.  "You didn’t hit
her guy’s… did you?" she asked them.  Seeing a bruise forming on Mari left
cheek, she realized that they did hit her.  "How could you guys do that to
her!" she yelled at the three guys.  she asked them.

Before they spoke Mari did first.  "It was an accident, they started to fight
I tried to stop it, but got hit in the process, they didn’t mean it."

"No we didn’t!" said all three of them.

"Fine you better have not!" said Kass in a serious tone.  "Well…. *looking at
Christina* "do you wanna stay in my room?  Cause I don’t want to be with

"What?" said a shocked Adam.

"Sure I don’t wanna be with Chris either."  Replied Christina.

"Hey….I don’t wanna be stuck with him! *pointing at Adam *  said a pissed
off Jericho.

"Same here" said Adam.

"Fine!"  Said Kasandra, "Jericho you stay with me and Adam you stay with

"But…" rebutted Adam.

"No buts! Said Chrissy.

----Later on that day in Adam/Kasandra’s room----

"So how did the whole mess started?"  asked Kass.

"Huh?"  asked Chris who was looking out a window in the room.

"What happened downstairs….how did Marilyn get hit?"

"Oh…..that was a terrible accident……we never meant to hit Mari…" said a
regretted Chris.

"Sure…."  Said a sarcastically Kasandra.

"See Adam and Hunter got into an argument….they got into a fist fight…I
tried to interfere ….which led one to another…..then Mari tried to separate
us, which ended up in what you already know!"  said Chris.  "Look I’m gonna
go get a bottle of water… want one?" he asked her.

"No its ok…thanks anyway."  She replied with a smile.

"OK!  Be right back later."  And with that Chris left the room.

----At the same time but in Chris/Christina’s room----

"Adam will you please stop pacing…you’re making a hole on the floor!" Said

"How can I….Kass doesn’t want to see me anymore…." Said a worried Adam.

"Look…you’ll see everything will turn out fine…"

"You sure….??"

"Yeah….look why don’t you go talk to her one more time…." She asked.

"Well…I don’t know…" he said.

"Give it a shot…"

"OK!  I will….wish me luck…"  he said with a smile.

"Good Luck!" she said and with that he left to find Kasy.

*****Adam POV*****

Oh god please help me.  Help me by making Kas forgive me…please….I beg you!
Well here I am standing right outside our door…actually her door…for now…My
trembling hand goes on the door knob, slowly turning it.   Oh god Adam get a
hold of yourself…..she’s either gonna forgive you or hate you…..

Then he opened the door wide to find Kasandra sitting cross-legged on her bed
reading a magazine.  She seem not to hear him…cuz as he notice she was
wearing headphones…listening to music of some sort.

"Kass?"  he asked out loud, but she still was oblivious to me  So I casually
went up to her bed and sat next to her, and then a few moments she seemed to
look up and look in my direction, in which she notice me sitting next to her,
and went back to her reading to then jump up and scream.

"What the fuck???"  She said to me as she glared.  "What are YOU doing in MY

"Kass….sweetie…."  I tried to reason with her….

I try but I cant seem to get myself
To think of anything
But you
Your breath on my face
Your warm gentle kiss I taste the truth
I taste the truth

We know what I came here for
So I won`t ask for more

*****Kass’s POV*****

What the HELL is he thinking???…Does he think he’s gonna make everything
dandy by scaring the shit out of me?!  ‘Cause he won’t…Oh HELL NO!  Besides
what IS HE doing in my room, this is NO LONGER his room, ever since he kissed
that bitch.  Damn…it still hurt….I can clearly remember the image of him
kissing her back…..Oh how I wanted to kill BOTH of them with my bare
hands……Oh how he gets me so mad.  Who does he think he is……god???  Wrong!

"Kass….please hear me out?"  He pleaded.

Oh god, he sounds so sad and pitiful….maybe I should listen to him and
forgive him….maybe….NO I can’t he hurt me to much…..

"Kasy….look at me don’t turn around please….I beg you.."  He said as he turn
me back to him.  With me looking right into his sad face that has tears
streaming down.

"Adam…I…"  I start to say.  But was cut off be him.

I wanna be with you
If only for a night
To be the one whose in your arms
Who holds you tight
I wanna be with you
There`s nothing more to say
There`s nothing else I want more than to feel this way

I wanna be with you (yeah)

*****Adam POV*****

"Shhhh….just hear me out.."  I asked her first.  I hope she accepts…..she
has to forgive….she loves me…..doesn’t she???  She nods. I take a deep
breath and continue…."Kass, Alannah never meant anything thing to me.  She
and me had broken up a long time ago….and yeah maybe I did have girls after
her…..but not in a serious relationship like I had with her.  Then after I
came to this show and met you….got to know how beautiful…sweet…loving person
you are…I just instantly fell over feet’s for you.  You were the FIRRST girl
I ever wanted a big serious relationship, since Alannah. "  She look’s at me
with tears coming down her eyes now…."But why…"  but I cuts her off again.
"Let me finish….When I was getting to know you better and when you let me
into you heart I was so happy, but when Alannah came….I was
nervous…scared……at having you two in the same room together.  Hell she was
my first love…..but she destroyed it…..that’s not the point…..then I found
you MY true love…soul mate….and I felt awkward just having you two
together….and I couldn’t do anything….I was so stupid and let her kiss me
and STUPIDER for kissing her back…knowing I don’t love her….I DON’T EVEN
LIKE HER…..I LOVE YOU!….So I’m sorry for what I did…..I know its all my
fault….but please forgive me….I’m not perfect….please…forgive me Kass……I
beg of you!!…" I say with tears streaming down my face.

So I`ll hold you tonite
Like I would if you were mine
to hold forever more
And I`ll saver each touch that I wanted
So much to feel before (to feel before)
How beautiful it is
Just to be like this

I wanna be with you
If only for a night
To be the one whose in your arms
Who holds you tight
I wanna be with you
There`s nothing more to say
There`s nothing else I want more than to feel this way

(I wanna be) I wanna be with you

*****Kass’s POV******

Oh fucking god….he's crying...oh my god.  I never saw a grown man cry except
when my grandma died, but that was for that...not over me!  Hehehe…..he's
begging...I like a man who begs...anyways....I see him on his knees, his blue
eyes , shimmering with tears.  I cant stand to see him like this....he's so
sad...wait a sec….am I crazy?  He hurt me!  Made ME cry!  I should make him
pay.  I should retaliate and take a knife an stabs his heart making it go in
pain & make it deeper....

Damn me, for falling for him….for ever laying my eyes on him...seeing him
naked… was I supposed to know when I walked in, he was putting on
boxers......damn me, for kissing him!  I just knew I had to taste those lips
and once I did, I was addicted.....

I look at him and he's still on the floor hiccuping.

"Oh Adam" I say softly & crouch next to him.  He looks at me, gazing hard as
if he was trying to read my mind for my answer.

"Kas….I really do lo--" I cut him off and kiss him softly.  I place a finger
over his lips. "Sssssssh, no more tears…." I say softly and we stand back up.
I smile softly & he picks me up and hugs me. I know I'm still upset about
the Alannah thing….I can't stand the ho, but hey we're trying to make
amends...just little by little.  He puts me down, but keeps hugging me.  And
that how we are for the next few minutes.

Oh baby
I can`t fight this feeling anymore
It drives me crazy when I try to
So call my name
Take my hand
Make my wish
Baby, your command?

I wanna be with you
There`s nothing more to say
There`s nothing else I want more than to feel this way

(I wanna be)I wanna be with you (I wanna be with you)
I wanna be with you

----Chris/Christina’s room----

*****Christina’s POV*****

Oh I hope Kasy can forgive Adam, he trully loves her.  Why couldn’t Jericho
love me the same way Adam loves kass.  Why??  But he said he did, he told
me….he even kissed me.  Oh hpow his lips tasted so good.  How I would like to
taste them again.

Oh god where’s that vodka….oh right in my gym bag…..oops forgot about it,
then goes into my bag gets a big bottle of the liquor out and takes a big

But noooo….I start to whine.  He doesn’t love me, he is just pitting me.
How can he love me, I’m such a mess.  How can he, HELL how can anyone care or
love me.  No one ever did, so why start now…….

As she was going to take another sip to her liquor, Adam came in all happy
and with a big grin on his face.

"Yo Chrissy, it happened sh-" but stopped when he saw me on my bed crying
with vodka getting drunk.

*****Adam POV*****

What she’s drinking.  Why?  Man I think Chris really got to her…to make her
get drunk like this….she looks bad.  I walk over to her, trying to take the
bottle away from her….but Chrissy insists to fight for it.

"No……Mine.."  Chrissy whines.

"Come on Chrissy, give Uncle Adam the bottle!"  I tell her.

"No!"  she still refuses.  "Is MINE!" she yells.

"Yes it’s yours, I’m just going to put it in a nice place so it won’t get
lost."  I try to reason with her.  Damn I feel like I’m talking to a baby or

Christina smiled happily to me.  "You happy…aren’t cha…." She said happily

"Yes…yes I’m happy.  Kasy finally forgave me so….after I take that *pointing
to the liquor*  I’m gonna pack and move back in with Kas and Chris is coming
back here to be with you."  I said to her….not quite sure she understood

"Oooo….she forgot you…oops…..for *hiccup* gave tu.."

"Um Chrissy…sweetie, you’re not making to much sense, why don’t you just lie
down here in bed and rest.  You’ll feel so much better in the morning."

"Wo…oops….*she starts to giggle* Mo…no….or what eva you call it…"

"It’s no, and why not?"  I ask her.

"Swit here wit me and drwink…" Chrissy told me.

"Dwink??" I said laughing.

"No drwink!"  she said as she gave me the bottle.

"Oh no…." I retaliate and push it back to her.  But she pushes it back to
me…"Yesh drwink.."  Christina drunkenly told me.

"Oh no…oh why not?!  I’m happy anyway…..might as well celebrate it."  I said
to her and my self.

And soon him and Christina started drinking….a bit too much for their own

----Slightly Later in Chris/Christina’s room----

"Me told you dis wut goot…"  said Christina to Adam.

"YUP!"  Nodded Adam as he took another swing at the liquor.

They  were so close to each other….so drunk…the world around them
forgotten…nothing else matter to them at the moment besides the LIQUOR and
themselves.  So close that their faces were inches apart…..

----Downstairs in the Kitchen----

"Baby….are you sure your fine??" Asked a worried Hunter.

"Yes….for the millionth time I’m fine…its just hurts….other than that…I’m
fine."  Replied Marilyn.

"I’m so sorry….I never wanted to hurt you…I love you so much….oh god I’m so
stupid……I hurt the one I lovce with all my heart…..can you ever forgive me
Angel?"  he asked with tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Awwww Hunter…..I love you too honey…..and yes I forgive you…I know you
never meant to hit me….."  Mari told him.

"Really??"  He asked like a surprised little boy.

"Yes.." she said as she kissed him so tenderly but with so much passion on
the lips.

Hunter was now getting into the kissed until Mari broke away…


"I’m cold…"


"Can you please get me a sweater?"

"Can I get it later…."

"Pwease.." Mari said in a babyish talk, which Hunter couldn’t refuse.

"Oh okay…I will….be right back!"  Hunter said with a smile as he went
upstairs to get Mari a sweater.

----Back in Chris/Christina’s room----

They were so close to each other, so much tension between them, both couldn’t
avoid what was going to happen, both so drunk that their minds couldn’t think
straight.  So close that both their lips met each other in a kiss.

----In the hallway upstairs passing Chris/Christina’s room to
Hunter/Marilyn’s room----

*****Hunter’s POV*****

Sweater….sweater…sweater… to get a sweater….hmmm….I still feel bad for
hitting my baby.  But its all Adam’s fault if he didn’t start those
comments…none of this would of never started.

Oh Chrissy bedroom door is open…..seems no one in there….wonder where they
are…..Is that Adam and Christina???  What are they doing there together on
the bed making out??  Oh when Kasy and Chris find out…..ewwwww  big
trouble….BIG indeed.   "DAMN!"  Then I realized I said that a bit TOO loud.
So I ran back down stairs to Mari.

----Chris/Christina’s room----

They both broke away……to a sound….both looking around not seeing no
one….then both realizing what they both have done…..

Your heart is not open so I must go
The spell has been broken, I loved you so
Freedom comes when you learn to let go
Creation comes when you learn to say no

You were my lesson I had to learn
I was your fortress you had to burn
Pain is a warning that something's wrong
I pray to God that it won't be long
Do ya wanna go higher?

*****Christina's POV*****

Oh my God.  OH.  MY. GOD.  What have I done?  I kissed Adam.  ADAM!!!!  I
don’t even LIKE Adam!  I want to throw Adam out a second-story window!  But I
get drunk and what do I do?  I make an ass out of myself, as usual.

Just when things were going so well too...I was convinced everything was
going to go right this time...I wasn't gonna humiliate myself, I wasn't going
to fall in love with the wrong guy...and not only do I throw myself at Chris.
but now I make out with my friend’s boyfriend?   What's WRONG with me???

OK Chrissy....slow aren't thinking rationally…..DAMN SKIPPY I'm
not thinking rationally!  I've blown what little chance I ever had with
Chris, I've alienated Adam and probably have Kasy ready to kill me...and
Hunter and Mari will probably be after my blood too...I've ruined

My whole life has gone like this...going from one idiotic mistake to the
next….starting over, only to ruin my new chance once again....I can make
jokes about it, about the times waking up in strange
bathtubs...but it never seems all that funny to me.  Me and Adam only kissed,
but it could've gone farther...if no one would have stopped us, I have no
doubt that we would be in bed together right now...when the only person I
want to be in bed with is Chris.

There's nothing left to try
There's no place left to hide
There's no greater power
Than the power of good-bye

Your heart is not open so I must go
The spell has been broken, I loved you so
You were my lesson I had to learn
I was your fortress

*****Adam POV*****

OMG!  I just kissed Christina.  Oh man how can I be SO STUPID!  I finally got
Kas to for give me and NOW I DO THIS???  I can’t take anymore of this…I
should kill myself.  Man I keep doing one mistake after another.  If I don’t
kill my self either Kasy or Chris….Chris Oh lord will he be after my
ass….Hell I don’t blame him……..

I think I should just leave the show….leave Kas…she’ll forget about me
sooner or later…..hopefully Chris can forgive Christina…everyone else will
be happy….Man I can’t believe I did that….

I love Kasy and all I do to her is hurt her…..Oh and Chrissy… she was
drunk first…..Its all my fault….I was sane earlier how did I let this get
out of hand.  Its all my fault…not hers….oh will she ever forgive me……

I just hope no one saw us…..but I might as well tell Kas before she finds out
by any other way.

There's nothing left to lose
There's no more heart to bruise
There's no greater power
Than the power of good-bye

Learn to say good-bye
I yearn to say good-bye

*****Christina’s POV*****

Chris.  Just thinking his name makes me want to cry.  I feel so happy when
I'm with I'm not as terrible as I think I am....but that's all
ruined now, he knows me for who I really am....

And poor Kas.  I didn't want to hurt her, not after all she's been
through....I didn't even think of her.  That's the problem, I just went off
and did what I did without considering what it might do to her.  I hate

The new start I had here is now officially over.  It's just become one more
miserable experience for me to live through until I can hide myself someplace
else...somewhere far… far away from everyone I've met here....

There's nothing left to try
There's no place left to hide
There's no greater power
Than the power of good-bye

There's nothing left to try
There's no place’s left to hide
There's no greater power
Than the power of good-bye

There's nothing left to lose
There's no more heart to bruise
There's no greater power
Than the power of good-bye

What would happen IF Kasy and Chris find out???  How ARE Chrissy and Adam
going to get away with this???  WHAT'S Hunter going to do???  What PLACE will
Mari have in all of this???  STAY TUNED.....for the next chapter in Real
World -WWF Style-!!!.....