Title: True Self
Disclaimer: We don't own them, don't let them kill us.

Ok!  What the hell just happened??....

He.......No......no...I must have heard wrong........Yea...must of........

"No..you're joking aren't you?"  I ask as I look at him, trying to find any

But though he looks at me with a shock look, and stand.  "What....I knew I
shouldn't ahve said anything to you....I knew it.....I'm leaving...and don't
you dare come after me again...."

I blink at all this confusion....I'm so going to need a psychiatrist after
all this is over.

I notice he almost to the door, and something in me....I don't know I snap.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?"

He freezes in place, and without turning.  "Why should I tell

I stand and march up to him grabing his arm yanking him around, "You're going
to go and sit your little candy ass on the bed and you're NOT going any where
until we figure this all out!  Do you understand me?!"

He opens his mouth to rebute what I said, "Hey...you..."

I give him a look, "Do you understand me?!"

Something in him....I don't know....a weird look goes through his eyes.
Something that I  know deals with everything thats going on.  Something I
yet, have come to understand myself.

I see, him walk toward the bed, and doing waht he was told.  I see him

"Oh what the hell did you think you can do?  Huh?  First confuse the hell out
of me.....telling me one thing but changint to another......and then you keep
running off....making me go on a hunt for you....Now this....which gets me
even more confused than i was in the first place and you want to run off

He whimpers as my voice rises by the minute...

"I should tie you up to the bed, keeping you here until I WANT to let you