Your Wish Is My Command


It was hard waking up. Shane's body just wanted so badly to keep of sleeping, but he willed himself awake, knowing he needed to face the situation around him. When he opened his eyes, he found himself in a little hospital room, with X-Pac sitting in a chair across the room.

Before he could say anything, Sean was up and over to his bed. "Shane?"

"How'd you find me?" he whispered.

"I heard that bastard Andrew bragging about what he'd done. I'm smarter than you think, and the security system on the employee files is pathetic." He smiled sadly. "I've had a lot of free time to sneak around the WWF offices."

"Where is he?" It hurt Shane to talk, but he had to know.

"Andrew? Probably with you dad, laughing it up on how the put one over on you." He stopped. "I put that wrong. Dammit Shane, I'm sorry this happened, I shouldn't have trusted you'd be ok with Test...."

"Not your fault. I sent you away." Shane struggled to sit up more. "Why you care?"

Sean sighed, sitting down on the edge of the bed after checking with Shane to make sure it was ok to get that close. "Because I've watched so many people go through the same thing you did with Hunter. Because I don't have much else to care about. Because underneath, you aren't so bad." He smiled slightly. "That good enough?"

"Same thing?"

"He does it all the time, he uses sex as a tool. When he wanted the Outlaws in DX, he got Jesse alone in his hotel room. Scared the shit out of him, they had won the belts but they were still on ass-kiss level. After awhile, I hear him screaming Billy's name, then he hurried up and screamed 'Hunter' instead. Jess couldn't look Billy in the eyes for weeks. Neither could I for just letting that happen."

"You?" Shane asked.

It was somewhat of an ambiguous question, but Sean understood the meaning perfectly. His voice got real low. "Yeah, when I came back from WCW. They weren't originally gonna put me with DX, you know? So I get this call, Hunter tells me he thinks he can talk Vince into putting me with him, but there would be a price. I don't think I ever stopped paying. Every time he got lonely, I rolled over for him. Every time he got angry, I was his scapegoat." He paused. "You don't need to hear my sob story. You need to get some sleep."

Shane was already drifting off but he still whispered "Sean?"

"Yeah Shane?"

"If you're gonna hurt me, please do it now so we can get it over with."

Sean had to swallow a lump in his throat. "I'm not going to. I promise."

It was fairly peaceful until Sean was distracted from his crossword puzzle by the sound of screaming. Rushing over to the bed, he tried to Shane shake awake. "Shane!! Shane wake up! It's a nightmare, you're gonna be ok!" Shane finally did wake up, tears streaming down his face. Sean sat down next to him, pulling him up against his body. "It's gonna be ok now, I promise. Andrew won't find you here."

They sat like that until Shane whispered "I want to get them back." Pulling away, he wiped his eyes and looked intently at Sean. "Can we go to Raw on Monday? I think I have some things I need to take care of."

Sean smiled back. "Your wish is my command."