Temparta VI was once a simple and civilized semi hive world, supporting several hundred thousand civilians. Due to its small size it was mainly used as a defensive outpost and weapons/ equipment manufacturing center. At the heart of its defense forces was a large company of Catachan Jungle Fighters. The planet's orbit close to the death world Catachan made a regiment of Jungle Fighters the perfect solution to the problem of planetary defense. The planet was also close to the Scythe of Glory homeworld, Disthases. This small planet boasted a Scythe of Glory space marine astropath with the power to communicate to earth, which was a highly rated asset, even though earth was not all that far away. The colonel in charge of the defense forces on Temparta was Colonel Palmer, a seasoned veteran of many campaigns across the galaxy. Under him there were 5 regiments of Jungle Fighters, as well as other additional units of ratlings and other PDF forces. All the quiet of this beautiful world was shattered one day with the advance of chaos raiders.

The astropath sensed many disturbances in the warp and within hours of this discovery, Khorne berserkers, Night Lords, and Black Legion chaos space marines had infested one of the areas around the astrocommunications bases. The chaos commander had used a Tzeentch sorcerer to pinpoint the location of the astropath at this remote communications base. The base was held by a few units of Jungle Fighters under the command of Lieutenant Daracos. The unit also included Commissar Lynch, a powerful leader who was held in awe and respect by his men. The chaos raiders attempted to kill the Scythe of Glory astropath, but to no avail. Many guardsmen died that day in defense of their outpost, but in the end the raiders were beaten off and the astropath was alive. Lt. Daracos and Commissar Lynch were the only two officers to survive the brutal fighting. After the battle it was realized that there were many more chaos scum in orbit around the tiny system, and would be closing in on Temparta VI in short order. The orders were sent to the astropath to send a message of salvation to his chapter, and also the nearby Eldar base of Gchan. The Scythe of Glory marines prepared their battle barges for travel and the eldar mobilized against the Chaos threat. Thus began the Tempartus Campaign...

The first encounter between these two warring factions took place on the banks of the Charon river. The space marines had set up advanced firebase landing pads on the opposite side of the planet. From that point a detachment of marines including Chief Librarian Scythicus the Reaver was sent to help the beleaguered guardsmen. From the same direction a Biel-Tan farseer and his war host of Gchan approached the battlefield. By the time the two allied armies arrived to assault the chaos forces, there were only two survivors of the guardsmen's force. Commissar Lynch and Lieutenant Daracos were teleported to safety by the astropath only moments before he was set upon by a band of frothing berserkers. The berserkers succeeded in killing the astropath, but it was too late. The chaos forces began to reinforce their position with chaos terminators, dreadnoughts and plaguemarines. Eventually a massive army, including Kharn the Betrayer, and Cypher, the fallen dark angel champion, poured out upon the lush landscape of Temparta. The space marines and eldar, working together formulated a brilliant strategy with which to crush the foe. The battle lasted for a day and night, and at the dawn of the second day, the chaos army retreated from the field to lick its wounds and to plot its revenge. Of the eldar and the space marines, there were minimum losses, with minimal Missing In Actions. The chaos marines had failed to take the building housing the controls for the telepathica matrix orbiting the planet. The space marines could now use the martix's defense laser and orbital cannons to chastise the chaotic menace from orbit.

Sergeant Marcus Kimmel looked at his transponder beacon, glowing in the moonlight. It showed a signal originating from only a few miles away. After losing three of his scouts Kimmel was caught up in the chaos retreat, and after cunningly sneaking through the enemy lines, was on his way back to civilization. When he came upon the structure he instantly recognized it as an imperial firebase, but a deep sense of foreboding told him that something was wrong. He silenced his remaining scout as he attempted to speak, and pointed at the patrol of men walking by, no more than twenty feet away. He could see the chaotic symbols on their flak jackets, and recognized them as imperial guardsmen, corrupted by the evils of chaos. He and his scout crept towards the firebase, hoping that there was no one inside. By carefully creeping up ladders and across gantries he made it to the communications room. There he found a radio with which he began to broadcast his SOS message. The message was immediately picked up by a neighboring firebase, and a land speeder was sent by remote pilot to pick up the sergeant. Kimmel reported the news to his scout and opened the door. In an instant he realized his mistake. The sergeant of one of the squads guarding the landing pad had seen him. His men began to fan out around the door, and Kimmel recognized the formation from basic training. They were going to attempt to break into the room. Thinking quickly Kimmel levelled his boltgun at a crack in the wall and fired. The wall gave way as the plastasteel and rockcrete reinforcements gave, bursting outward in a spray of debris. The scout did the same, however the size of the hole was too small to fit the barrel of his multi-melta through. They fired through the holes into the formation, killing three. With a quick motion Kimmel pulled a frag grenade from his belt and threw it at the guardsmen. He ducked just as the grenade exploded, then bolted for the door, blowing it off its hinges in the process. As guardsmen came from all directions, Kimmel and the scout jumped into the land speeder. They then took off and flew for the neighboring firebase to report what had happened.

After finding out what happened, the commander of the sector, Lazarus Inquietus, captain of the Scythe of Glory's first company, along with the able minded farseer, ordered an assault to reclaim the firebase. It contained much information about the coordinated assault efforts and many pieces of valuable equipment. Kimmel was ordered to lead the assault, and was honored to do so. And so, a detachment of Scythe of Glory tactical and assault troops, supported by a landspeeder and Kimmel with his bodyguard of four scouts, were dropped by thunderhawk gunship into the surrounding area. They won a quick victory over the meager defenses, but soon disaster fell upon the firebase. Chaos forces had the same plan of using the base as a beach head for an attack on the nerve centers of the imperial forces. Four squads of corrupted guardsmen, 2 squads of chaos space marine veterans and a squad of chaos space marines armed with heavy weapons soon approached the base. Seeing the brightly coloured power armour of the Scythe of Glory space marines, the chaos forces pulled back and encircled the firebase. Kimmel realized that this was only one of many waves of troops to arrive at the firebase, and if he could not win this battle, then he must try and destroy the firebase. The space marines were slaughtered wholesale. Throughout the battle the firebase was tenaciously held by Kimmel and his bodyguards, repelling 2 charges by corrupt guardsmen. However, the tactical unit was completely wiped out by huge vollies of lasgun fire, followed by missiles and lascannon bursts, and the assault units were killed by bolter fire from the chaos veterans which had infiltrated behind them. The three remaining assault marines and the land speeder prepared to make their final stand with Kimmel’s unit against the invaders. A huge mass of Chaos space marines and guardsmen poured from the woods surrounding the firebase, and swarmed over the landing pad. The assault marines took off to attack the chaos space marines, and the land speeder followed. However, the vehicle was immediately shot down by heavy weapons fire, and the burning hulk came crashing down on the assault sergeant and his hand to hand combat enemy, crushing both instantly. In desperation Kimmel called for reinforcements, and a single squad of assault marines came down upon the landing pad like angels of death. At the same time Kimmel's bodyguard charged into the mass of people, but were cut down quickly. The assault marines hacked into the mob, cutting down dozens of guardsmen, but eventually each one succumbed to the sheer number of attackers. Kimmel set the bomb in the fuel dump of the base and set his teleport homer to lock onto the signal from the orbiting ship. He disappeared in a flash of light knowing full well that he had failed his mission. The bomb on the base never blew up, however, which left the chaos forces in control of a sizeable landing pad with which to bring in reinforcements, as well as the defense laser mounted in the silo under the landing pad. Something had to be done...

Meanwhile, on the small moon , Iophus, several large bio-ships appeared out of the warp. A tyranid Invasion in segmentum solar was a rare occurrence but it was most likely drawn to Temparta by the palpable psychic waves emenating from the conflict on the planet. They landed on the surface and began to release tyranid life forms onto the surface of the tiny moon. The tyranids scrambled over the planet toward the moon command center and subsequently destroyed the imperial guard platoon guarding it. However, during the battle space marine reinforcements landed and began to drive back the tyranids. As they drove them back more weapons fire forced the tyranids into a pincer movement. The space marines were confused, but figured that the warriors on the other side were their own. When the tyranid line was obliterated, the fire continued into the loyal space marines. The loyalists were forced to retreat as waves of traitor legionaries swept down upon them, leaving chaos in possession of the moon.

Down on the planet surface a raiding party of black legionaries, led by Abbadon himself, succeeded in destroying an imperial research facility. His veterans found the facility was working on new potent weapons to vanquish the chaos threat, as well as the tyranid menace. The complex was reduced to rubble by melta-bombs as well as fire support from the captured batteries on the moon.

After destroying the research facility Abbadon tried to strike a devastating blow to the imperial defenders. He teleported two small forces of Khorne Berserkers and Night Lords to destroy weapons factories and fuel dumps. Scout Sergeant Kimmel was present in the force which defended the weapons factory from the berserkers, and again his uncanny knack for survival prevailed, for his entire squad was killed, except for him. The Scythe of Glory held onto their complex, but only barely. They were forced to vector in more forces. Even though they held the base, it had suffered damage and would slow production of weapons and vehicles. Meanwhile, the fuel dumps were overrun and several were destroyed, the last two only being held by massed imperial guardsmen and their supporting artillery. The chaos forces now had crippled one part of the imperial army, and they seemed unstoppable. This led to a grave mistake on Abbadon's part. Foolishly taking advice from his underlings, he decided to try and kill the Scythe of Glory officers and the eldar farseer in their underground bunker. He teleported a very large group of chaos space marines, terminators and vehicles down to the planetary surface to overrun the complex. He had planned to teleport down later and cut down the commanders personally. Ahriman, the chaos sorcerer led the assault on the ground. The assault would've been successful if not for the telepathica matrix in orbit around the planet. It had warned the loyalists of the chaos advance, and when the traitor legions surged forward, they were thrown back by two entire companies of space marines, supported by eldar and imperial guard forces. Abbadon quickly tried to teleport out what troops he could, but just as he began to do this, three things happened. The loyalists launched a massive counter attack which killed most of the chaos forces. At the same time, Ahriman fell to the knife of an eversor assassin, and Abbadon's battle barge took a hit from the bases defense laser. The teleporter generator was almost knocked down completely, but enough power was left to teleport out Ahriman and the other commmander and officers, who were the only ones to be teleported to safety before the entire garrison was destroyed.

Abbadon now decided to stop the telepathica matrix in its tracks. He ordered his engineers to tap into the orbiting defense system and bring it under his control by use of a captured computer station. This action was noticed by the space marines however, and they launched an offensive to destroy the station. While a main column of space marines held up the chaos forces, Sergeant Kimmel's scouts, supported by Slayer Chaplain Taros and Codicier Fabian Cross, managed to hack through the orks and grechin guarding the underground facility and destroy the computer. Codicier Cross, after killing the ork's painboy in a vicious hand to hand combat fight, found the computer controlling the telepathica matrix. Raising his force sword high, he struck a mighty blow against the console. Again and again he brought the blade down, shattering delicate circuts and diodes. Then focusing his mind, he drew on the power of the warp and teleported himself, Taros and Sergeant Kimmel to safety. By the time Abbadon realized what had happened, it was too late to strike against the scouts. Cursing the space marines he set to planning his next step.

Arganos Marathanos sat in the thunderhawk gunship as it decended to Iophus. He planned to set down on the Iophian Crater, a large impact crater that covered nearly 1/5 of the moon with impact striations. As he listened over the comm net, he heard the instruction he'd been listening for. "Planet surface approaching commander. ETA 4 minutes." Arganos sat impassively and then addressed his detachment. "All right, gear up. Ya' got four so double check your equipment." He stopped and let his men chant their linanies to their weapons, then continued. "Two to go marines, so get in drop positions. I want a nice clean dispersal this time, so get hot. Understand?" "Yes sir.", chorused his men. He sealed his helmet as they hit the ground. Now it would not open until the air tested as breathable. The hatch opened and the assault units took to the sky, while the rest of the detachment fanned out from the ship as quickly as possible. Marathanos stepped out into the light, scanning for targets through his visor. Almost immediately Khorne berserkers charged out of the woods, chanting their battle cries of "Blood for the Blood God." Following this ambush was a volley of heavy weapons fire which took a toll on one tactical squad, cutting down three men. The heavy weapons fire was cut off as the detachment's land speeder shot out of the Thunderhawk and vaporised the three Night Lords heavy weapon specialists. Marathanos brought his PsychRifle to bear on one of the closing berserkers, and fired as the targeting matrix icon on his visor display flashed red on black. He watched as the Berserker's helmet was engulfed in a flash of plasma, and saw the warrior's body slump to the ground. Suddenly, from the foliage next to one of the tactical squads came the sound of a large animal, however there were few indiginous animals on the moon. The Juggernaut came tearing out of the foliage, aiming its charge for the tactical sergant. Suddenly, several beams of light flashed across the sky. The first beam missed the daemon, while the second blasted the Champion from his perch upon the beast. The third blast, whcih came as two simulatneous beams, punched through the thing's head and neck, dropping it instantly with a spray of orange blood. The Predator annhilator rolled further out of the belly of the Thunderhawk Gunship to support the space marines in their struggle. Marathanos turned his attention back to the battle, and fell back a berzerker charged into him. He activated the heel spikes in his power armour with a practiced twist of his ankle and drove the spikes into the throat of the traitor marine, killing him instantly. He stood, looking for more enemies, only to see the Berserkers being overwhealmed by tactical and assault marines. After losing most of their patrol, the chaos forces withdrew back to their moon base, according to the techmarines.

Meanwhile, on the planet's surface, a rebellion had taken place. A small village had turned against the imperium and had slaughtered the local population. To top it all off the planetary defnese forces in the area would not respond to any communications. Chief librarian Sythicus, as acting commander on the planet surface, sent a city fighting veteran to head a force of space marines to investigate. Lexon Mercurius led the assault, and when they arrived they made a horrible discovery. The PDF forces had been implanted by genestealers and now the genestealer cult was rebelling. As Sythicus watched the cleansing of the village from the Thunderhawk Gunship, the radar tech advised him of a force of tyranids moving into the sector. The teleport links were keyed and Sythicus teleported down to the surface to meet the Hive Mind warriors. When he got there he found his patrol in dire trouble. Shortly after he touched down he witnessed a carnifex hack down four tactical space marines in one sweep of its claws. Enraged by the loss of his comrades, he charged into the Tyranid Dreadnought. As he hit the thing he leveled his sword as if it was a lance, and tore a huge gaping hole in the creatures abdomen. The wound immediately began to close, as if mocking him. He didn't hesitate as he raised his sword again and hacked off one of the creature's arms. His third blow cut a gigantic slash in the Carnifex’s chest, but like the other wounds it began to heal immediately. Dodging a swipe from the carnifexes scythed arms, Tactical Sergeant Margos charged into the thing. Before Sythicus could stop it, the carnifex crushed the sergeant in its claws. Sythicus saw the world vanish into a haze of red, and he was on his feet with incredible speed. He flagrantly ignored his own safety as he charged toward the creature. When he reached the monstrosity, he deftly parried one of the claws and avoided the others, barely noticing as one cut into his shoulder. He then swung his blade in an irresistable overhead arc which carved through the Carnifexe's armoured shell with a flash of power. The Tyranid hive creature fell to the ground, cut in half from shoulder to midriff. Looking to his left he saw Lexon astride his dragon fighting the hive tyrant. With a thought he forced his body out of the physical universe and into to warp. He materialised next to the hive tyrant, and with a single blow, lopped off the tyrant's leg. As the creature came crashing to the ground, the dragon who Lexon rode crushed the creature in its claws, staining the ground a deep arterial purple. With their commander gone may of the other creatures turned tail and ran, only to be cut down by the space marines. They had won this battle, thought Sythicus, but at what price?

All the while the forces of Chaos were on the rampage, closing in and winnning six more crucial battles. They began to penetrate further and further into Sythicus's sector and he had already lost a great deal of men fighting the chaos threat. The chaos advance was halted by a massed formation of Space Marine and imperial guard forces, supported by eldar allies. After being halted, Inquisitor Zires, along with Sythicus counterattacked the forces of chaos to try and force them to withdraw. The counter attack was a success but it only resulted in the battle lines being redrawn to accomodate a beachhead in the chaos advance. More reinforcements arrived to further the advance and cut off half of the total chaos forces by surrounding them with imperial warriors.

The imperial forces once again found themselves on the offensive when Marathanos ordered the imperial guard forces to advance. The imperial guard came up against the warband of Anthros The Avenger. The chaos lord gave simplistic orders; “kill anything you can see”. The imperial ace in the hole sprung its trap as Plague Marine squad Festimus infested the ruined warehouse on the imperial left. The lone black clad figure injected himself with a shot of oxygen rich chemical. The eversor assasin then proceeded to maul the squad, only stopping short of killing Festimus. Festimus charged into combat with the assasin, but the kill crazy assasin tore him limb from limb. He then proceeded to slice in half Aspiring Champion Graos with his power sword. Meanwhile a hellhound and a Leman Russ battle tank sped up the center to burn and maul the chaos heavy weapons and the chaos squad Graos. They then roared into the chaos deployment zone to complete their mission. After the mission was completed the assasin injected himself with more drugs and his special issue combat drugs to assault Anthros and his bodyguard of 3 chaos terminaots.

“This is Marathanos. What have you to report Captain Larnoss?”. “We have utterly ahnnialated the chaos raiding force.” A raucuos cheer rose over Marathanos’s voice. He waved for silence. Then “And imperial casualties?” “Not a single one, sir.” Now a huge, heartfelt cheer went up in the hall. Marathanos allowed a smile to escape his normally unshakeable facade. Even the Inquisitors, Zires and Romel, cheered the flawless imperial victory. “And what of Lord Anthros?” inquired Marathanos. “Assasin Sectus literally tore him to tiny little bits.” A chuckle came over the comm. “I can’t believe you managed to pull that one off Larnoss. Commendations are in order. Report to alpha sector at sixteen hundred hours tomorrow.” “Yes sir. Understood sir. Larnoss out.” Marathanos could barely hear the final lines over the cheering. He tunred and watched as the space marines and imperial guard officers drank to their success. He glanced across the room at the passive eldar farseer standing next to the table. He walked over to meet the farseer; “Let them celebrate. They’ll be risking their lives again soon enough.”

The Imperials were then surprised by the replacement of Colonel Palmer. He was replaced by a Colonel Tires. He would now have to briefed on the situation and left the Imperial Guard without a veteran commander. This was a blow and would be a risk to the imperials until the new Commander got “on the ball”.

Shortly after which they were in fact risking their lives again. The chaos space marines, even though badly depleted, decided to put in an assault to Cytus ridge in beta sector. Abbadon planned on using a three pronged attack to cut off one sector from another and systematically crush the imperial defenses. The force deployed was ordered to destroy the power station in the area and therefore cut down on the available power which the imperials would have to work theire computers, electronic equipment, satellites and power hungry defense lasers. The chaos attack was successful, the power plant being destroyed, but not without loss. Khorne champion Zatharius who headed the assault survived the destruction of his squad and a squad of Night lords veterans.

“Abbadon wishes to see you in his command post”, breathed Ahirman. Zatharius, led by Ahriman confronted Abbadon in his command post on the chaos battle barge Icon of Sin. “Yes my lord?” growled Zatharius. “You have faild me. You cost me too many men, but you will pay. You will be in servece of the gods of chaos forever.” With that statement abbadon turned to face the planet, now viasable through the portal in the wall. He stood and looked out the portal, the very same portal which Horus looked out of millenia ago, the very same portal which witnessed the death of Sanguinius, and the very same portal which saw the Emperor destroy Horus in that last desperate struggle. Absently, abbadon brought his hand up as if to cradle the planet, and then closed his glove, appearing to crush the planed in his hand. He abruptly spun around to face Zatharius. “Your time has come. You will serve our dark masters for all of eternity for your failure.” And, pointing at Ahriman, he smiled and gave a little nod. Ahriman raised his bolt pistol and placed it against the Khornate champion’s head. Before he could react, Ahriman fired, blowing a hole though his skull. Abbadon nodded after the body had dropped to the floor, and Ahriman touched the body with his staff while chanting the words of some black arcana. An unholy black glow surrounded the fallen champion, and his armour melted into his skin and he instantly paled. He rose from his feet, with chalky skin and having grown fangs unlike normal teeth. “Now the transformation is complete.” cited Ahriman. “You have the powers to control the dead of ages past, so go, go and despoil in the name of the dark gods!” Abbadon exclaimed. Without a word the figure shuffled off to the teleporter, and Abbadon remarked “this could be the break we have been hoping for my friend.” “Yes lord Abbadon, the dark gods will make it so.”

The chaos forces went on a rampage to take several more victories over the imperrial forces, who were still puzzled why there was so much effort going into the war. The farseer of Bile Tan became more and more silent as the chaos victories were won, and no one knew why. Only abbadon and his officers knew. Then as it seemed hopeless, Sergeant Kimmel and a band of scouts raided an outpost and recovered a scroll written in an aincient tongue. It was taken to the Eldar Farseer who diciphered it and fell into more of a silence. When confronted the farseer only told his secret to the Scythe of Glory chapter master. It appeared that one of the legendary curses was buried somewhere in the planet. The Curses of Algamar was the legnedary gateway of the choas gods, the gate of father nurgle. It had to be found and destroyed as soon as possible. The chaos forces would lead them in the correct direction , if they had not already found it. But, bby attacking on 3 fronts it was difficult to tell where it was and the telepathica matrix’s satellite photos showed at least fifteen different places where the curses could be. The Supreme commanders made their best guesses and sent their forces to their respective sectors to try and finish this as quickly as possible. Out of the 21 possible places for the Curses 5 were proven false. But the other 15 remained inaccessible because ot the chaos army. One was subsequently raided by scouts and disproven, leaving 16 more to find.

Game notes: When playing games to discover the curses, every three imperial wins in centauri sector represents one site being discounted. Ever two wins in either delta and beta sector results in a site being discounted. There are 8 sites in centauri sector, 4 in beta sector and 4 in delta sector.

The second objective you could go for would be to stop the chaos forces attack. No special rules here except one. If one army hae 6 wins more than another then it has a shattering victory,and you may take 2 free wargear cards for any characters (even above and beyond the number of wargear cards they are allowed to carry). If they have 3 more then they may have 1 free wargear card in the same way as described above. The gist of this would be that the chaos orces will be forced to fall back and will loose wargear etc. As they retreat.

The third attack wou be raiding the Imperial Armouries to steal their secrets and weapons. For each base successfully raided you get one extra wargear card up to 15 points, and for every two bases raided you geti either:1 extra point to your strategy rating for the next game to represent the plans stolen by your troops, or one extra wargear card up to 25 points.

Record the number of chaos and allies(orks,cult) wins and losses and imperial(and eldar) wins and losses. Send them to me and I will determine based on the Numbers of wins what the next objective will be and I will post them on or about:

