X-Files Fan Fic

Image by Becky

Ok, I finally decided to do a fan fic archive. I've began reading fanfic at the wonderful Gossamer Project and saw everyone's fan fic sites and decided it was time for one of my own. I even wrote a piece, which I will post here. This page will be dedicated to shippy fan fic. That means anything I love that has MSR, UST, and lots of romance and angst. And there will even be NC-17 stuff, cuz I have to admit, some of it's pretty good. This will be mainly a link page, taking you to the places where my faves are located, until I can get some people to contribute their fan fic to me! That's right, CONTRIBUTE! I need fan fic, so if u have a story, poem, vignette, whatever, and you think it belongs here, then just e-mail me at dlphnfan@hotmail.com and if I like it, it will be posted here, for all to see. One requirement: ALL SUBMISSIONS MUST BE SHIPPY! That means there has to be some MSR or angst or whatnot, cuz I am a diehard shipper and that's my favorite type of fanfic to read. So sit back, relax, and be ready to enjoy some fine quality reading. Remember, if ya think your story belongs here, then e-mail me! Thanks!!!

And my quote for the summer:
"The truth is on hold for the summer, but the love lives on in the reruns!"
-TB, a tried and true 100% Shipper and loving it!-

To read my first fan fic, go here. And send all comments to me, TB, but please no flames. It's my first shot and I don't take kindly to flames. Also check out my second fan fic, "The Gift of Truth," by clicking here. This one was inspired by a piece by AlterEgo, titled, "Every Word Was A Piece Of My Heart." Another fab fic, can be found on Gossamer.

I've done it again! I've written yet another fan fic (this is becoming a habit...) and I'd love for you to read it. It's called "Angel Standing By," named after the Jewel Song which inspired it. It's extremely angsty-all Mulder angst and has major Gethsemane spoilers, but I think you'll like it. Click here to go there.

If you'd like to read three wonderful fan fics by my pal, Danafox, then go to Danafox's Creative Archive and click on her fics, The Lie, parts one and two and Lost Without You. You won't be disappointed, I promise!

Check it out! I'm entered in the site fights so be sure and vote for me when I enter the ring! Here's the news ticker to keep ya up to date on what's happening at the Site Fights!

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Fan Fic Links

The Gossamer Project! The greatest archive of fan fic on the web.
Once there, you will never want to leave!

GertieBeth's Fan Fic Archive Check out her Faves!

Leyla Harrison's Fan Fic She has written two of the best pieces I ever read, Mended Hearts and Don't Speak. They'll really get to you.

Kelida Flynn's Fan Fic Check out her piece, Grains of Sand as well as her archive

Paula Graves' Fan Fic She has written some of the best fan fic, especially 12 Degrees of Separation. You have to check her out!

Megan Reilly's Fan Fic Another don't miss author. she wrote the Dares series, one of the funniest I've ever read!

MSR SMUTsters Paradise Warning: NC-17 stuff here, but definitely some good stuff!

Award Winning Fan Fiction These are some of the best on the net!

XF Romantics Fan Fic Archive Lot's of MSR!!!

Extreme Possibilities Archive The title says it all...

The X-Press! A page totally devoted to fan fic. By all means, please visit!

The alt.tv.x-files.creative newsgroup

Deep Background A great place for all Fan Fic Writers.

Melissa Rabey's Fan Fic Fab stuff. Really, go see.

LilSpooky's Fan Fic

Magrat's Fan Fic I read her piece, Face to Face. What a wonderful piece!

The Fanfiction of Lydia Bower This gal has written some great stuff. Her Dance W/O Sleeping and Into Each Other Sinking Series are da ultimate bomb!!!

Well that's all for now. If ya see a link, you want added, then e-mail me and I'll check it out.

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***Disclaimer***:The characters, Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, Chris Carter and all the rest of the x-files clan don't belong to me. They belong to 10-13 Productions and the wonderful folks at FOX. Also I don't own David Duchovny or Gillian Anderson. And most of the pics I've found while surfing the net, so I'm thanking all those who let me steal them. HEHE. Anyways, this is just a little note so no one out there goes bonkers and sues. I have nothing to give. I've only created this site for pure enjoyment, no infringement intended. Thanks, TB

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This X-Files Fanfic Webring site is maintained by TeddiBear.

Email: dlphnfan@hotmail.com

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