WARNING: Once you have viewed my GuestBook, you may find that you feel more like you do now than you did before!!!

LWHEELER - 12/28/00 16:00:40
My URL:http://wowsafari.freeservers.com
My Email:wowsafari@go.com
True or False: MAYBE
Batman or Elvis: ROBIN
Scully or Mulder: SCULLY

Tazio Nuvaralli - 11/19/00 05:11:30
True or False: Niether
Paper or Plastic: Plaperastic
Batman or Elvis: Batvis
What's up with that?: J.S.
Scully or Mulder: Who is this Molder?
Are you self-aware?: As much as I thought you are
Stairway to Heaven and Gilligan's Island theme are the same. Don't belive me? Next time you hear S t Heaven on WKQQ ( or in about 3 minutes, trust me on this one.... go on dial it in 100.1 ) sing the Gilligan's Isle words when the vocals start. You'll love it. Oh all C.C.R. songs are the SAME!

Your fav. student: Sarah - 11/12/00 19:04:48
True or False: I don't know
Paper or Plastic: Paper
Batman or Elvis: Batman!
What's up with that?: I'm not sure, when you find out, tell me!!!
Scully or Mulder: Scully
Are you self-aware?: I guess
Hey Bob! Cool sight! :) You're an awesome guitar teacher!

Bloody Kisses( crisey) - 07/04/00 19:58:17
My Email:Eboney_Tears@hotmail.com
True or False: all of the above
Paper or Plastic: why get real? Plastic comes in pretter colors
Batman or Elvis: Catwoman
What's up with that?: what with goats and a how many trash bags?
Scully or Mulder: Scully
Are you self-aware?: yep
Ok I finally signed your damn guestbook so now you can't bitch! See ya monday

Mighty Cthulhu - 06/07/00 03:53:57
My URL:http://www.rlyeh.net
My Email:Mighty-Cthulhu00000001@hotmail.com
True or False: I'll decide later.
Paper or Plastic: Does not matter for Mighty Cthulhu....he does not shop.
Batman or Elvis: Elvis is King
What's up with that?: Mighty Cthulhu does not know what is up with that.
Scully or Mulder: Scully much more pleasing to Mighty Cthulhu.
Are you self-aware?: Mighty Cthulhu knows all...except what's up with that.
Mighty Cthulhu will smash all mankind...once he finishes his nap...

Ian - 06/07/00 03:46:06
My Email:imec426@hotmail.com
True or False: Undecided
Paper or Plastic: Glass
Batman or Elvis: Hindrix
What's up with that?: I'm confused
Scully or Mulder: Langley
Are you self-aware?: I'm not sure...maybe.
I tried to send an e-mail to you earlier today...but it didn't work. I got back a message from Mr. Mailer-Deamon later. Don't know what happend.

shallsie - 05/29/00 22:17:41
True or False: true
Paper or Plastic: paper
Batman or Elvis: elvis
What's up with that?: thank you very much
Scully or Mulder: oh GOD Mulder
Are you self-aware?: not sure
I can't see too good!

fraudnor - 02/05/00 21:49:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/hollow/4692
My Email:fraudnor@mis.net
Your Hat Size: magnum
Paper or Plastic: rubber
Godzilla or King Kong: Gammara - he loves all the children
Is this a Trick Question: no, are you a trick?
Scully or Mulder: Scullyyyyyyy
Are you self-aware?: a little too much!
"feels like I've been here before" Deja Vu - Iron Maiden

caveman - 11/29/99 01:03:21
My Email:jwebb5@prodigy.net
Your Hat Size: me not know
Paper or Plastic: paper ,plastic dont flush
Godzilla or King Kong: either one,both taste like chicken
Is this a Trick Question: no
Scully or Mulder: scully look good in my cave
Are you self-aware?: me know where me at

TARA12 - 04/19/99 17:22:17
My URL:http://getitgotitgone
My Email:wouldn't ya like to know?
Your Hat Size: Big enough to fit my perfectly ROUND head... I would imagine
Paper or Plastic: A box, a very strong, dark.... ahem. A box, please.
Godzilla or King Kong: Its not the size, dear, think smaller, more talented, less jerky motioned heroes...
Is this a Trick Question: (flipping the magic 8 ball) My sources indicate YES.
Scully or Mulder: Hmmm... can I try em both and get back to you?
Are you self-aware?: VERY -- want details?
Well isn't this interesting? And what would the warbird be up to lately? Anything noteworthy? Anything to write home about? Have a good one dear, and thanks for the entertaining webpage and other various info.

Roy Mercer - 04/18/99 19:54:12
My Email:asswhip.com
Your Hat Size: 11
Paper or Plastic: paper
Godzilla or King Kong: Rodrilla
Is this a Trick Question: Im gonna kick your ass
Scully or Mulder: scully, shes hot!!!
Are you self-aware?: Aware Im gonna kick your ass.
My son is taking lessons from you and he came home the other day playing some of that devilish, heavy metal, Led Zepplin shit. I'll tell you, it made me mad as hell. If he don't learn "Teddy Bear" by the late great Red Sovine next week, I'm comin down t ere and kickin' your ass. I'm a long haul trucker and nothin' keeps me company on the road except my Red Sovine 8-tracks. I never listen to that satanic Stairway to Heaven, or Been a Long Time, or that one about the lemon juice runnin' my leg (that sounds a little sexual to me,) Anyway, you got one week mister and my boy had know some Folk classics or you ass is mine.

Mike Hardwick - 04/09/99 03:50:19
My Email:genia@mis.net
Your Hat Size: 7.5
Paper or Plastic: paper
Godzilla or King Kong: King Kong
Is this a Trick Question: Huh?
Scully or Mulder: Scully
Are you self-aware?: Huh?
Hey, come over for some lasagna and maybe a tune or two. See ya later.

Genia Hardwick - 04/08/99 20:49:39
My Email:I like mail.
Your Hat Size: Fine
Paper or Plastic: My hat is plastic
Godzilla or King Kong: Kong
Is this a Trick Question: DUH!
Scully or Mulder: both
Are you self-aware?: I don't know

Ocelot - 02/26/99 01:08:42
My URL:http://it's.long.gone
My Email:jw351898@oak.cats.ohiou.edu
Your Hat Size: Ok, we've been through this, I think.....
Paper or Plastic: Foil
Godzilla or King Kong: Mothra
Is this a Trick Question: No, it's a Silly Question
Scully or Mulder: Proably
Are you self-aware?: Huh?
What, all this time and only one new question? Really, I'm disappointed.

John Oliver - 02/22/99 04:18:26
My URL:http:// Not Yet
My Email:jloliver@mis.net
Your Hat Size: Man that head is huge!
Paper or Plastic: Latex
Godzilla or King Kong: Skeleton Dwarves
Is this a Trick Question: Yes,no,yes,maybe.
Scully or Mulder: Skinner, the baldheaded champion.
Are you self-aware?: I know where you live!
You have the best web page I have ever seen but of course yours is the first I have visited. And for anyone who is reading this comment, War Bird is one of the best people I know! Do I get any extra experience for that? See ya soon.

John Oliver - 02/22/99 04:00:12
My URL:http:// Not Yet
My Email:jloliver@mis.net
Your Hat Size: Man that head is huge!
Paper or Plastic: Latex
Godzilla or King Kong: Skeleton Dwarves
Is this a Trick Question: Yes,no,yes,maybe.
Scully or Mulder: Skinner, the baldheaded champion.
Are you self-aware?: I know where you live!
You have the best web page I have ever seen but of course yours is the first I have visited. And for anyone who is reading this comment, Tech Deneva is one of the best people I know! Do I get any extra experience for that? See ya soon.

M. Martin - 02/05/99 02:08:35
My Email:you know
Your Hat Size: 10 gallon
Paper or Plastic: papstic
Godzilla or King Kong: ok
Is this a Trick Question: define "trick"
Scully or Mulder: pouty lips ok?
Are you self-aware?: ja !

Lord Vader - 01/23/99 04:44:06
My Email:lvvader41@hotmail.com

10/16/98 08:06:37
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Drew T - 07/24/98 05:00:52
My Email:ask_drew@hotmail
Your Shoe Size: 5 1/2
Paper or Plastic: plastic
Godzilla or King Kong: godzilla
Is this a Trick Question: yes
Scully or Mulder: scully
Are you a Space Alien?: yes
This a very cool web page I hope you update it soon. You have the very best web page I have every seen.

Kara Townsend - 06/28/98 00:22:26
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I saw your site and thought it was great. I know how difficult it is to keep a quality site. Good Job! Let me know if you want to exchange links :)

Cody Terry - 05/28/98 15:42:53
Paper or Plastic: plastic
Godzilla or King Kong: Godzilla
Is this a Trick Question: yes
Scully or Mulder: Scully
Are you a Space Alien?: yes

cody Terry - 04/23/98 12:20:58
My Email:codygem@hotmail
Your Shoe Size: 8 1/2
Paper or Plastic: paper
Godzilla or King Kong: Kingkong
Is this a Trick Question: yes
Scully or Mulder: scully
Are you a Space Alien?: no

Lord Vivian Vader - 04/20/98 02:14:16
Paper or Plastic: Yes
Godzilla or King Kong: Yes
Is this a Trick Question: Yes
Scully or Mulder: Yes
Are you a Space Alien?: Yes
From the bowles of hell I have returned to avenge the death of my bartender brother. Your ass is mine!

GOD ALL FACKIN MIGHTY!! - 12/01/97 23:30:16
My URL:http://www.heaven.org
My Email:god@heaven.org
Your Shoe Size: i wear sandles
Paper or Plastic: i prefer latex
Godzilla or King Kong: GODzilla, of course
Is this a Trick Question: nope
Scully or Mulder: Suclly
Are you a Space Alien?: you betcher ass!
FLAIL WARBIRD!! this is sangamon, here to use and abuse your web page. thats quite the site you have here, i lauged my ass off at the colon.... er.. clan pages. and oh, BTW, the secret of life is... TRANSFER INTERUPTED!

KaliYama - 11/30/97 22:35:45
My Email:KaliYama@hotmail.com
Your Shoe Size: 13's men
Paper or Plastic: Tungsten
Godzilla or King Kong: Kodiak
Is this a Trick Question: You tell me
Scully or Mulder: Mulder
Are you a Space Alien?: We're all aliens,in our own way
Hey WarBird!Great site!I was ticked at all of your frickin' fantasy links till i saw the H.P. Lovecraft one,you've earned my blessings.See ya SOBs 'round! KaliYama de Strap On Boy

Kenny Palmer - 11/28/97 20:19:03
Your Shoe Size: 10
Paper or Plastic: plastic
Godzilla or King Kong: Godzilla
Is this a Trick Question: who knows
Scully or Mulder: Mulder
Are you a Space Alien?: That's up to you
Nice Site Bob

GC Pumper G Hazen - 11/07/97 14:25:56
My URL:http://www.adnc.com/web/tadiken/stacindex.html
My Email:tracer@adnc.com
Your Shoe Size: 13
Paper or Plastic: plastic
Godzilla or King Kong: Godzilla
Is this a Trick Question: yes
Scully or Mulder: scully
Are you a Space Alien?: of course
Bitchin site

Count Dracula - 10/29/97 16:39:54
My URL:http://Transylvania.6500.boo
My Email:CD@T6500.boo
Your Shoe Size: 10
Paper or Plastic: I am allergic to plastic.
Godzilla or King Kong: Posers!
Is this a Trick Question: Is this?
Scully or Mulder: Ah, the ever delectable Scully, of course...
Are you a Space Alien?: No, you idiot, I am Count Dracula!
The children of the night... what music THEY make...

Dragonfly Chistu - 10/28/97 00:40:50
My URL:http://home1.gte.net/bjdavies/
My Email:bjdavies@gte.net
Your Shoe Size: 9, I think (depends on shoe) :\
Paper or Plastic: Clog up landfills or chop down trees? Landfills.
Godzilla or King Kong: Godzilla. Or a big 'Mech (executioner?)
Is this a Trick Question: ...
Scully or Mulder: With a 'mech called "G.L.A.D.C.S." you figure it out.
Are you a Space Alien?: No, I am a genetically engeneered Clan Warrior. 'nuff said.
Hail, Nice page WarBird - ah cool classified directory too... all this time I thought Elvis was dead...

Push-over - 10/09/97 05:17:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Stage/2511
My Email:push'in@Kat-man-dooo
Your Shoe Size: outrageous
Paper or Plastic: Plastper
Godzilla or King Kong: Nasty dogs and funky Kings!
Is this a Trick Question: yep!
Scully or Mulder: Snappy Kakkie
Are you a Space Alien?: Yes,from the Avalon sector!
Man has not evolved an inch from the slime that spawn him!

The Allustrious Brehmon Cul - 10/07/97 13:13:59
My Email:abcampbell@mindspring.com
Your Shoe Size: Bend over, I'll show you
Paper or Plastic: Card board please
Godzilla or King Kong: King Kong
Is this a Trick Question: Is this a trick answer
Scully or Mulder: Scully and that chick on the books page
Are you a Space Alien?: I'm and innerspace alien
Only one individual -mment: Nobody, but nobody, says nobody, but nobody, like someone else!

macdoogi - 10/04/97 00:26:05
My Email:macdoogi@aol.com
Your Shoe Size: 16
Paper or Plastic: teflon
Godzilla or King Kong: Ultra-Man1
Is this a Trick Question: 1+-*/0
Scully or Mulder: cancer-man
Are you a Space Alien?: i don't know

Brent Campbell - 09/29/97 16:59:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/Park/6943
My Email:abcampbell@mindspring.com
Nice musical accoutrement. It would be nice to have a button to click in order to hear it again.

Ocelot (well, not really...) - 09/28/97 01:52:38
My URL:http://www.cc.ysu.edu/~s0219178
My Email:s0219178@cc.ysu.edu
Your Shoe Size: ~5" tall
Paper or Plastic: Neither... where do you buy _your_ shoes?!
Godzilla or King Kong: Wouldn't theirs be too big?
Is this a Trick Question: What do _you_ think?
Scully or Mulder: I don't see a verb in that sentence....
Are you a Space Alien?: Sorry, I'm not supposed to tell.
42! (What's left to be said?)

ChevetteMech - 09/27/97 23:08:27
My Email:stickitin@yourear.com
Your Shoe Size: L 8.5 R 11.5
Paper or Plastic: I prefer mesh sacks
Godzilla or King Kong: King Kong
Is this a Trick Question: No, this is a noun
Scully or Mulder: "take it all of scully"
Are you a Space Alien?: Take this you steenkin martian!!!!
I slit a sheet, a sheet i slit, upon a slitted sheet i sit.