Spooky's Basement

This is a fan-run webpage, intended for the enjoyment of other fans. "The X-Files", all related characters, and all copyrighted images belong to Chris Carter, 1013 Productions, Fox Television, and the various copyright holders, used here without permission. No copyright infringement is intended, and no money is being made from this site.


"Aberrant Excursion" By Orianna
Unexpected behaviour and startling events
occur following a needless trip to New Mexico.
Rated PG

"Consolation" By Orianna
An unexpected source brings comfort to
one who is grieving from a sudden loss.
Rated PG-13

"Dark Cell" By Orianna
Scully is in a very dark place, courtesy of Them.
Rated PG

"Grace" By Linda Phillips
What really happened after Mulder shot Modell.
Rated PG

"Incognito" By Orianna
This year's annual FBI masquerade ball
holds a few surprises for Mulder and Scully.
Rated PG

"Solitary Vigil" By Orianna
Mulder's gone-- this time for good?
Rated G

*Note: All stories by Caithryn James now say by Orianna,
because the author grew tired of messing with pen names.

Links to other X-Files websites

The X-Files
The one and only official site.

Mutual UFO Network--it really exists!

The Gossamer Project
A delightfully huge X-Files fanfic archive.

X-Files FanFic Links
If a site's got fanfic, its listed here!

It's the Frohike Liberation Organization.

Soulmates Eternal Archive
MSR fanfic--Anti-shippers beware!

Mulder and Scully--three scenes we've all been waiting for...

The Kiss
I Want You

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