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The main categories contained at Hobbes Corner have been deleted with the following exception:

Gun Club listings This is the largest body of data at this site, but it is already significantly outdated, and I am no longer updating it with any kind of regularity. In fact, I was going to delete this entire site from the web today (since I hadn't even looked at any of it in over 2 years) when I looked at the site statistics and discovered that the site has had over 50,000 hits. The only part of this site that ever had any real value was the listing of gun clubs, so I'll keep that portion of the site up even though I'm no longer updating it. There used to be sections of the site on many other subjects of interest to me, but since I'm no longer maintaining the data here or the site, I've decided to withdraw most everything personal about it.

For those of you who were hoping for a better site, I apologize, and wish you luck in finding what you want elsewhere.

Anthropology * Firearms/WLGC * Gallimaufry

Hobbes Corner / HH Publications / / revised SEP 2003

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