This is My Bouncer Ninja Doompah, be wary While he is around.
Greetings Weary Traveler,and Welcome to Ruthe's Tavern

I hope you enjoy you're stay, feel free to look around and do have a drink on the house.

  • So what is Ruthe's Tavern? I'm glad you asked that question. Ruthe's Tavern is just what it says a tavern/inn, it was built by my father Ruthe. He originally named it "The Draconian Tavern", but after he died it was renamed "Ruthe's Tavern" in honor of him.

  • What does it look like? It's a large building made of draconian oak (the hardest wood in the galaxy). Before you enter the tavern, you will notice a huge mountain just behind it, this is the East Mountain. The tavern is aligned on a north-south line, so when you look at it east is on the right and west on the left.

  • What's the scenery like? The scenery is some of the best,(i modled it after my own little rural area in PA). Coming from the north and flowing into a huge lake on the east side of the tavern is a bright blue flowing stream, with several little waterfalls, and one huge one almost directly behind the Tavern. The lake is the clearest blue and the water can be used to drink. On the shores of the lake there are scattered groves of tree.

    To the west you'll find a garden, full of edible plant and fragrant flowers, the far "wall" of the garden is really a shrubery row.

  • Ok Enough about the outside, what's inside? There is a large Common room or commons, there you can go to the bar and get virtually any type of drink you would like, behind the bar is a kitchen which you can use to make any kind of food you could ever want. At the south end of the Commons is a large stage, wich is used for live shows from time to time. Off of the commons is another large room, A gym of sorts. There are rooms upstairs if you wantto stay the night. There are 10 small rooms, 10 large rooms, and 5 suites.

    Depending on the person, there are many different things each sees

    Ground Rules

    I hate rules as much as the next person but I would appreciate it if you observed these ones

      1. Fighting:

      This has been in debate for a long time and I have decided fighting is forbidden while you are in the room, that means anywhere in the realm of the tavern. while in this realm damage will not be honored, hits wil not be honored. If you must fight then there is Battle Dome and millions of PR's no one want to see it. I have decided this for theses reasons:

    1. 1: I have observeed that no matter how planned out a fight may be everyone godmodes. Because iof that they are no fun.
    2. 2:People always jump in even if they have no idea wht the story is
    3. 3: No one wants to be in a place where fights always occur, an this has been the demise of several chat rooms

      The one exception is Food Fights, these are fun and safe there is however one courtesy i would like you to honor, If ya get into a food fight please clean up after you are done, the janitor just quit, so well we are shorthanded*Grynning*

      2. Orders And Groups: Orders and groups are ok. I must insist that you check it out with me before you say you're part of an order or group. If I see a group,order, or clan that is not on the order/clan list I will ask you to remove it from your tasg until I approve of it. There's nothing worse than Rping clan Wars. (the host has the right to deny any clan or order for any reason what so ever)
      3. People in Other Parts of the Tavern:As with The realm of Elahrair, Ruthe'sTavern is but A small part of the entire realm, please display where you are so that people can find you. I want the entire area around the Tavern to be yours to do what you will with. If you're c and the other persons C can mindspeaak than use that or send them a PM. (example of a Mind speak: ~~MS Dave: Hiya i'm here in the garden ~~
      4. Magic Land: : In order to keep Ruthe's tavern from being destroyed, A magician enchanted it. All Food that is consumed is refilled nightly. All damage to the tavern, intentional or atherwise repairs itself. Anything that could go wrong with the Tavern(with the exception of a WBS crash) is made well again.
      5. Lamers, Zippies etc: A lamer or a zippy is one who disregards all other C's They Take no damage when you attack them fairly, they cause A lot of headaches, and they know little or nothing about how to RP, they simply attack to make people mad and get attention. I implore you Please if you see one of these, please do not fear using the ignore box. (if you don't give them what they want they will get bored and leave)
      6. Pictures: Although I prefer that you use them for entrances and exits, I do allow pictures at any time, just not humongous ones. When I say Nu Humongous ones i mean Maximum size=200x200 and 30K. I feel this is reasonable I mean All you kneed is to see what the character looks like. if you don't have a pict that size see a barkeep or a soldier and if they can They will be hapy to make your pictuere the correct size. Or you can see me and I'll try, i'll even add your handle to the picture(if the scheool alows the program, whem i'm at home i'll be happy to do it)
      7. Animated Pictures: Are not allowed, they eat up memeoryfaster than anything. and not everyone has Netscape 2.0 or some other equivalent, and not everyone has a really good computer or ISP. I will insist that you remove any and all animated pictures.
      8. The Hosts: We arethere to help you out, feel free to talk to us if you so need
      9. The Golden Rule: one rule I strictly enforce is the golden rule, relax, have fun, use your imagination, and enjoy your stay at Ruthes Tavern (if i see someone not having fun I and my friends will make it fun **EG**)


    The following is a list of some language you might encounter here at ruthes