People Involved

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So you're interested in knowing who's behind all this Hall of Shame crap? Well, this page is just the right place to find that kind of information. Who's behind all this and who helps with the pages from the start. This will also be my shout-outs page.

The people mentioned in this part of the Hall of Shame are the ones that I want to acknowledge for their help and time <yah, RIGHT!>. Ok, enough of the blabber, let's get on with this.

First is [yakult]. Without this good friend of mine, I wouldn't have had the strength to finish this site. Now, now, we're just friends but she just MAKES HER WEBPAGES SO FAST that I just wanted to finish mine as quickly as possible just to keep up with her. Damn I just wish we had the same time zones. <grin>

Next is JiGSaw who said that he would help me run this site but ... well, I don't know what he thinks of when I ask him to do the layout for me. I think he just stares at the damn screen and hopes that I forget what I just asked him to do, but hey, it's ok really ... REALLY!! Just fooling around with you, JiGS ... sort of.

And another friend of mine, mist. She helped me one little bit on something on this page. But I still decided to say thanks to her. So ... thanks!! <smile>

Lastly for now, Lush for providing me with the fonts that I used for the graphic links. Sorry if I over-used your fonts, Lush! <grin>

Ok, people, that's it for now. I'll be adding more thanks as time passes and as this site improves. If you were not mentioned and you feel that you should be in this part of the HoS, feel free to email me and remind me of what you did. Oh yeah, one little reminder before you decide to email me your part, make sure that you really deserve to be mentioned in this page. Because if I think otherwise, you might find your name mentioned on the site ... but on another page. <hint>

All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 1997. Maintained by DirtyToad.
For inquiries on this site email DirtyToad. 27 November, 1997.