What's New On The Site? What's New

October 12, 1998

The StarMech Design Labs is now online. Please check it out.

September 18, 1998

Remember all those huge graphics on the StarBus Fleet page? Well, I've compressed them somewhat, so that people that don't have T# connections (like myself) will be better served.

September 13, 1998

Updated the Hell's Foxes page and the main page. More changes to come later.

April 16, 1998

Well, do to the fact I have no time to really put into keeping everything here updated I have decided to make a few changes to the site. First, unless someone contacts me at the end of the month, I'll be taking down the IS Manufacturer's List. I just don't have the time at the moment to complete it. Plus there are better resources out there now (look at Sarna.Net for a good resource.) Second, since there are so many pages about Battletech going up and down I'm not going to maintain my links page anymore. If you're looking for a page mail me . I have alot of links and can send you a couple that could be of use to you. Other than that I've updated and deleted some old stuff and, as time becomes available, I will add more stuff to this.

January 16, 1998

Happy New Year. Well, I've given up trying to keep this page updated weekly. I just dont' have the time. This means a couple of things: 1) I won't be working on the Inner Sphere Manufacturer's List (unless someone wants to. Mail me if you wish to do so. 2) Updates to this page will be a bit erratic, but I will still update it. Mostly the links page and such. I will also put in the manufacturers that people have sent to me.
One a brighter note, THANK YOU to all who have E-Mailed me and made comments on my guest page. Keep your chins up......

October 31, 1997

The re-worked Fusilier pages have been finished. Taking the style from FM:M, the Fox's Fusiliers pages look more authentic now. I'm proud of it. I hope you like it.

October 14, 1997

Made some minor changes to my main page (a few better graphics). COMING SOON: redesigned Fox's Fusiliers page. Been a bit busy cause of university and Battleforce IRC (VERY addictive). Be patient. New things will come in time.

September 12th, 1999

Became a member of the Solaris 7 Battletech Link Exchange. Thanks to George Blouin for designing the banner for the page.

September 5th, 1997

Well, it's been a LONG time since this page has had anything done to it. Well, that's going to change. Some minor changes and major completions will be done in the next couple of months. Some changes now are some additions to the links, changing the guestbook I use (I'm now using the guest book provided by GeoCities. Hopefully it will provide faster service since it won't have to access a site off the GeoCities system) and I've gotten the fleet page of StarBus up and running. Also, to thoses of you who sent in companies to be listed in the Manufacturere's List, I haven't fogotten you. You'll be listed ASAP.

May 17th, 1997

My personal page is up and more companies were added to the manufacturer's list.

May 14th, 1997

Took the time to register with the RSAC. Now parents can see whether this site is sutiable for their kids!

May 7th, 1997

Well, this is the start of a new section of the site to show what's been updated and such. The Inner Sphere Manufacturers List is now online. There are only a few selections on line, but I'll be picking away at it and hopefully will have it done sooner or later (sooner that later I hope :) ).
I also hope to have a personal page as well soon.


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